When he protects you

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You and Naruto were on a personal S-rank mission sent by Lady Tsunade. As you both walked about a village unheard of you started feeling like someone was watching you both. "Naruto I've got a bad feeling about this village. You know we should really go and just call it a day." Naruto turned and looked at you. "Nah!" When he said that 3 unknown ninjas jumped out of no where with huge swords and shurikins. They began to throw them at the two of you at once. "Y/n run!!!!" You turned to run but was met with one of the unknown ninjas, a female with one eye missing. A clone came out of no where and picked you up quickly running off. "Naruto!!!" You screamed out his name. After 3 hours there was no sign of Naruto and the clone had suddenly disappeared. You looked around the village. There was blood everywhere. Then there was his headband. A piece of his clothing. You picked both up, your eyes wide as tears fell from your face rapidly. As quickly as possible you ran back to the hidden leaf to report to Lady Tsunade about Naruto being captured.


You and Sasuke were holding hands hanging out in an unknown village sitting have a picnic. You looked around at all the wild trees, birds, insects and water streams. "Sasuke this place is peaceful and very beautiful. I would love to live here." He chuckeled a bit but stopped immediatly. "You okay hon?" Sasuke nodded standing slowly bringing you up with him. "I want you to trust me.." he started off. "Sasuke what's wrong?" "Shhh. When I tell you to run, run as fast as you can back to the village." You nodded. From a distance you heard somethinf click. "RUN!!" As fast as you could you started heading directly out of the village. Sasuke was behind you, his mangekyu-sharingan activated as he used a kunai and knocked away countless exploding kunais and shurikins. When you turned around you saw two tall strong men. Sasuke had summoned Sasuno. He turned around, his eye bleeding. "Y/N I SAID TO RUN!!!!!" "Get the girl!" When one of the men tried to get to you Sasuke kicked him hard to the head breaking his neck. Two more men came attacking the Uchiha. By the time you turned around 2 hours later, there was no sign of Sasuke. Quickly, you ran directly to Tsunade's office.


Neji had invited you to hang out with him and his friends. The entire gang was there. From Sasuke to surprisingly Shikamaru. You were all training after having some pizza. You had to go against Ten-Ten. The female glared at you as she took out her ninja tools. You glared back. "Fight!" Naruto yelled. Ten-Ten charged against you with speed cutting all over your body with shurikins swiftly. You tried dodging some. After having enough, you stomped the ground causing rocks to hold Ten-Ten still. "Y-you know Earth Jutsus??!" She asked shocked. "Yes." You took a stance and performed wind jutsu on her sending some of her shurikins flying towards her. Ten-Ten quickly got herself out of the rock trap and lundged herself at you with hatred in her eyes, a poisonus kunai about to stab you. "That's enough!!" Neji jumped in your way grabbing Ten-Ten's hand striking all her pulses to keep her paralized. He turned around and looked at you checking out your scars. He then turned back to Ten-Ten. "Come near my girlfriend again and I'll beat the crap out of you. I don't care if you're a damn girl." He picked you up gently and walked to Ichiraku to get you some warm ramen and to treat your skin. "Thank you Neji." The Hyūga kissed you deeply and you kissed back. Neji smiled a little touching your face. "I'd do anything for you y/n. I love you so much." You blushed a bit fighting back a small smile. "I love you too baby."


You and Gaara were in the middle of a dessert making out enjoying the peace. "You look so beautiful today y/n." You blushed kissing his nose. "I know." On your way back to Suna, Gaara saw a strange person standing in the dessert, just standing, doing nothing. He was a bit creeped out. She wore a black cloack and a straw hat. When you held hands with Gaara sand immedieatly surround you and him. "Gaara what's wrong?!" Gaara looked at you. "My sand only does this if there was an attack." The Kazekage released his sand and saw the same strange person. It was a woman with long black hair, red eyes, and sharp teeth. She sent multiple rattle snakes after you once more. Gaara killed them all. Stretching his hand veins began to show on Gaara as his skin began to crack. "Sand coffin...." he muttered surrounding the confused woman with sand. "Sand barrier!!!" Gaara closed his fist and the woman exploded. Blood splashed everywhere. He looked at you and smiled softly hugging you close to him. "As long as you're safe y/n."

I'll stop right here 😪. I'm kind of tired. Ugh writing this makes me miss my boyfriend and wish he were here😞. Have a good day! I will update more soon!

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