I can't Endure it

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*Warning; FUTANARI*

Yuzu was in her Class filled with boredom in her mind as she was spinning the pencil around her fingers.
'Hahh... Please someone just end the class...' Yuzu groaned but her boredom slightly faded when she glanced at Mei who was carefully taking notes from the blackboard. Yuzu smiled with pink shades on her Cheeks.
'From a far, She is really Beautiful... I love her so much...' Yuzu thought of Mei with a smile that was getting brighter as the teacher Noticed Yuzu who was smiling, putting her head down as she cleared her throat before calling Yuzu.
"Okogi-san, I'd like to have you In front of us and solve this problem on the board for us." The Teacher said in a Sassy tone but Yuzu didn't heard the Teacher as she was still Grinning over Mei. The Teacher was getting extremely mad as it Made Harumin sweat a little as she slowly turned around.
"Psst! Yuzucchi! Wake up! The teacher is calling for you! She's Hella mad!" Harumin Whispered her really Quickly as Yuzu broke from her dreams and Got up from her seat looking at the teacher who was having a red face due to anger.
"I-i am sorry! Ah!? Um!" Yuzu Stuttered, The Girls started to Laugh silently. Mei sighed in Disappoint, that Made Yuzu's heart twitch as she became all Serious and looked at the teacher.
"Come here and solve this question Okogi Yuzu!" The teacher raised her voice Sternly as Yuzu inhaled and Went to the front as she took the Chalk and Started solving the problem with Emotionless face.
'This Bitch! Fucking Bitch! She Scolded me In front of Mei! Who looked at me with such a Disappointed face! I'll never forgive you! I'll kill you!' As when Yuzu finished the problem, She Noticed that The Chalk in her hand turned into powder as she was Grinding it in her fingers.
"Teacher, I did it." Yuzu said in her Monotone.
"Wait, let me see." The Teacher said as she Checked and gasped to see that Yuzu already solved the whole Exercise filing each and evry part of the Blackboard as her Glasses got Slightly side down to her face.
"Teacher, can I sit back now?" Yuzu asked Smiling at the teacher as the teacher stabled herself.
"Y-yes you can... good grief this teenagers nowadays." The Teacher Mumbled as Yuzu was about to pass the teacher but she slightly bought her face close to her ear.
"Next time, Please don't interfere in between my daydreams or else instead of the Chalk you'll get grinded by me, Sensei." Yuzu Whispered making the teacher's face pale to her blood as Yuzu handover the power of Chalk to the teacher, Yuzu sat back down and looked outside of the window as her mood was ruined, The Teacher Somehow finished her class with full of fear within her.
"T-today... I-i don't have a-any a-assignment for Y-You all so just revised w-what we have learnt t-today, good day." The teacher said with her Shivering lips as she left and the lunch break began. Yuzu and Harumin were causally eating their lunch together back to their seats, Harumin was in full glance at Yuzu who was stealing blinks from Mei who was silently eating her food, Harumin sighed.
"Yuzucchi, Do you know what happened to the teacher after She was done talking to you? She looked like about to Pass out anytime." Harumin asked her, Yuzu stopped her eating for a moment and looked at Harumin with her normal smile which was not normal for Harumin in that moment.
"Who Knows? Maybe she's just tired." Yuzu said and resumed her meal, Harumin just decided to shrug it off as she was already in Sense that something's off with Yuzu these days, Harumin decided to change the topic.
"Oh! That egg roll looks yummy gimme that~!" Harumin smoothly took Yuzu's egg roll from her lunch box with a cheeky laugh Yuzu gasped.
"Ehh?! No~ Mama made that for me give it back!" Yuzu said with a Sobbed face as Harumin already took the taste of it with a goofy smile.
"Too late~" Harumin teased Yuzu as she sadly ate her rice with her small sniffles.
"You are so mean...?!" Yuzu jolted when Harumin put some of her Sweet pickles in Yuzu's mouth with a small smile.
"Here, Have mine too, don't be sad girl~" Harumin said gently to Yuzu as she Sparkled up and Happily munched the pickles in her mouth.
"Mmm~ Delicious!" Yuzu said and opened her mouth for one more, Harumin laughed.
"Here, another one!" Harumin said with a cheeky laugh as she gave another one to Yuzu as she ate it as well with happy face, Their Bubbly moment got stopped when Mei came and stood besides their seats and looked at them emotionless.
