Sweet Dream pt4

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Harumin was packing up Things in Mitsuko's bag in her room and all Mistuko's Belongings were scattered around her room, Dresses were on the Floor. Harumin Zipped her Sister's Traveling bag with a Finished Heavy Sigh.
"Hah~ Alright Finished Packing..." Harumin said and let out a relief Breath. She Smiled to herself and Went to her room and Stood infront of The Mirror and Started doing her Hair while Humming as Her Phone Vibrated, She heard it and Went to it as it was from, Yuzu Harumin Smirked mentally and picked it.
"Ah, Hi~ Yuzucchi~" Harumin answered with a Smile. Yuzu Chuckled.
"What were you doing, Harumin?" Yuzu asked.
"Hm~? I was Packing up Big Sis's Things, She is Going on a trip with Glasses-senpai and Now I am getting ready to go out." Harumin Said, Making her Front Bangs with a Hum.
"Oh! And You seems to be in a Good mood today~ Are you going for Shopping?" Yuzu asked.
Harumin Giggled.
"You got me~ Today There's a Sale in the City Mall 70% off on the latest Stylish One-piece and I want that so badly! Are you coming with me?" Harumin asked putting on Lipstick. Yuzu sighed.
"I wish I could but I am really Busy with Mei and A small thing arrived this morning from Papa... So, will you help me?! Please Harumin!" Yuzu asked.
"Busy with your Cat huh~ Of course I'll Help you, So tell me your Problem Yuzucchi." Harumin agreed to help her as she Asked. Yuzu sighed.
"Thanks Harumin. Can you come at my Place? I'll Show and Tell you Everything." Yuzu Said. Harumin Nodded.
"'Kay~ I'll see you in a Minute there." Harumin said.
"Yeah okay." Yuzu said as She Hung up, Harumin put her phone in Her bag and Wore her Heels and Went out with a Small prace of smile. As soon as She came infront of Yuzu's House, She Rung the Doorbell.

