Chapter 3 - Meeting Yoongi

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Yoongi POV.

I was so shocked found that Isha Noona was stay opposite me. I miss her so much. From the last time during we stay at Busan, Noona was there taking care of his adopted brother.

His mum giving full permission for Isha to take care of that little boy. I wonder how is he right now.

"Did you stay alone here Yoongi?"

"Yes noona. After Hyung passed away, I decided to move here. I went to your house but the Aunt told me that you have move out. What happen to you Noona?"

Yoongi looked at Isha. awaiting Isha to answered his question. Isha just smile. I think she hidden something from me.

I can see in her eyes. it's kind of sad. I saw the boy, Jimin. He looked so familiar and I wonder where did I meet him. So may question that I want to ask but I know Isha would not reply me or any for this time being.


"Did you hungry. Noona bring a lot of food for you. Do you want  to eat first." Isha looked at Jimin. He looked so sleepy.

"Jimin, come here, you looked so sleepy. Come sit here. Sleep here for a while."

Jimin nodded and quickly lay down on Isha thigh. Hugging her waist and sucking his thumb.

"I,m so relieved to see you here. I miss you too. Noona sorry because did not leave any notes for you before I left. Is kind of hard. So far I'm good so do Jimin. my little brother."

"Yes I remember you have little brother. Is this him. Oh my god. He so cute noona. He was so small during that time."

Isha chuckle. Yoongi ruffle his hair. "Sorry Jiminie, hyung forget about you. You are so big that I can recognize you.

"Jimin said is ok hyung."

Yoongi look at Isha and laugh. How cute she was try to imitate how Jimin talk. Yoongi walk to his kitchen looking for water glass fork and spoon. He sat on the floor than open all the food that Isha bought for him.

"Oh my god. Noona your food is still amazing. I love it so much. Especially this stir fried long bean. It's just perfect."

" I glad you still remember the taste and you like it. Jimin love it so much. I'll cooked it just the way Jimin like it. It's not like he is picky eater but he has kid bud taste sometimes. Plus I need to make sure that he finish his 3 meal at least. He so underweight. I so afraid."'

Yoongi look at JImin sleeping on Isha lap. "Did he sick?"

"Something like that. But he will be ok. I will make sure he in a good health." Isha look deep into Jimin while ruffled his hair carefully. She show all her affectionate to Jimin and Yoongi adoring her.

"Where did you work Yoonie,"

" Aaa noona you still remember that. I open small booked cafe down the hall. it's running well. not to bad but at least I can survive. feed a good food and take care of myself. After all, it's only me. I don't have anyone to take care off.."

"Don't worry about that. sooner or later, you will have someone that you will take care of."

"How bout you noona? are you working? How about Jimin? How end up you taking care of him?"Yoongi so curious about her life. He know that Isha not someone will open up easily. However, he just trying his luck and hope that Isha will open up a bit for him.

"I'm working of cause. hehe. if now how to raise my jiminie." Isha peek at Jimin check softly.

"I'm work from home. Writing and editor. I have my own food blog. That how I could support myself and Jimin. same as you not much but enough for living, bills, and Jimin."

Yoongi nodded. Is enough for now he guess. They have plenty of time.

"Noona, can we going back. chim chim is tired. please." Jimin look so sleepy but still cute. His hair fall on the side of his forehead.

"Sure baby let's go home ok. Yoongi, we going back first. Will see you again ya."

"Yes noona. We see again tomorrow."


Sorry for the word and grammar error. - 

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