When You Are Assigned On A Mission Together

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You were assigned to a mission with your teammates Rick Chicano and Marco Diss. They were two pretty cool guys but still they were ass holes. Your sensei Hikaru sensei, a male is a complete honest man. He wasn't that much of a thrust worthy person though when it comes to missions. He was at times a huge pervert. Now here you and your team, Team Hikaru were, walking to Saratobi's office in the Hokage building. Hikaru sensei knocked on the door. "It's open." He says in his old voice. When you 4 enter you all wanted to step back out. You see Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. "(Y/n) chan! What're you doing here!" Shouts Naruto hugging you. "Tch." Said Sasuke clearly wanting to see you. You look at Sasuke and suck your teeth on him. Sakura gets mad. "How dare you disrespect Sasuke kun!" She shouts rolling up her sleeves. "Maybe because I just did." You say with a smirk. "Enough!" Bellowed the old man (Lord Hokage). Naruto whined. "Oh man! Hey old man, hurry up will yah!" Shouts the blond. "Fine Naruto. You all have a B rank mission. You have to escort Tazuna and his son Tabula to his unfinished bridge." Says old man with a smirk. Hikaru sensei speaks up. "They are just Genins. This is for Jounin ninjas." Argues Hikaru sensei. "Yeah. This is too advanced for us." Says a scared Sakura. "You scared scarey cat." You tease Sakura, "whatever the consequences, I'll do it no matter what, I'm so close to be coming a Jounin I can feel it! I'll be the best of the best!" You shout fist pumping the air. "Bring it on." Said Marco smirking at your behaviour. Naruto then shouts, "believe it!" Him and those catchphrases.

Time skip to the middle of the mission

Naruto was on his knees wanting help. Tazuna and Tabula were bleeding. Everyone was down except you. There was only one thing left to do.

Time skip after the mission

"(Y/n) chan! That was so cool!" Shouts Naruto grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. What happened on the mission? The world may never know.


You were running away from Ino when you bumped into Sasuke. "Hey idiot, we have a mission together. Just the two of us. C rank." You say rubbing your forehead. "Hn. Ouch. When where?" Asked Sasuke rubbing his bump. "Tomorrow at the park." You say walking away. "Which one?" Asked Sasuke with a smirk. "What a stupid question Sasuke. There's only ONE park in Konoha idiot!" You shout at Sasuke. "I know. I just wanted to see you in your angry mode." Sasuke says with a smirk. "Not cool Uchiha." You laugh and Sasuke smirks. When you get to your house Sasuke was there. "So I'll pick you up at 6 am." Sasuke asks you. "Yeah. See you then duckbutt." And you enter your house.


You were training with Ten-Ten. "Your good y/n! Just cut it with the run away things. You're going to get killed if you were doing this on a serious mission with just you and 1 person." Said Ten-Ten throwing a kunai at you. You caught it and threw it back. It scratched Ten-Ten. "Ow. Wow you did it! Wait a go y/n!" Cheered Ten-Ten wrapping an arm around you. You grin shyly. You both hear a rustle and turn to see Neji. "Hn. Y/n I need to talk to you," Neji paused. "Alone." He told you and you both walk away from Ten-Ten. "We have a mission." He tells you bluntly. "Alone." He continued. "B rank." Neji said. You were afraid and excited. "Great!" You squeal but it was fake. Neji eyed you suspiciously. "Are you okay?" He asked taking steps forwards towards you. "Yeah. Never better." You say taking steps back. "Good. Next week Tuesday is the mission. Don't be late. I'll pick you up at 7 am." Neji tells you and walked away. You ran back to Ten-Ten. "Train me as hard as you can Ten-Ten!" You shout and Ten-Ten smirked. "My pleasure." With that you and Ten-Ten start hard core training.


You are from Konoha. Gaara is from Suna. You were assigned on a mission with Gaara and his siblings. Lord 3rd was speaking.

Old man (Lord 3rd) - okay, y/n, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro, you 7 have a B rank mission. Take this young woman name Veronica to the Hidden village in the waves safety. Rouge ninjas are after her. If she is caught with their crazy styles then you're all dead and mission over.

