When you leave

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You were preparing to go on a trip for the next 3 years. You were leaving to get stronger. Marco and Rick said they were going to miss you. "(Y/n) chan!" Shouts a blond haired idiot. You turn around slowly. It was Naruto. "Oh hey Naruto kun." You say bored. "Oi, (n/n), where are you going?" Asked Naruto curiously. Your father comes walking. "Did you say goodbye yet (y/n)?" He asked in a serious tone. "Yes tousan (dad)." You say to your father (f/n). "Okay honey time to leave." Says your mother (m/n). "Yes kaasan (mom)." You say to your mother sadly. "Your leaving?" Asked Naruto as you walked through the gates of Konoha. "Yes." You say not looking at Naruto. "What! How long!" He shouts. "I don't know idiot." You say. "I'll miss you." Says Naruto sadly. "Me too. Bye Naruto. See you at the Chunin exams." You say and walk away with your mother and father.


"Where are you going (y/n) chan!" Shouted Ino with a snicker. That bitch, you thought smilling a fake smile at Ino. "Away for a while. I have to get stronger!" You shout fist pumping the air. "Well whatever. Now I have Sasuke kun all to myself! Wait, I have to share her with stupid Sakura!" Growls Ino. "First of all I don't really care and second. I didn't mean tell Sasuke I was leaving." You say feeling guilty. Your mother (m/n) says it was time to leave. Sasuke comes and sees you. You both share a look and you leave.


You were leaving to become stronger. "Hinata!" You shyly yell. Hinata turns around. You hug Hinata who hugged back. "I'll miss you." You said to Hinata. Hinata cried. "I'll miss you too." Said Hinata. "Honey let's go!" Shouts your mother. You let go of Hinata. Neji came. "Where are you going?" He asked curiously. "Away." You said. "For how long?" Asked Neji. "3 or 4 years." You said. Neji lifts up your chin. He whispered in your ears, "don't forget me." You blush and nod a yes. Your father shouts, "y/n let's go!" You flinch at his tone and ran towards your parents. Your brother b/n rolled his eyes at your shyness. "Loser." He muttered. Your eyes flicker with anger and your fist collided with your brother's jaw. B/n grunted and held his jaw. "Mom , dad, I think she flipping broke it!" Said b/n. Your father smirked and your mother held her forehead. The two dragged you two away out of the gates of Konoha.


You were sitting next to Temari talking. "I'm leaving." You said to Temari. Temari dropped her rice ball she had in her chopsticks. "What!?" She shrieked. You flinch. "Honey!" Shouts your mom. You get up. "Tell Kankuro I said see yah." You said. "Not so fast. You're leaving now." Said Temari sadly. "Yeah." You said. "Well at least hug me." Said a voice. When you turned around you saw Kankuro and Gaara. "Hug me." Said Kankuro. You run to the puppet master and hug him tightly. Gaara grunts. He grabbed you out of Kankuro's embrace and hugged you himself. "Remember me." Whispered Gaara. "You know I will." You said to Gaara. You run to your mother and you both set off outside of Konoha.


You were following the butterfly Armadale that Shino gave you. "Armadale get back here!" You whine chasing the butterfly. Armadale just kept flying. When she stopped flying she was infront of Shino. You slightly jumped. "So you were going to leave without saying goodbye." Said Shino. "No way Shino!" You said nervously. Shino rolled his eyes but you couldn't see. "Bye then. Take care of yourself and Armadale." Said Shino. You hug Shino who slowly hugged back. "I will buggy." You said calling Shino your favourite call name for him. "Hehe. Okay n/n." Said Shino. You let go of Shino and rushed off with Armadale to your awaiting parents. Shino sighed in sadness. He wished you didn't let go. You left through the gates of Konoha.


You sat next to Shino and player with d/n. "Well Shino, bye. Take care of yourself." Shino nods. You got up and began leaving. A bark was heard. You turned around and saw Akumaru. He whimpered in sadness. "Yeah Akumaru, y/n's leaving without saying goodbye!" Pouts Kiba. You sigh. D/n whines. You hug Kiba and pat Akumaru's head. "Bye Kib'. Bye Maru'." You said to Kiba and Akumaru. D/n snuggled into Akumaru's neck and nozzles her head to his head. "See yah." Said Kiba sadly. You smile slightly and ran off with your father.


Lord 3rd said you had to go and get even stronger to help protect Konoha since you were told to probably be the next Hokage and you were one of the top Jounins in Konoha. Of course you agreed. "Aito, Ashton and Sachin be good. I leave you 3 under the hands of my old friend Jaraiya. Under no circumstances don't answer him if he's being perverted." You said to your students mostly Aito. Aito grunts and pulled Ashton closer to him who slightly blushed. Sachin rolled his eyes. "Oh and Sachin is in charge." You said with a smirk. Sachin's eyes grew wide with surprise and Aito's eyes grew wide with disbelief. When you were halfway out of the gates, Kakashi came. "Leaving." Said Kakashi. You turn around. "Yeah." You said. The two of you were silent. "Good luck." Said Kakashi. "Same to you." You say. Kakashi came close to you and hugged you close. You blush but hug back. When you let go Kakashi smilled a little. "Bye." You said at the same time. You left and Kakashi sighed.

Sorry, I'm too lazy to do the other 2. Just use this one.

N/c is Naruto character that is not mentioned in the story. It needs to be a MALE. You hear me, well erm read me 😅. So enjoy.

You were talking to Sakura happily. Then you brought up a topic. "I'm leaving now." You said. Sakura frowned. "Why!?" She whined. "You'll cry if you know the meaning." You said getting up. "*gasp*, you're going away?" Said Sakura shocked. A few tears rolled down her face. "Yes." You said sad by Sakura's frown. You hug Sakura and she hugged back immediately. When you let go you see n/c looking at you and Sakura weirdly. "Y/n's leaving!" Said Sakura. N/c frowned. "Dan I at least get a goodbye kiss or hug?" He asked. You chuckle and hug him. N/c kissed your forehead and said, "n/c doesn't want y/c to forget him." You giggle at his childish side kicking in. "I won't forget you n/c." You said to him. N/c smilled. "Me neither." You let go of n/c and walked away. Your parents pat your head and you left Konoha.

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