Chapter 17 - Little in Action

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Hoseok POV...

Aish, I need to go to Busan to get Jungkook's medical report. Namjoon asked to bring all the reports to him so that he can help to monitor Jungkook's health. Afterall, since we are staying in Seoul, It's better to change everything here. 

Much more convenience to monitor it here. But Jungkook was little today. Who can I ask to look for him? I can't bring him since he does not like to travel when he goes to the little space. 

 Let me call Isha Noona since Jungkook can have a playdate with Jimin. Hurm. She was not picking up her phone. Let's just go to her house then.

I'll walk to the room to see if Jungkook has woken up or not. Found that he has woken up but is still sleepy. 

"Kookie baby, wake up. Let's go to Jiminie house. Would you like to stay with Isha Noona for today?" I ask him. He just nodded. I'll carry him to the bathroom, help him to brush his teeth and wash his face. 

"Kookie, do you think you want hyung to help you wear your clothes?" I ask. He shook his head. 

"Hyung will prepare breakfast then. Come to me once you are done ok." He nodded and smiled. I'll prepare his stuff that he might need to put in his bag pack and prepare a simple breakfast for him.

 Jungkook finally left the room. I give him his food and medicine. Once he finishes, we quickly walk to the car and head to Isha Noona house. 

"Hyung, you not gonna go for long right?" Jungkook asks. I hold his hand. 

"No baby, Just for a night. If work finishes early, I will go back as soon as I can." He just looked outside. His hand was still wrapped in mine. 

I know that he has separation anxiety due to his childhood memories and I had promised that I will not gonna leave him until the day he can find someone that will love him and take care of him for a long time. 

We reached Isha house. I rang the bell and surprisingly, I heard Yoongi hyung's voice.

"Hobi, what are you doing here?" Yoongi Hyung asked. 

"Sorry hyung, I thought Isha Noona was here. I would like to ask if she can watch Jungkook for a day. I need to go to Busan for some work and pick up a Kookie medical report." I said.

"Come in hobi aah.. Noona is out for a meeting and she asks me to take care of Jimin. You can leave kookie here if you don't mind. I can look for both of them. Yoongi said. I feel guilty. 

"Don't worry hobi. Is not much to do and Namjoon said he will come here this evening. So if anything Namjoon will help me. Just go and do your work." Yoongi gave his assurance. 

"Thank you hyung. I'll try my best to finish it earlier." 

"Don't worry hobi. Just take your time and drive carefully ok."

"Kookie, hyung go first. Please be good to yoongi hyung and Jiminie ok." He just nodded and gave me a hug and soft peck on my cheek. Yoongi sent me to the front door. 

"Drive carefully hobi-ah." He said. I smile and nod. I walk out to the car and drive to Busan. I sigh. Hopefully Jungkook is ok and will not give any troubles to Yoongi hyung. Suddenly I hear my phone ringing.

"Hello, Hoseok where are you?"

"I was driving to Busan. Why Namjoon?"

"Oh. Be Careful. I would like to ask for a favour. Can you help me to pick up some documents when you are at the hospital? Just went to the reception and mentioned the report under my name. I had informed Dr. Lee to pass the document to you." Namjoon asked.

"Sure I will collect the document for you, I will call you if any. By the way, I left Jungkook with Yoongi hyung at Isha house. Please help hyung to look after him." I ask. I know Kookie a bit handful sometimes.

"Don't worry hobi. I will meet them later." Namjoon said. I just nodded although I know he will not see it. Hopefully everything can be settled in a day. I don't want to burden Yoongi hyung and Isha Noona.


          Jimin and Jungkook slowly walk to the kitchen. They sit on the chair and watch Yoongi cooking food. 

"Hyung, what are you making?" Jimin asked. Yoongi turn around and walk to them. He ruffed their hair. 

"Hyung cooked a long bean with prawn and bulgogi. Are you hungry? Hyung will make it faster , ok?" He smiles and walks back to his food. 

"It's ok hyung. We can wait, right Minnie?" Jungkook said. 

"Yeah." Jimin giggled. 

"Go play, Hyung will call once the food is done." Yoongi said. Jimin and Jungkook walk to the living room and continue their tea party.

Suddenly, there is a knocking sound on the door. 

"Minnie! Can you help hyung to see who was coming?" Yoongi shouts from the kitchen. 

"Yes Hyung. Let's go Kookie." Jimin got up. Jungkook follows him and brings an umbrella with him. Jimin looks puzzled. 

"Why Kookie bring this?" Jimin asks. 

"Hobi Hyung said for pecutin... There is bad pewple Minnie." Kookie said. Jimin nodded. He took his plastic sword with him and walked hand in hand with Jungkok towards the door.

"YAAAAAAAAAA......" Yoongi freeze. He quickly ran to the door with his ladle on his hand. He thought that someone might hurt the littles. 

When he reached the door he found out that Namjoon was being hit by the little while Taehyung cheered on them. He quickly stops both littles and grabs the sword and the umbrella. 

"Thanks hyung?" Namjoon said and walked into the room. He put a plastic bag with some food and bites for the littles. 

"Have you eaten yet?" Yoongi asked him. "No, hyung. Hobi said that you are taking care of the kids as he is going to Busan for some work. I am coming straight from the hospital to help you." Yoongi nodded and continued to cook the meal for all of them. 

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