*Ping Pong!*

Yuzu's Footsteps stopped at the Doorway as she Opened the Door with Mei in her Hand, who was in a Grumpy mood.
"Hey Yuzuc-?!" Harumin was interrupted When Yuzu Grabbed by her wrist and Dashed inside.
"Sorry Harumin! But these two were making a Big Ruckus around my House! I was so Troubled!" Yuzu said. Harumin was still Confused, not when they arrived at the Living room and met up with a Blue orbs eyed, Pink Fur Fox who was Snarling on the sofa, Tearing up the Cover with it's Claws. Harumin was slightly Spaced out seeing this unique Fox and Noticed that Mei was Hissing in Yuzu's Arm as She was holding her.
"So, this is your Problem huh? But why your Dad Sent something like this?" Harumin asked. Yuzu Sighed.
"Well, It's not like I don't Know her." Yuzu said.
"A Female?" Harumin asked. Yuzu Nodded.
"When I was little, Back in my Hometown She was very tiny when I found her in the bushes of the Park, She was really scared and Shivering, That Time I took Her in Mama and Papa didn't Opposed it as well so We Raised her together and Yesterday Mama told me that She is acting kind of strange. So she thought she wanted to see me. So Papa Sent her to me But For some reason Mei and Matsuri Didn't get along that well... That's why I need your help." Yuzu told her Everything. Harumin Put her hand on her chin.
'Matsuri... Very sticky name to her.' Harumin thought As she Noticed that Matsuri was Staring at her with her Keen eyes. Their Eye contact broke as Yuzu tapped her Shoulder.
"I Know this will be harder for you But Can please you take her with you? I will talk to Papa to sent her back but till then can you take care of her? Sorry if it's too much to ask." Yuzu said in her Gentle tone. Harumin shook her head.
"What are you saying? It's not too much, I am actually Very alone at home these days plus Sis is going too So Maybe She Might Kill my boredom." Harumin said with a Cheeky smile. Yuzu Smiled and winched in pain as Mei Bit her Finger and Matsuri Snarled As Mei started Hissing as well.
"Woah! I should quickly Take her before They got in a Showdown again!" Harumin said. Yuzu quickly Nodded and pack Matsuri's Meal things and Her bedbox as she Handover them to Harumin and In Addition, A Box of Cake Made by Yuzu.
"Sorry I Didn't give you anything to eat and Gave you such a Responsibility Harumin." Yuzu Said softly.
"Nah~ If I get to eat Yuzu's hand-made cake then It's Hella Delicious than any other Snack! That's why I don't give a heck about those Pressures." Harumin said with a Smile. Yuzu Nodded Harumin Went out with Matsuri. Yuzu was Waving at her from behind, Mei Stared at Yuzu and gave a lick on her cheek. Yuzu noticed it and Smiled and Quickly Squished Mei onto her Cheeks.
"Aww~ Mei Do you want something? Are you hungry baby~?" Yuzu asked her while Wiggling her around. Mei softly Smacked her paw on Yuzu's nose as she purred.
"Meow..." Mei gave up and Snuggled Onto her. Harumin arrived and Went to the Living room putting Everything on it's place and sat Infront of Matsuri's box and waited for her to come out.
"Hey, Don't be Scared. I won't hurt you~ come out." Harumin said Softly and again started waiting. After few minutes, Harumin let out a Sigh and Decided to lure her out by giving food as she Took out Matsuri's Food bag along with a small note which was her Schedule of her food and all.
"Oh, Mild Cooked meat with Spicy curry in the Evening... Guess this will do." Harumin said as she took the ingredients and went to Kitchen. Moments passed, Matsuri's ears Purked up, while Sniffing something Delicious She Licked her mouth and took a peak from the gaps of her box. Her mouth got Watery as she Saw her Favourite Meat curry were Letting out Smoke in the air. She was ready to go out but her eyes Spotted Harumin besides her Meal and Felt Kind of Uneasy slightly, pinning her ears down Harumin noticed her eyes from the Gaps as well as she Let out a Scoff and Slowly went to the box and rest her head on the top of the box as she Sighed.
"Look, I made your Favourite Meat So, come out and eat it. You must be Hungry." Harumin said Firmly but Still no response from Matsuri.
"Well, it's Natural not to Trust anyone who is Completely unknown to you but I am your Caretaker's Best Friends... so you can trust me. I will not hurt you and Take care of you as long I can... Come and eat it Matsuri." The Softness in Harumin's Voice made Matsuri realise something as she Snarled softly to herself and Made a Rustle in the Box. Harumin Quickly got away from the box and sat Infront of it. Matsuri slowly Peeked out by taking out her Ear which was Twitching and her Right eye. Harumin smiled as she Showed Matsuri gesture 'To come out' and 'Eat your food', Then Matsuri came out, stopped infront of the plate and started Sniffing it before. She Happily Dug into her food while waving her Tail Fastly Harumin Chuckled.
'She looks happy. Guess, it's really her Favourite.' Harumin thought Matsuri Finished her Meal, made her plate white Clean and Sat on infront of Harumin, Avoiding eye contact with her. Harumin Smiled and Set her hands open in front of her as Matsuri's ears Purked up.
"Come here." Harumin said. Matsuri Wagged her tail as she Went in Harumin's arm and Snuggled Onto her. Harumin closed her arms and Caressed her Soft Fur Back and Wiggled her Fury Face.bMatsuri felt good by this as this made her Ears Twitched That Matsuri Gave a small lick on Harumin's Cheek, Harumin Chuckled.
"Haha! Hey~ I am not your Meat!" Harumin said and Giggled. Her eyes went to the White box where Yuzu's cake is packed there. Harumin went to her thoughts and Glanced on the Clock as it was her bedtime.
"I'll get fat if I eat it this... late Let's just save it for tomorrow." Harumin Said as she Took Matsuri's plate and did all the Dishes. She put the cake in the Refrigerator and started settings up her bed before She saw Matsuri already went in her bedbox as she Smiled.
"Good Night~" Harumin said as She Slowly Turned off all the Lights from her living room to her room. Matsuri Peeked out slightly while Wagging her tail to sidewise.

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