You glanced at Gaara who had his eyes on old man Hokage. When you leave the Hokage building and head out to do the mission, Gaara comes infront of your way only to speak to you. "Don't get in my way." Said Gaara and he continued running.


You were walking with your sister s/n when a few bugs came your way. "Oh. S/n I have to go. Bye sis." You left and followed the butterflies. They were led into the forest. "Shino!" You shout out your best friend's name. Shino came out of the shadow. "Hello y/n. We have a mission. C rank. Be ready." Said Shino. You nod. Shino takes you home which you happily allow. Then he gave you a butterfly. "This is Armadale. Keep her safe. She will produce many more butterflies for you and protect you." Said Shino and he left.


You played with d/n in the park giggling. D/n sensed a familiar chakra. She barked. "What's wrong girl?" You asked d/n. D/n barked again happily. You look around and came face to face with a smirking Kiba. "Hey y/n." "Hey Kiba kun." "We have a mission together. Me, you, d/n, Akumaru and Hinata along with Shino. Are you in or out?" You think about it for a while. "I'm in!" You shout. "Great! See you tomorrow at 5 am." You grin and leave with d/n. Ready for the mission.


You were training team 12 when Aito and Ashton kiss. You groan at their loveydove attitude against eachother. "Okay back to training." You said pushing the two apart. Sachin rolled his eyes. "You two Sachin." You said with a small smirk. Kakashi came strolling in the training fields with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura following behind. "Why hello there y/n." Said Kakashi. "Hi. What's up?" You asked. "Oh nothing much. So we have a mission together. B rank. It starts tomorrow at 5 am. Will your team be able to make it to the gates of Konoha before sunrise?" Asked Kakashi thinking how your team can't do that at all. "Heck yeah! See yah at 5 Kashi." You said and left with your team.


You sat playing shanghai with your mother. "Come on honey beat me!" Shouts your mom. You groan. "I'm going for a walk." You tell your mom and you left her looking dumbfounded :○. As you kept walking you see Naruto and Shikamaru. "Naruto! Shikamaru!" You shout running towards the two. "Y/n chan!" Shouts Naruto grinning. "Hey n/n." Said Shikamaru. "We have a mission. Me, you, and Naruto." You grin. Happy to be away from your mother who would always force you to be great at shanghai. That game was a bore. At the same time you would miss Aito. "What type of mission?" You asked. "C rank." Said Naruto. You grin again. "Cool! See yah tomorrow at 5 am." You said and ran home. When you got home you saw your mother playing shanghai with Aito. Aito looked like he wished he were dead. You stiffen a laugh. "Mom, Aito, I have a C rank mission tomorrow at 5. Don't miss me." You said to your mom and Aito. Aito asked, "with who?" You gulp. He's not going to like this you thought. "Naruto and Shikamaru." You said to Aito. "You lost me at Naruto.... why the heck are you going on a mission with that idiot!" Shouts Aito. He hates Naruto. "Well sorry." You stomp to your roo, and prepare for the mission tomorrow.


You happily sat in the Akatsuki lair waiting on your team leader Itachi and your other members. You see Tobi, Itachi and Konoan come up to you. You act like your serious self again. "Let's go. Our mission is to capture the 9 tails. At all times you must try to capture it. The jinjurriki of the fox is Naruto Uzumaki. Once we have him we've got the fox. Pain's orders." Said Itachi. As you kept walking Tobi kept ranting. "Tobi was wondering if y/n would go out with Tobi?" Said Tobi. You chuckle. (Take note you're 16 and Tobi is the 18. If that's the wrong age for Tobi I don't care no offense.) "No Tobi." You said Tobi slightly pouts. "But but, Tobi is a good boy and would do anything to keep y/n happy." Said Tobi. An unusual sound of irritation filled Tobi's voice. "Sorry. Still a no Tobi." You said. "Enough with the yip yap. Sprint!" Said Itachi. You all sprinted to the trees and you continued travelling on your mission.

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