Chapter 20 - She was Ill.

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In Jimin's Room

Yoongi gently lifted Jimin and placed him in bed, then headed to the bathroom. "Yoonie Hyung, don't leave me alone," Jimin's voice trembled with fear.

"No, bub, Hyung is just getting a wet cloth to wipe your face. I'll be right back," Yoongi reassured him.

Yoongi quickly went to the bathroom, soaked a face towel in warm water, and returned to the room. He carefully wiped Jimin's face and hands, then tossed the towel into the basket. Wrapping Jimin snugly in the blanket, he made sure the little boy was warm and comfortable.

Jimin snuggled closer to Yoongi's chest, seeking comfort and security. Yoongi gently rubbed his back, humming a soft, sweet lullaby to help him drift off to sleep.

As he held Jimin, Yoongi's thoughts wandered back to Isha. She hadn't called since asking him to look after Jimin that morning. The last time he tried to call, Siwon answered, saying Isha would call back, but she never did. Yoongi couldn't help but worry—was she overwhelmed by the morning's events, especially after realizing she had forgotten about Jimin in her rush to work?

"Yoonie Hyung," Jimin's small voice broke through Yoongi's thoughts, surprising him.

"Noona didn't leave me alone, right? She's just working, and she'll be back tomorrow?" Jimin asked, his voice laced with anxiety.

"Yes, bub, Isha Noona is coming back tomorrow," Yoongi assured him.

"You promise?"

"Hyung promises. It's late now, so let's let Noona sleep. She must be tired from traveling and working all day. We'll call her first thing in the morning, okay?"

"Okay, Hyung."

"Now, will you promise not to cry and go to sleep? We'll call Isha Noona as soon as you wake up," Yoongi said, his voice soothing.

"Night night, Hyung," Jimin whispered, tightening his arms around Yoongi's chest. A few minutes later, Yoongi heard Jimin's soft snores. He kissed Jimin's forehead and soon fell asleep beside him.

3rd Person POV: At the Hospital in Busan

Hoseok sat beside Isha, gently holding both of her hands. He couldn't shake the thought that if he hadn't come to the hospital today, he might never have known what was going on with Isha. His mind replayed the conversation he'd had with Siwon earlier, and it still weighed heavily on him.

Earlier Conversation

Hoseok had gone to the cafeteria to grab something to eat after a long day. He was tired and planned to find a hotel to rest for the night, knowing he wouldn't be able to make it back to Seoul. As he walked into the cafe, he was surprised to see Siwon there too.

"Siwon Hyung, happy to see you here. Are you on your way to work?" Hoseok greeted him.

"Hoseok, how are you? Actually, I'm here for a medical examination," Siwon replied.

"Are you sick, Hyung?" Hoseok asked, concerned.

"Well... it's not for me. It's for Isha Noona. She's been putting off her doctor's appointments for a while now. The doctor is a friend of my father, and he asked me to bring Isha here because he knew she wouldn't come if he asked her directly," Siwon explained.

"Isha Noona? Is she sick? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Hoseok was shocked.

"I'm not sure if she told anyone. She's good at keeping things to herself. I only know because of my dad," Siwon said.

Siwon offered Hoseok a drink, and they continued talking as they headed to Isha's room. When they arrived, Hoseok asked, "Hyung, is it okay if I stay with Noona?"

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