"Hm? What do you want Prez?... Eh Yuzucchi?" Harumin asked with an awkward smile, Mei sighed softly as Yuzu was already upon her snuggling her by Hugging Mei from Behind.
"Mei~ Mei~ what Happened? Do you wanted see me? Don't worry like that, I am always with you~ are you Hungry? we can have lunch together! Me-mmph??" Mei covered Yuzu's mouth by her hand in between her Sweet talk.
"Taniguchi-san, Today's Cleaning Duty is upon both of you, So you two have to stay half an hour extra after school." Mei said in her monotone, Harumin blindly nodded while eating, Mei sighed and Grabbed Yuzu by her hand and dragged her out of the class.
"Eh? Mei?" Yuzu asked in Confusion as Mei pinned her against the wall Glaring up at her.
"You... what do you think you were doing earlier with the teacher? I told you several times to control yourself and even now with Tani-?!!" Yuzu interrupted Mei as she reversed their positions, Mei noticed that Yuzu's was smiling in a different way.
"Mei, You don't need to be concerned about that teacher, I am Sure She already got my answer of that problem and If you are jealous then love me openly don't be silent, just like I do." Yuzu said still smiling as she leaned close to Mei's lips and opened her lips a bit, Yuzu was about Feel Mei's desired lips but her wish got lost as Mei's put her hand on Yuzu's mouth, Yuzu's smile faded away as Her eyes turned dark emerald stones as she let out a huff seeing the Blushy Face. Mei was breathing slightly fast.
"U-um! Sorry! We didn't mean to get in a way in your um... Business..." A girl said with her timid voice as Yuzu Looked at her and saw couple of 1st year girls were in a group as she Chuckled.
"Wow, We got some Audience here, looks like they need you more than me haha! Go with them Mei, we'll finish our business some other time." Yuzu said wearing her smile again to her juniors as she walked away going in her class, Mei was stood there still slightly Blushy Face.
'Was that my right choice? Dating you... Yuzu...' Mei thought as she went to the Student council office with her Juniors.
"A-are you okay president? That Blond Delinquent was doing something bad to you?" One of her juniors asked, Mei shook her head.
"I-it was nothing..." Mei said in her monotone as she Bagan the short meeting.
After school, Harumin and Yuzu wore their PE uniform and took the Broom and Dustbin and Started sweeping the floor and arranging the tables and chairs, Harumin stopped for a moment and Stretched her waist.
"Nmmhahh~ I am beat~!" Harumin groaned as she Swapped on her Chair while Fanning her with a paper and to her Chest, Yuzu chuckled.
"Yeah cleaning the hallway and our Class was hell of a work!" Yuzu said and changed into her normal uniform, Yuzu drank some water while staring at the students who were leaving the school but Yuzu's heart sank when she saw Mei was standing besides the Tree in the Garden area with a junior who had a letter in her hand with really Blushed face while Mei was standing there normally, Yuzu's grip on the water bottle got extremely tight as the bottle got burst from the pressure and water got Splashed on Harumin as she Flinched.
"H-hey! What are you doing Yuzucchi?! You broke the bottle?!" Harumin asked with surprised tone, Yuzu snapped back to Harumin as she let out an awkward laugh.
"O-oh! S-sorry I was thinking something haha! I have to get some fresh air." Yuzu said with a small smile and opened the window as she leaned on it Setting her hearing Sense on Mei and that junior and looked at them with emotionless dark face.
"I-i really like you President! You are always so Discipline and b-beautiful! I will be really happy to be in a relationship with you! P-please accept my feelings!" The junior girl collected her courage to say this to Mei.
"U-uhh..." Mei was Having Trouble accepting the girl's feelings.
"You are the First year right?" Mei asked, The Girl Nodded.
"Y-yes! Y-You remembered?!" The girl said with a happy tone, Mei Nodded.
"Thank you For always helping us with the Student Council work." Mei said gently, the girl Smiled, feeling really happy.
"Yes! I'll come more often to the office!" The girl Cheerfully Said they started to talk about some Stuffs while Giggling and smiling with eachother, up to the window, Yuzu was Clenching on the Window's glasses as she Smirked.

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