random scenario

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Y/n and Sasuke lay asleep on a king size bed enjoying the warmth of one another. When y/n woke up and got out of bed, Sasuke said, "where are you going?" Y/n giggled and said, "I'm going to take a bath like usual and then report to Lady Tsunade." Sasuke groaned. "I have to put up with this!"
He grabbed y/n and took a bath with her. After the bath, y/n dressed herself in a white shirt and f/c knee length pants. She also wore her leaf village headband on her forehead. "Bye Sasuke." Y/n kissed Sasuke and he kissed back, "bye love." When y/n left Sasuke went to visit Naruto, but he wasn't at home. Confused, Sasuke went to the forest to train his chakra.
Night fell and Sasuke was meditating. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around seeing y/n. "Hey honey. Sorry I took long to come home. I was training." Y/n was still silent though. Sasuke asked, "what's wrong my love?" Y/n looked at Sasuke and tried hard not to show any signs of weakness and fear, since Sasuke doesn't like those kinds of girls.
"Sasuke, I have to go on an S rank mission." Said y/n. Sasuke's eyes grew wide and he turned to y/n. "You're joking right?" He asked. Y/n was silent. Sasuke didn't want y/n going on the mission. "When do you leave?" Asked Sasuke. "Now." Said y/n. Sasuke turned around swiftly and pulled y/n into a tight hug. "Do me a favor." Whispered Sasuke. "What?" Croaked y/n. "Don't die." Whispered Sasuke hugging y/n even tighter.
"I won't." Y/n kissed Sasuke's cheek and ran off.

(Two day time skip with y/n)

Y/n stood beside Gaara and Karui and watched as Pein stood in front of them. "I will not repeat myself twice! Hand over the woman that posses the rinengan like I do." Said Pein. Karui stood in front y/n and so does Gaara. "So you wanna play like that huh." Said Pein. He walked towards the three and attacked Gaara kicking him to the stomach but Gaara's sand blocked the attack. Karui threw kunais at Pein and he dodged them. Then Gaara took his sand and lifted y/n in the air. He began running with her while Karui held off Pein. But Gaara stopped running when he heard the sound of blood being spilled. He turned around swiftly and saw Karui with a kunai through her stomach and she was on her knees. She held her stomach and pulled it out roughly. "No!" Karui stood up shaking and threw a shurikin at Pein. Pein gasped and took it out. He threw it back at Karui and it missed her by an inch. Pein held out his hand, "almighty push!" Gaara blocked the wind with his sand but the jutsu was so strong Gaara flew back and y/n fell out his arms. "Y/n! Run!" Yelled Gaara in his rusty voice. Y/n jumped up and ran towards her friends.
She stood in front of Karui first. "Ah..you made it so boring..I was just about to kill that woman. But you came. Y/n was it? Move." Said Pein. "No. I will not let you end their lives!" Yelled y/n holding up a kunai. "Tsk." Pein began kicking y/n but she didn't move. "Move!" Pein blew up y/n's kunai. Y/n kicked Pein and he pitched back. "Fine." Said Pein. He held out his hand, "before I kill you, and take your eye, what do you have to say?" He asked tilting his head with no emotion. "Rinengan!" Y/n held out her hand also and a purple and blue orb began to form in her hand. "I just have to say one thing. Take care of yourselves. Tell everyone I said that. And tell Sasuke I said sorry." Y/n ran towards Pein and he stood still. "Almighty push/ take this!"
Gaara got up and winced at the gash on his back. He looked around for any sign of y/n while picking up Karui. "Y/n?" Said Karui. No sign of y/n was found. Pein stood with a smirk and held one eyes that possessed the rinengan. "Thank you." Pein ran off. Karui growled. "I'll! I'll! Uh~" but she was too weak to do anything. Gaara picked up the f/c leaf village headband and sighed sadly.

(Two days later)

Gaara and Karui returned to Konoha. At the gate they saw Izumo, Kotetsu, Sakura, Hinata, Kiba and Akumaru, Shikamaru, Ino, Temari, Choji, Ten-Ten, Neji, Tsunade, Kakashi, Kankuro, Naruto, Sasuke, Kurenai, Guy, Rock Lee, Shizune, Tamaki and Jaraiya. Sakura ran towards Karui and began healing her. Karui only winced some more and looked away from the eyes of Sasuke. "Where is y/n?" Asked Sasuke with his eyebrows furrowed. "Y/n." Gaara gave Sasuke y/n's headband. "What the f*ck is this supposed to mean!!!! Where is she!!!!!" Yelled Sasuke. "Sasuke!" Shouts Naruto. "Shut up idiot. Stay out of this." Said Sasuke. He threw away the headband and growled. "Who did it?" Confused Gaara looked at Sasuke, "what-" "I asked who did it!? Who killed her!?" Yelled Sasuke like a madman.
"Pein." Said Karui. Sakura sobbed. "Oh no." She walked over to Sasuke and said, "oh Sasuke, I'm sorry for your lost." Hinata turned away and began to cry. Neji sighed. Everyone grieved. The funeral came and it was time for everyone to say whatever they wanted to say.

