where he takes you for vacation/he gets a boner

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Oh no!!!! School's about to open!!!! This is terrible 😦😦😦😦!!!! School's back and I have less updates and then!! And then!!! No more vacation!!!!! I'm going in 8th grade!! And guess what~ I'm in the first A class! Usually I'm in the second!! But now I'm in the first!! It's my first time actually!! I am so proud of me!!! Oh! I'll be asking questions now btw!!

How do you feel about going back to school?

Leave your answer in the comments!



"Hey y/n?" "Yes Naruto." "Do you want to go anywhere this summer?" "Yeah! Sure! Where!!" Naruto stopped to 'think' for a while. He grinned and pulled out two tickets!! "We're going to The Bahamas!!!!" You squealed and jumped on Naruto's laps. His eyes grew wide. He felt himself become hard as you moved around on his laps near his member. "Stop that please." He said trying hard not to moan. "Sorry! The Bahamas! How cool is that!?" You squealed. "Very cool. It'd be even more cool if you stop moving." "Heh heh, sorry Mr. Hokage."


"Y/n?" "Yes." "How about a vacation?" You looked at Sasuke to make sure he was being serious. "You're kidding right?" "Nope." You smiled a bit. "Yeah sure! Where!?" Sasuke chuckled and pulled out two tickets. "We're going to Chicago." You squealed and jumped in Sasuke's laps. "Thank you baby!!!" Sasuke groaned when he felt your ass grin on his member. "Ah, stop." He said. You looked at Sasuke with an eyebrow raised. "What's your problem groaning like that?" You asked. "N-nothing." You rolled your eyes and squealed again. "Yes yes yes! Chicago here we come!!" "Y/n!" "Sorry King of Ice!"


"Dear?" "Yes sweetie?" "Do you want to go on a vacation with me?" You glanced at Neji and blushed thinking about how grand this vacation might be. But then again you thought about what he might try to do with you. But getting away from Lee might be great!! "Yes please! Where honey!?" Neji pulled out two tickets and smirked. "We're going to San Francisco." You gasped and jumped on Neji's lap. "San Francisco!! San Francisco!!!" You squealed hugging Neji. You accidentally grinned against Neji and he blushed. "Oh my-" you glanced at Neji. "Are you okay?" You asked. "Y-yes I'm fine. Stop moving though." You blushed and did as told but you couldn't control yourself. "Gee whiz I can't wait!!" Neji groaned again. "Y/n!!" "Sorry Neji-kun!"


"Darling?" "Yes dear." "Do you want to go on vacation?" "Sure where?" Gaara pulled out two tickets and smiled his rare smile once you jumped up and squealed. "We're going to Easter Island." "Easter Island?" "Yes Easter Island." "But uh, it's not Easter." "I know but it's a pretty fun place." "Oh... awesome!!!!" You jumped on Gaara's laps and kissed all over his face. Gaara blushed slightly feeling himself become hard. "Um can you stop moving?" You rolled your eyes and glared at Gaara getting off his laps. "Well just by moving you got a boner huh?" "N-no it's just that!" "Shh Gaara. Also, I'm not going to have sex with you." "No wait y/n come back! Are we still on for the vacation?" You smirked. "Yes." "Okay thanks! You can sit on my lap now~"


"Oh Sai what're you drawing?" Sai showed you his drawing proudly. "Woah. What is that place??" You asked. Sai smiled a bit. "I was wondering, if you wanna leave this village for a week or two?" You grinned. "Yes please! Where!?" Sai smiled again. "Do you want to go on a vacation at Hamburg?" "Never heard of it but it sounds cool!! Hell yeah!!" You jumped on Sai's laps and kissed his lips for a long time. Your hand accidentally brushed against his area and he moaned a bit. "Can we stop now?" Sai asked. "Huh? But why?" You asked seductively. "U-ummm, your breath is unpleasant." "What!?" "That is right." Sai looked you right in the eye. You got up and grabbed a ticket. "I'm going alone Sai! When you wanna go together apologize!" When you left, Sai sighed in relief. He held his chest and said, "girls have sensitive feelings when it comes to their breath. I made a good lie."

Kiba (🐶😰)

You were playing with p/n in the house and saw Kiba walk over to you. "Hey." He said. "What?" You asked. "How bout' we go on vacation?" You turned to look at Kiba with a blush. "Wh-where?" Kiba smirked. "In Moscow." Kiba pulled out two tickets. You gasped and nodded excitedly. "Yes! Oh please can we go!?" Kiba chuckled. "Sure baby. Anything for you." You glanced at p/n and Akumaru. "But what about them?" You asked. "Pets aren't allowed so I decided I'd leave them with Naruto and Hinata. Hinata will take Akumaru since he won't kill her and Naruto will take p/n since she likes him. Unfortunately." You giggled and bent to pick up p/n's chew toy. Kiba looked at your butt and became hard. "Uh-huh. So I'll be in the bathroom!" "Okay Kiba!" Kiba licked his lips and said to Akumaru, "keep em' busy boy." Then he left.

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