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A few things before you begin reading:

1. After I'm done with this book I'm continuing with Melting Ice,I already have a few chapters written and done.

2.I have a book in my drafts that's based on a true story and it's a little sad,I've been thinking about finishing it and uploading it just out of fun but I'm still not one hundred percent confident in my writing so idk what I'll do with it,I have to give it a hard think but I have many many books already done just sitting there.

3.Thank you so much for voting and commenting,I love reading your little breakdowns <3

4.Quick reminder that Ariel's Instagram is arielwinter.giovanni and Vanessa's (main lead in the book Melting Ice) is v.vanillacastillo.

5.And if you are struggling with something and need someone to talk to feel free to message me anytime.


                         * Falcon *

Time stopped when we made eye contact, everything around me turned into blur except her.The crushing, suffocating feeling I've been having in my chest for a year just vanished,I feel like I can finally breath again.

She's even more beautiful than I remember,her face still pale and expression concerned, didn't change one bit,those fucking eyes that were running through my mind all this time now stare at me in shock and disbelief,still just as beautiful and intimidating as they were.

I want to wrap my arms around her and hug her for eternity but my legs are frozen from shock and I'm fucking terrified of her reaction,I can't tell if she's in shock,happy or disappointed I'm here.

I lower my gaze to her lap and see a little baby boy staring at me confused,he has my eye color but his gaze and his facial expressions are exactly like hers, that's our son for sure.

She stands up slowly, giving Prince to the man sitting next to her, I'm guessing that's Cam...her husband,my old self would kill him for being so close to her and for holding my son but me now, after everything that happened,me now is just grateful he took care of them both when I didn't have a chance to do it,and of course I feel relieved knowing he's in love with another woman.

He turns around and gives me a serious nod, throwing in a proud smile, I do the same and bring my stare back to Ariel, she's staring at me with tears in her eyes, her body as tense as mine.

Her lip quivered and I hurried towards her,my legs finally unfreezing,she stretches her arms out and I pull her in my embrace, hugging her as tightly as I can.

It felt like two last pieces of a puzzle finally connecting.

You know that feeling when you're missing two puzzle pieces to complete the picture and one day you just find them under the rug and put them together? The picture is complete and it makes much more sense, that's how I feel now,complete,my picture finally makes sense again.

She cries out and holds onto me tightly,her whole body shaking and tensing,I ignore everyone in the room and just hold her in my arms,I forgot how good it fucking feels.

"Mi alma"I whisper and she cries even louder.

God she's finally in my arms where she fucking belongs.

Her body goes limp and I squat down with her in my arms."I-I thought it was-over"She says through sobs,her voice making me shiver.

Her voice still makes me melt inside.

I missed her so fucking much.

"I'm right here sweetheart,I told you I'll always find a way to be with you, you're stuck with me forever"I lift her chin up and her glossy eyes meet mine, looking at them makes me tear up,they looks so tired and lifeless.

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