Chapter 23 - A Day of Simple Joys

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Isha watched with a warm smile as the children eagerly devoured their meals. She had to admit, Yoongi had truly outdone himself—the food was delicious.

"Thank you, Hyungie, for the food," the three little ones chorused, pushing back their chairs to stand.

But Isha wasn't about to let them off that easily. "Ah-ah, not so fast, my little ones," she teased. "Good babies help by clearing their plates and putting them in the sink."

With a collective sigh, they trudged back to the table, each child carefully gathering their dishes.

"No ice cream for anyone who doesn't help out," Isha added playfully. The threat worked wonders—suddenly, they were all racing to the sink, their tiny hands busy.

"Good job, my loves," Isha praised as she watched them. "Remember, Hyungie worked hard to make that meal. The least you can do is thank him by helping out a little."

"Sorry, Hyungie," they said in unison, their voices full of sincerity.

Yoongi's heart melted as he smiled at them. "It's okay, bub. You did a good job."

Isha knelt down and opened her arms. "Now, who's Noona's good boy? Come give me a hug."

With gleeful giggles, the children rushed into her embrace, wrapping their small arms around her. Isha returned their affection with kisses on their foreheads.

"Since my sweethearts were so well-behaved today, you can each have a double scoop of ice cream with sprinkles later. Now, go get ready!"

Excited shouts of "Yay!" echoed through the house as they showered Isha with quick kisses on the cheek before dashing off to Jimin's room to prepare.

Yoongi exhaled a breath of relief, the tension melting away as he began tidying up the table. But Isha was quick to step in, guiding him toward the door.

"Go get ready, Yoongi. I'll finish up here."

"But Noona—"

"No buts. Go now," she insisted, gently pushing him toward the door with a grin. Yoongi knew better than to argue, so he gave in and headed to his place to change.

Isha called out to Namjoon, "Namjoon, can you keep an eye on the little ones? I doubt they'll be ready in time without some help." She chuckled, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, Noona. I have a feeling you're right," Namjoon replied, laughing as he left the table to wrangle the excited trio.

Isha then turned her attention to Hoseok. "And you..."

Hoseok's eyes twinkled with mischief. "I'll help you, please," he said, his tone almost pleading. Isha giggled at his enthusiasm.

"Okay, okay," she relented, poking his dimple playfully before heading to the kitchen. Hoseok couldn't suppress the butterflies in his stomach as he followed her, a smile lingering on his lips.

Standing beside each other, they settled into a comfortable rhythm—Hoseok washed, and Isha dried. They bantered back and forth, lightly arguing over who should wash the plates until Isha finally conceded.

After a while, Hoseok nudged her gently. "You should go get ready now. I can finish up here."

Isha sighed, knowing he was right. "Alright, but don't take too long yourself, okay?"

Hoseok leaned in slightly, his voice soft. "Yes, baby. Don't worry, okay?"

Isha's cheeks flushed a deep red. She tried to glare at him, but the effort crumbled into laughter. "You're impossible," she muttered, shaking her head as she left the kitchen to get ready.

Hoseok watched her go, feeling a deep contentment settle over him. The sound of her laughter was like music to his ears, and he couldn't remember a time he felt more at peace. He finished the last of the cleaning and hurried to freshen up, not wanting to keep anyone waiting.

Meanwhile, Namjoon had managed to get the children dressed with minimal fuss. As they all gathered in the living room, he glanced at Isha.

"Noona, I think we'll need two cars," Namjoon said thoughtfully. Isha nodded in agreement.

"Why don't you all go ahead? I'll just lock up the house and grab a few things we might need," Isha replied, heading to her room to pick up her handbag and gather any essentials Jimin might need during their outing.

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