when you and him try to have alone time

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WARNING!! slight lime ahead. I will not be saying when the lime will occur. If not comfortable with lime or lemons don't read before I take away your innocence.


Naruto has just came home from work. Him being Hokage and all that he doesn't have time for his family often. Your children were still awake playing games on their tablets. Well your daughter was. Your son was watching television. Since Naruto passed them he said, "goodnight kids. Hey whatcha doing up so late it's midnight." "Well you see tousan, brother and I wanted to stay up and do all these things because we wanted a midnight snack and then we couldn't sleep back." Said your daughter. Naruto kissed their foreheads and locked the door. "Alright kids." Naruto got 2 thick blankets and a bow of marshmallows then a bottle of soda, 2 cups, 2 bowls of chicken ramen and said, "eat the ramen first." Of course the kids ate the ramen first.
When Naruto got inside your bedroom he saw you were still awake. "Baby what are you doing still awake?" Naruto asked. "Oh hey, honey welcome back home. How was work?" You ask. Naruto took off his clothes and prepared to take a bath. "It was a bit difficult today sweetie." Naruto took a bath then came out in a towel. Naruto dressed and got into bed. "I missed you." Said Naruto kissing your neck. You gasped. "Me too." You moan. Naruto hovered over you. "I wanted to here this from you in a long time." Naruto said through his kisses on your neck. "Mmmm Naruto~" you moan. Naruto was about to take off his boxers when (daughter name) and (son name) barged in. Naruto quickly came off of you. "(Daughter name) and (son name) Uzumaki you get your asses in bed right now!!" You shout. Your children giggled ad ran off downstairs to play more games and watch more television. Naruto got up and locked the door. "Should have locked the door Naruto." "I know woman I know." Naruto got back into bed and tried to have sex with you. "Not in the mood." You said turning to sleep.


Sasuke had just gotten back from a mission with Lee and Chouji. He was 'in the mood'. So when he got home Sasuke immediately went to find you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to your bedroom locking the door behind. Sasuke climbed on top of you and kissed your neck. "Sasuke?" Sasuke grunted in response. He then took off his shirt and pants and took out his manhood. He took off your pants and was about to enter you while kissing your neck when (son name) came in the room. "mom I'm hungry!" He whined. Sasuke glanced at his son and glared while the little Uchiha stood with a smirk. "Alright sweetie go on now I'm coming." Sasuke went to continue but you pushed him. "Duckbutt I have to go feed our son." "Hn." You got up and went to go and feed (son name) while Sasuke was putting on fresh clothes.


You were underneath Neji on your bed giggling as he kissed your jaw. "Hahah. Neji. Oh my gosh." Neji whispered cheesy pick up lines in your ears as he lifted your shirt off. You moan out a laugh when Neji kissed sucked your neck bone color. Then 3 annoying sounds were heard. "Mom! We're hungry!" Your children whined. "(Daughter name), do you want to help mommy prepare a snack?" (Daughter name)'s y/e/c lit up and she nods a yes. Neji came off of you as you put on a shirt and went to go get lunch for your children. (1st son name) snickered at Neji and Neji threw a pillow at his face. Your 1st son ran away laughing.


You were on top of Gaara kissing his lips then unbuttoning his shirt. Gaara moaned as you left a hickey on his jaw. "Y/n~" moaned Gaara. "When was the last time you moaned my name?" "When we were making (daughter name) and (son name)." Said Gaara with a smirk. You blush and continue kissing Gaara. His arms wrapped around your waist as you make out. "These moments are rare." Gaara muttered against your neck and left a hickey. "Mom!!" Your head shot up and you looked at your daughter who had a giant smile. Your son came. "Mom, dad I tried to stop (daughter name) niisan but she didn't listen that you and dad were tired." Your daughter stood with a smirk. "It doesn't look like mom and dad are tired (son name)! They're just having-" "you kids must be hungry come on let's make you something to eat!" You said not wanting to ruin your eldest child's innocence. Gaara groaned and buttoned up his shirt.

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