your family meets the children

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"S/n! D/n! Lily!" You yell running after each of your children who each held an item that belonged to you. Your phone, your undergarments, and your shirt. S/n turned around slowly with a wide smirk on his little face as he waved the phone around in the air. "Yah want it?" His blue eyes shined with mischief. "S/n!" "Come and get it!" He yells, and off he goes.

The door opens and shuts, and in walks your mother and father. They stare at you, the children, and what they were doing. "Who the hell are you guys?" S/n asked picking his nose. "Ugh," your father rubbed his forehead. "Just like the father." He turned to leave but your mother grabbed his arm. "F/n don't be so rude."

With a sigh, your father walked over to you and hugged you. "Hey baby girl." "Hi daddy. I'm sorry about all this." You stated grabbing your stuff. "I'll be right with you guys in a minute!" You claim and off you ran to go put clothes on.

The children and your parents just stared at each other. "Where's your mistake of a father?" Your dad asked. S/n growled having d/n hold him back. "No! Lemme at em!" Your mother held Lily in her laps. "Aw you are a beauty." She kissed her chubby s/c cheek causing Lily to laugh. Naruto walks in the house and yells out, "kids! Honey! I'm home!"

At that time you come running down the stairs in a white t-shirt and knee length pants. S/n runs over to his father and hugs him, followed by d/n, then Lily. On realising your parents were there, the Uzumaki gulped and excused himself to go upstairs until they leave.


"Come in b/n." You said opening the door for your brother. B/n entered the house, a neutral face expression. "Yah know, taking time off Iwagukre and visiting you has been a bit of a pain. I need to go back in a week to get back to all the missions I have missed. Then I gotta go visit dad too, and stay for a while. This better be worth it." He ranted.

You rolled your eyes trying not to glare at him. "Whatever."

Two pairs of foot steps come tumbling down the stairs. "S/n! Sintea (Pronounced: Sin-tea-ah)! Come meet your uncle!"

The children skipped over to you. S/n had a small scowl on his face, while Sintea looked excited. "Hi I'm Sintea Uchiha! Nice to meet you!" She beamed. S/n grunted, "whatever."

"Ah, I'm your uncle. Call me B/n." B/n said forcing a smile at s/n. You laughed nervously giving your son a small hit on the shoulder so he would straighten up his attitude. "So..." b/n started.

"What do you guys do for fun?" "I play dolly house!" Sintea said. "I train. Hard." S/n muttered. "Where's Sasuke?" B/n asked you. "On a mission." B/n looked towards s/n. "So you train huh?" He glanced at Sintea. "And you play with your dollhouse?" "Yes!"

He gave a small smile. "You're just like your mother when she was younger, but instead of playing with dolls and such, your mom played with kunais, shurikins, and went on a lot of fake missions for fun." He said to the young female Uchiha.

S/n was fascinated. "That's exactly what I used to do!" "Well look at that. I wonder, where'd you get the girly things from?" Sintea suddenly felt embarrassed. Everyone in her family was serious and did a lot of training, while all she did was play with dolls, pretend to cook, and play dress up. So she hid behind you.

"Aww baby don't be shy." You said running a hand through her h/c hair. Sintea pouted. "What a weakling." S/n muttered. B/n glanced at him. "Hey don't be a jerk to your little sister." The Uchiha rolled his onyx eyes. "Whatever." "I'm sick of your bullshit attitude! You are just like your damn father!"

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