Chapter 31 - Little got rewards

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Isha approached the two little one, who were engrossed in their games. She took a seat alongside them. "Would you like tea, Mummy?" Jimin asked. Isha took the tea cup and pretended to sip the tea.

"Wow, this is so delicious. Who makes the tea?" Isha looks at both of them. 

"Taetae did it mummy." Taehyung smiled. His cheek was blushing. 

"Minnie helped with the cookies too." He smiles shyly.

"Can you feed mummy?" Isha requests. Taehyung nods and gives Isha a bit. 

"I didn't know that you could make these cookies so tasty. And It was more delicious because both of you gave it to me." Isha smiled. Both of them blushing with the compliment.

"Mummy would like to take a shower. Can you promise that you will play nicely and not make a mess?" Isha asked. Both of them give a thumbs-up and a nod. Isha laughing.

Ringing sounds startle Isha as she prepares to enter the bathroom. It was Yoongi. 

"Hello Yoongi." Isha greeted him. 

"Hi noona. I just want to ask if you'd like to bring them to the park near my cafe. I can bring them some snacks." He said.

"Yes. That would be a good idea. By the way, Yoongi, can you make them some smoothies? One is strawberry-flavored and the other is chocolate." Isha asked. 

"Are you sure noona?" Yoongi questions back.

Isha laughed. "Later, I'll tell you the story." Isha said. 

"Okay noona. I'll see you later." Isha ends the call and goes to take a shower. She needs to move quickly because she knows it will take longer for both of the little ones to get dressed.

Isha's done getting ready. She went into the room and saw them watching some cartoons on Jimin's tablet. Isha scolds herself as she walks to the shower without turning on the tv.

"Taetae, when you want to confect to kookie." Jimin asked.

"I donno Minnie. I donno kookie love me back." Taetae's face turned down. 

"Oh Taetae, not be sad. Kookie luv you so muth you know." Taehyung's face brightens up.

"How you know Minnie?" Jimin smiled. 

"I just know. Tust me. You need to tell kookie." Jimin said. 

"How bout Minnie. When you want to confet to Yoonie bear?" Taetae asked back.

"Minnie owno. Minnie asked mummy later." Jimin said. He smiled. But the smile looks sad. Isha smiles while she listens to their conversation. She plans to approach Yoongi and demand that he confess to her.

Isha approached them slowly. She took a seat between them. 

"Yoongi hyung called and asked if I could take you to the park." Isha told them. Their eyes brighten up. Isha giggled. She is well aware that they are both waiting for her approval.

"And I say yes." Isha continued. 

"Really mummy. We can go to the park." Jimin said. Both of them hugged her saying thank you.

"Now, why don't you go take a shower. Mummy will prepare your clothes." Isha said. Both of them quickly ran towards Jimin's room.

They get ready an hour later. Isha holds both of their hands and walks toward the park. Jimin and Taehyung were softly humming to themselves. They clutch Isha's hand and swing it.

When they got there, Yoongi was already therewith a basket of food. Both of them run to Yoongi and hug him. Isha is happy as she watches them.

"How are you doing today? Did you give noona trouble?" Yoongi asked. 

"No hungie. Taetae and Minnie being good boys to mummy." Taetae said. Yoongi turns his glance to Isha. Isha nodded.

"Good boy. Hyung is so proud of you. Do you want to play first or eat?" Yoongi asked. 

"Can we go and play at the seesaw.?" Jimin asked. 

"Yes. make sure to be careful okay." They nodded and ran hand in hand towards the playground.

"Did taetae call you mummy also?" Yoongi asked. 

"Yes. I don't mind either." Isha said. "Actually Jimin asked if he could have some cake after lunch and I said yes. Both of them wake up and regress a littles." Isha explains.

"Jimin shouted from the living room, and I assumed they were hurting or fighting. But Taetae suddenly exclaimed, I don't have a 'mummy' and I want one too." Isha pauses and sees them playing blissfully.

"It surprised me that Jimin asked if Taetae could also call me 'mummy'. Jimin sometimes has the urge to keep what he or I do to himself. I think he was very mature and handled the situation well." Isha had a smile on her face.

"Oh, I see. That's why you asked me to make smoothies for them today." Yoongi said. 

"Yes. I should probably stop being so hard on him. That's what Siwon told me during our rooftop picnic." Yoongi takes Isha's hand and gently caresses it.

"I understand why you do that noona. Do not blame yourself. You did that because you care and love him." Yoongi said. Yoongi opens up the basket and takes the drink out. He handed Isha an iced coffee.

He starts taking everything out of the basket, knowing that both of the littles will return begging for drinks. He was right, because soon after, they both ran happily toward him and Isha.

"Smoothies. Yeay." They yelled happily.

 "Noona said that both of you were so good today. Not make any mess at home. So I think I should give you a reward. Strawberry for taetae and chocolate for Minnie." Taehyung took the drink and took a sip.

"Hyung, is decious." Taehyung said. 

"Really? I'm glad you like it. Enjoy your drink taetae." Yoongi smiled. He gave him some sandwiches, which Taehyung happily took and ate.

Jimin, on the other hand, seems reluctant to drink his smoothies. He looked at the drink and took the sandwich that Yoongi put in front of him. He chewed his food slowly. Isha could tell that Jimin was afraid she would scold him because he had eaten his cake early.

Isha moves slowly toward him and caresses his back. "That was your reward since you were such a wonderful boy to mummy and because you took such good care of taetae." she said. Mummy informed Yoongi hyung that you enjoy chocolate smoothies and requested that he make one especially for you." Isha explained.

"Really mummy?" In Jimin's face, there was a brightness that glowed brightly.. Isha nodded with a smile. 

"I wuv you mummy." Jimin hugging Isha. 

"I love you too cupcake." While ruffling his hair, Isha looked at Taehyung. 

 "Mummy loves you too pumpkin." Taehyung claps his hand happily.

Yoongi laughed at him. He feels so content today. Both of littles looked at him with pleading eyes. Yoongi gave him his sweet gummy smile. 

"Yes bub, Hyung loves both of you too." He ruffled Taehyung's hair while looking at Jimin sweetly. 

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