When They Show Your Son Porn

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Warning, this chapter will contain sex scenes and mentions of sex apps and shit like that. Basically. It's for 16 and up!


You were leaving out to take your daughter Lily to a puppet show she's always wanted to see, along with your second born d/n. S/n didn't want to come, saying he had a video game to finish off. You didn't even bother arguing, already fed up because Naruto didn't want to come either. "Alright bye honey!!" The blonde yelled. When you were out of view Naruto closed the door and rushed up the stairs to check on his son. A smirk came to his face watching the thirteen year old play video games on his computer. Naruto walked in after knocking and smiled brightly, "hey kiddo! It's just me and you! Us guys, home alone-" "yeah. That's really nice old man, but I gotta finish this level."

Naruto pouted. Again, s/n was refusing to spend some time with him. 'What can bond us guys together?' After some long and hard thinking, Naruto shoved s/n down and closed off the game. "Hey I was about to win! Now I'll start all over because of you!!" "Relax!" Naruto told the blonde boy. "Let me do my thing." He exited the app, and entered Chrome. Next, Naruto went Incognito, and started to type out the words on the screen.


S/n watched in shock at the different things that popped up. Boobs, girls with boobs and sucking off guys. Girls eating each other out! Two girls and one guy! S/n's pants grew tight just by looking at it. "Oh yeah son!" Naruto told him with a big grin, "this is the beginning of manhood! Trust me."


"Sigh!!" Sasuke ignored the sigh of s/n and continued reading his book in peace. S/n kept kicking his feet into the pool before him, and looking back at his father. "SIGH!!" He sighed louder to catch his attention.

"What brat?"

"Dad!" S/n jumped up, "I'm so bored!" "Go bother your mother then. She's baking cookies with Sintea." "No, I don't want to do girly stuff with mom!" S/n folded his arms. The thirteen year old was determined to do something with his father. Who was determined to get him off his back. Suddenly an idea came to Sasuke's head. "Wait." Sasuke stood and walked away to the kitchen. "Y/n," you turn at his voice, "yes hon?" "Where's my phone?" You point over at the table, "right there hon." "Thanks." Sasuke snatched it up and walked back to s/n. "You wanna spend time with me?" "Yes!" S/n yelled.

"Well," Sasuke opened his gallery and entered the videos section. There, he showed s/n a censored video. A man and a woman in cosplay, literally banging it out against a counter. "Ew, dad I feel weird!" Sasuke sighed, "have you never seen porn before?" He shoved his phone in s/n's hand. "Go explore kid. Now, leave me alone." And with that said Sasuke left to go elsewhere and read.


"Fuck! Fuck! Neji!"

"Keep your voice down, ngh, or you'll alert the children!"

[Five minutes later]

"Well that was surely a quickie!" You tell Neji with a slight eye roll, fixing your clothes as you walked on to check on your girls. Your first born walked over to Neji holding a toy knife in hand. He cackled and pointed it towards Neji. "You don't want to mess with me, you old man!" F/s/n told him. S/s/n tried pulling his brother back saying, "would you stop being an ass? Dad's just about fed up of you!" "Aye! If he's fed up he can suck my dick!"

Neji glared at f/s/n. "Such language I don't tolerate in and out of my house." He harshly told him. "So apologize for being so rude." "Sorry." F/s/n grumbled. T/s/n poked his head out from behind f/s/n's shoulder. "D-dad, what's porn?" He asked him. His soft e/c eyes were full of innocence. They've all been going through a faze recently, it came as natural. Being fourteen. Yet none of them knew what porn was. Though they've heard of the term.

Neji sighed and gripped each of them by the hair before releasing and saying, "follow me." They enter your room, and Neji locks the door. He turned on the television and searched for porn. When he entered a site, porn.com, the reactions from his sons were glorious.

F/s/n; oh crap, suddenly I feel like I'm about to blow!


T/s/n; is it just me, or is the place suddenly so hot?

"This, is porn." Neji blankly told them.


Your son was going through heat, and you didn't know how to deal with it. "Mom!" He came into your room that day saying. "I don't know why but I'm feeling so hot right now! My body's on fire, and my penis is.. it's!" S/n began to cry. "Mom! I'm dying!" He cried out. D/n, who was there! Started to laugh at him. "You're not dying you idiot! You're just horny!" "Horny? What's that?! Another form of death!"

And again tears fell from his eyes.

"No, baby! Don't cry!" You hug the thirteen year old, kissing his forehead after and smiling at your boy. "Don't cry at all! This will blow over!" But it didn't. When Gaara came home late from work to see everyone asleep, instead he saw you and s/n up and staring at the TV. "Look! Papa's home!" You tell him. S/n rushed to Gaara. His little boner, was still there. "Dad it hurts!" He whined. "It hurts really bad!"

Gaara was confused. "What hurts kid? Who hurt you?" Sobbing s/n clinged to Gaara. "My penis feels like it's about to fall off.." hearing this Gaara's face turned red. 'God, he's bold to tell me this.' "Alright s/n. Let's deal with it then." You were about to ask, "but how?" but decided not to and to leave it at that. Gaara took s/n to his room and s/n was told to lock his door.

They both felt awkward, but Gaara proceeded his actions. He quickly typed in a porn site on s/n's computer and showed him one video, of two girls fingering each other. S/n felt slight relief, and he turned to Gaara. "Isn't this disgusting? I mean, I feel like my thing is going-" suddenly he stops talking, and s/n clenched his legs together. "Did you just have your first orgasm?" Gaara asked him.

They both blush again before s/n covered his face and tightened his legs, "DAD! I FEEL WEIRD!!" "Don't worry, I'll educate you on your body."


"Hey sweetie," you spoke in a calm tone from your position on the coach, with your leg crossed and fingers linked to a teacup. "Hey mom!" S/n greeted as he threw his bag to the ground. "How was school?" "School was GREAT! Today we learnt about sex!" 'Ahhh fuck.' You think to yourself, "​​​​​​'why now?' "but I didn't understand the way sir taught us!"

You sip your tea as a small smile littered your lips. 'Thank you Jesus. He's still innocent for 14. That's hella good-' "so I'll just ask dad!" S/n skipped past entering the huge art room in the home. You groan and hold your head, "fuck my life man."

S/n snuck up behind Sai, who sat at a desk drawing a naked portrait of you with his imagination. He tried scaring his father but Sai only said, "good afternoon. Next time, hide your chakra." "Dad!~" "How was school s/n?" S/n sits on the desk to distract Sai, who quickly placed the art work on a canvas. "It was great. So let's get straight to it!" With a grin s/n's e/c eyes lit up. "Dad, what's sex?"

Sai smiled that fake smile to which s/n returned. He sighed and started to paint a whole scene for the boy with perfect detail, making it come to life before his very eyes! After it was done, all up to the random man ejaculating into the woman before pulling out, the paint become nothing but thin air, and s/n was left staring at his father.

"You explain things SO much better than sir!"

"Thank you son, I try."

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