• Naruto: hi everyone. I just wanna say, y/n was the kindest girl that I've ever met. She was there for me, when no one was. She helped me get back Sasuke. She helped me confess to Hinata. She protected me from Sakura. Ha. Sometimes I didn't want to believe it, but y/n was like a sister to me. I didn't want to be around her and I often pushed her away. I regretted that. I didn't get to say thanks. I realized I made a huge mistake. Pushing away a perfect girl from my life. Rest in peace y/n.

• Sakura: I never liked y/n. All the time I wished she were dead or sick or something. She was always perfect, better, prettier than me. Smarter too. And stronger. I hated her for that. She had perfect long h/c hair and those lightning e/c eyes that made all the guys in the academy beg to date her. I envied her and wanted to be her. But now that I look back on the past, y/n was always nice to me and I treated her like a total rat! I miss y/n. I wish I could have told her sorry before she went on that mission. I hope you're in a better place y/n.

• Hinata: y/n was like a best friend to me. She cared for me, gave me confidence, and acted like a mom. There were many things I never got to tell y/n. One of the many things being thank you. I never got to thank her. She is my hero. What she did for us, was something nobody else could have done. Thank you y/n.

• Sasuke: I remember the first time I met y/n. She was a feeble weakling. A loser. I never really liked her. Or so I thought. I actually crushed on her. Then when we met again, heh, she was training with Ino, or whatever her name is. Then came the day we had to go on a mission together. She is very powerful. Heh, then when she had to leave, hahaha, I was mad, I was going to loose my mind if I didn't see her again!!! But she came back, I met her in the forest. I was already in the Akatsuki. I already gave away my soul to Orochimaru. But...I didn't want to serve Orochimaru anymore. I wanted only to be with y/n, to protect y/n. So we started dating. Heck! I didn't even think we'd be a happy couple! But that all changed. And being with her, y/n, started right when she rescued me from Orochimaru, with Naruto, Sai, Kakashi-sensei and.....Sakura. I thank y/n for sharing my first...er.. second kiss. Damn you Naruto! I thank her for, forgiving me for cheating on her. She is my life, my love, my everything! Without her I'm nothing! Without her I'm not even an Uchiha! It's just like loosing Itachi! She was kinda like him! But she was different! Very different! Y/n acted like a loon! A loser! An idiot and if possible! The very 5th Hokage! Tsunade! But I fell in love with that loser! Y/n! ... It's amazing. I'm so cold and she's so sweet. Two opposites do attract. And we never let each other go. I was going to say these exact same words when she came back from that mission. And I was going to end it off by going on one knee and asking, "y/n l/n! May you marry me??" Because she was going to be the very next Uchiha and I never got a chance to ask her. I asked her to do me a favor and not die. She broke that favor. But I won't take my anger out on her. She's dead now. And I'm sure she's at peace.

Sasuke came down from the rock. He felt something warm run down his cold cheek. He was crying. The funeral was over and Sasuke took out the diamond ring he was going to propose to y,/n with. He rested it down on her grave. "Y/n, I love you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you...it... should have been me...it should have been me....it....should have..... been.....me!!!!!!!" With every word of 'it should have been me' Sasuke punched a brick until his knuckles bled. "I will avenge your death y/n. My will of fire, is to make sure whoever the f*ck-killed you-shall face my wrath!!!!!!"

(4 days later)

It was the nearly the end of the 4th Great Ninja War. Sasuke was looking for Pein with Naruto. When he found Pein, he saw Hinata lying dead and Naruto fighting Pein. "You killed y/n...now you'll die." Sasuke did his ultimate chidori while Naruto did his ultimate rasengan! They killed Pein. When Sasuke and Naruto looked at Hinata she was moving a bit. Sakura came in time to heal her and she lived. Sasuke smiled a little happy that Pein got what he deserved. He went home and was greeted by the cheerful sounds of a baby. His baby. A girl. Sasuke and y/n had a baby girl. Gaara safely carried the child back from the mission. She was born there. Although you couldn't see it, y/n was pregnant. She used a jutsu and sucked in the pain. The baby had h/c hair and e/c eyes. She also had s/c skin. This baby, even though Sasuke doesn't know it, possess the rinengan. A rare Kei-Kei Genkei that y/n her mother had. The baby's name was d/n Uchiha. From that day forth, Sasuke swore to never loose anybody else, close to him. He hugged his child close, and kissed her forehead with a smirk.

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