when you're scared/ when he's scared

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You were sitting down in your apartment with your boyfriend Naruto watching him set up the popcorn and soda that was until you saw a small dangerous scary looking fox! You jumped up on the couch some more and then ran off it jumping on Naruto. "Y/n-chan what's the matter?" He asked you. "Ahhhhhh!!!! It's a f*cking fox! Naruto get it out! How the f*uck did it even get here! Ahhhhhh it's coming to bite me!! Naruto!!!" You screamed in fear. Naruto chuckled picking up the fox and he pat his head then let him outside as the fox went away but glared at you before he left completely. You were still on Naruto and you clung  onto him. "Is he gone?" "Yeah.....y/n?" "Yeah?" ".....you were afraid of a fox! Hahah hahaha!!!!" Naruto laughed at you. Bad idea. You jumped off of your boyfriend and chased him around the house with a kunai in your hand. "I'm going to kill you!!!"

Sasuke (f/d is favourite dessert)

You and Sasuke were at a café having brunch. You had a f/d and a cup of chocolate tea while Sasuke was having a salad and a cup of plain milk. You then heard a small hissing sound. When you looked down you were still and frozen in fear. "Y/n?" "-Sasuke there's a f*cking cobra next to me get the rid of it ass." You said quickly. Sasuke said, "keep still." He got up and was about to grab the snake when it strikes to bite you. You jumped on the tree nearby and screamed. "Sasuke kill it!!!!" Sasuke gave you a serious look and pets the snake with a smirk. He began walking towards you with the snake in his hand. "Sasuke stop!!" Sasuke stopped and allowed the snake to come near you. "Sasuke please!!!" You were now crying anime tears and you jumped down the tree running as the cobra slithered after you. Sasuke caught the snake laughing and he puts it back in the forest. "Uh oh." He began running as you ran after him with his sword in your hand and darker e/c eyes.


You were talking to Hinata bored out of your mind about Naruto and Neji. "Naruto-kun h-has his ways Hinata-chan. He hates Neji-kun. Neji-kun h-has his ways also. He hates Naruto-kun. Why can't those t-two just get along- ahhhhhh ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" You screamed jumping behind Hinata. Neji ran in the room in alarm and looked at you worried. "Y/n-chan what's your problem?" Asked Neji alarmed. "N-Neji... I-I s-saw a-a r-r-r-roach!!!! I-it was-was h-huge!!!" You scream again seeing the roach come near you and Hinata. You and Hinata screamed and jumped behind Neji who took a few steps back also. "Neji-kun kill it!" You scream holding your boyfriend like there's no tomorrow. Neji walked out the room casually and you ran behind him along with Hinata. He locked Hinata's room and puts a yellow tape across the door that said, "do not enter". "Neji Hyūga isn't going to kill it?!" Shouts Hanabi while laughing. "Scary cat!!" She yells. Neji grumbled curses and walked away with you.


You and Temari were doing each other's nails. -rustle- your head turned toward the bags of clothing on the ground and you shrugged it off continuing to do Temari's nails. -rustle rustle- you turned and heard nothing. When you were turning you still didn't see anything. "Ignore it." Said Temari as she was now doing your toes. When Gaara walked in casually he yelled, "what the f*uck!!!" And he threw a pillow at a giant camel spider on the wall. You looked up and ran out the room leaving Temari who looked back and jumped off the bed. "Gaara kill it!!!" You scream holding Gaara's hand. Gaara took a few steps back and nailed Temari's door up. Then he said, "no one goes in. And no one comes out." He walked to his room and Kankuro stood by laughing at how scared Gaara was. "Gaara of the sand, Kazekage! Was scared!" He laughed.

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