family moments #1

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You sat down in the kitchen gathering five bags filling them all with snacks! Naruto had planned on taking you all camping. (Son's name) ran in the kitchen and giggled putting five cookies into his little blue bowl and putting it inside of his lunch bag. "How long are we going camping mommy??" He asked you. You smiled at (son's name) and said, "three days." (Daughter's name) ran inside the kitchen next and she grabbed her yellow bowl. She then filled it with gummy worms and chocolate then placed the bowl into her lunch bag. You sighed and continued packing the things neccesary for camping hearing the giggles of your baby Lily. The blond haired child was crawling towards you reaching up her hands for you to pick her up. "Mama!!" You stopped what you were doing and picked Lily up kissing her chubby cheek. "Hi baby." Naruto ran in the kitchen panting. "I got the clothes in the bags, the tents, the sleeping bags, the--" "great." You stood and carried Lily in one arm while the other held a bag full of food. When you got to the van Naruto placed all the bags inside and he sat in the drivers seat. You all entered the car and buckled up. "I'm so excited!!!" Screamed (daughter's name). You looked at her and smiled. "Okay Naruto let's go."

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