When Their Female Friend Insults You

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Now you've had your fair share of being shit talked. Growing up amongst an older brother and sister does that to you! But when the shit talk comes from people outside of your family is where things get out of hand.

Lady Tsunade had assigned yourself, Naruto, Sai, Hinata and Sakura on a mission one hot Summer day with high hopes of you all succeeding. You were instructed to deliver food to Amegakure because they were suffering from poverty at the moment. Excited but knowing the journey would be harsh, since a few ninjas would obviously try to steal your packages, you were siked for this mission!

While out though with the team, as night fell for dinner and a rest trouble began amongst the lot of you. Hinata went around gathering firewood, Sai was hunting for food, Sakura was cleaning up, Naruto was on look out and you were making dinner at the moment. Everyone was busy and everyone was happy. All except the pinkette. It seemed as though she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that you could do all these things.

I mean you cook, you clean, you're an excellent ninja, you get along well with your family. There were things for her not to like about you out of jealousy. So, after dinner as you had served everyone Sakura decided she wanted to bring you down. "How's the food?" You asked them, hoping they found it pleasing. "Terrible." Sakura answered first and loud.

"Oh, what's the problem?" You asked her, knowing she had an issue with you. "Your hands made it so I guess that's what made it stink so much!" Sakura purposely poured the dish on the soil and got up. "Hey now! Apologize to y/n!" Naruto yelled at her. "Or else what?!" "There's no or else Sakura. You can't go around insulting her just cause she's better than you."

"Hey, let's not fight!" Hinata tried to calm everyone. "I'm not insulting your girlfriend Naruto. I'm just telling her like it is!" "Sakura I'm not kidding you right now. Apologize.." "Naruto," you say placing your hand on his shoulder to calm him. "Don't pay her any attention. If Sakura doesn't like my food then okay! I don't really care." Sakura scuffed at you and left, and the rest of you continued to eat in peace.


As a half assed member of Team Taka you've been around long enough to know everyone's name and origin story. Like every other time you got free time you left Konoha through the forest to go visit Sasuke. It was risky but you enjoyed the whole idea of sneaking out to see your fugitive boyfriend!~

On your way though you just got lucky enough to bump into the team! Suigetsu was the first to notice you, and he gave you a friendly wave to which you returned. You ran over and hugged Sasuke tightly, to which he returned the hug. "Sasuke!" "Hey." He kissed your cheek softly earning a scoff from the redhead behind him.

Sasuke ignored her existence, holding your hand and walking with you briskly to leave the area. "Come, I was just about to go on another travel. Let's get some expensive dumplings for dinner." "And who's gonna pay?!" Suigetsu interrupted. "Don't bother yourself with that," said Sasuke, "I know you're all too broke to look after your own shoes."

When you made it to a small part of Iwagakure Sasuke walked up to a fancy restaurant and booked five seats. He took his sat, wrapped his arm around you and watched you order first, because he was just that kind ah guy! Sadly (for her) Karin was feeling extra jealous today, so with a smile she made a snarky comment about your body type.

"Aren't you too skinny/fat/mid to be eating so much?" You were too surprised to speak, but Sasuke wasn't. "You talk to y/n again and you're gonna be speaking with death." He threatened the redhead. The table grew silent, Sasuke kissed your forehead and you gave him a smile. "Thank you.." "no, please. Don't thank me. Just continue ordering love."


You were crying and curled up in a ball at the spa, too scared to speak because of all the jabs and shoving Ten-Ten and some extras (literally) were doing to you. All because you kissed Neji on the cheek before you went separate ways. "It's ridiculous that he would ever like someone like you! You're weak and boring!"

Ten-Ten glared, "what's so special about you y/n? Huh? Tell me!" She shoved your arm. You shook your head sobbing, trying your best to stay calm. You didn't want to make a fool of yourself but in a sense you already were because you weren't standing up for yourself. "Look at you, Neji does deserve better and that better is me!"

After the spa you walked out with red eyes and Neji was quick to notice. He held your shoulders shaking you back and forth, "who did this to you?!" He was furious. Your eyes just glanced at Ten-Ten, and the two got into a heated argument. "You cannot bully y/n just because you felt like it Ten-Ten!!" "You can't expect me not to pick on her! She's literally weak! Why don't you build her muscle or something?!" "Get brain cells before you tell me what to do with my own wife!!!"

Neji called you his wife! Your cheeks grew warm especially when he lifted you bridal style and walked out. "Fuck off Ten-Ten." He told the girl.


Part Two will be posted next week!

Also, I'm not too sure if I ever did, but I have a book posted labelled Naruto x reader x Sasuke [CHILD]!

It's the love story of the two Naruto and Y/n, before and after he disappeared from her life leaving her with a child. The reader then moves on to be a single mother and a detective trying to figure out the case behind disappearing children! I started the book at least 2 or 3 years ago and it's completed!

Feel free to check it out!

Have a good day/night, and thank you for reading!

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