Chapter 8 - Jimin's new doctor

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Isha Point of View.

I was to Immerse in my thoughts while doing the housework and did not realize Jimin was at the dining table staring at me. Finish mopping the floor, I continue to unpack all the groceries and preparing to cook.

Thinking what to cook today and finally decided that I'm gonna make fried chicken with onion, carrot and long bean, prawn omelette and green bean sweet porridge.

"Noona, can I have cold water?" Jimin ask. "Noonaaaaaa" Jimin sigh and tab on my shoulder. I was looking at him. 

"Yes my dear. Sorry baby, Noona did not hear you. What you want.?" I ask. I saw his reaction kind of bitter. 

"Can I have cold water. I was thirsty." Jimin said. I immediately hand him a glass of water. "Are you ok Noona. You look worry of something." Jimin continue after finish his water.

I look at him. He still smiling with his cute dimples showing. "Tomorrow we will go for your medical check up. Noona now that you are healthy right now. But I can't avoid to be worried. I don't want something happen to you. Noona promise to Omma to take care of you and Noona afraid anything happen." I hold his hand.

I don't know how he can be so calm when I bring about this. Jimin normally will start screaming when I told him about his medical check up and it's so hard to convince him to go. I know he still scared of the last incident and he will have new doctor. But still. It makes me so curious about this.

"You know that I had promised that I will take care of myself, ensure to eat proper and take all the medicine so that I can take care of you. You will have me to lean on." Jimin hug me and cling on my neck. Kiss my forehead and cheek.

I hugged him tightly. "I can't believe that my baby is growing up. I can't imagine on you leaving me after you get married." "Noona don't said that. I said will not leave you remember. If my partner can't accept you, I will leave them. No exception on that." I kiss him. "Now baby let's help Noona cooking as you need to fasting later after 10.00pm." Jimin was happily follow me to the kitchen.

Jimin helping me with cutting the vegetables. Peeling the onion and garlic. I can count on him to do a simple housework or helping me cooking. I serve all the dish on the table. Make a plate for Jimin and read our prayer before we start our dinner.

I saw Jimin eat all the food and it makes me feel good. Finish eating, I'll continue to clean up the dishes and kitchen while Jimin help me to keep all the clean plate to the cupboard.

We both sleep with him on my arm. He bagging to sleep with me today. "Morning my angel. Come on move your butt up. We have to go to the hospital." I lead him to the toilet to wash his face and brush his teeth. Put on good clothes and ready to go. I have to wake up early to prepare his bag because I know that he will cause a scene in the morning but surprisingly he wakes up with no issue.

After done with the registration, handover all the Jimin medical report. I sat beside him. Jimin hold his Ipad but he did not done anything on it. I know he nervous. But I didn't know why he kind of did not show it. No whining, no tantrum today. 

"Madam, your document was felt down" I raise my face and saw a young good looking guy with my document. He was so handsome.

"Thank you my dear. You can call me Noona. Isha Noona. What is your name?"

"I'm Kim Taehyung, Noona can call me V too hehe." I chuckle at him. He was so cute. 

"Jimin, come here. This is Noona brother Jimin." I pull Jimin close to me and he a bit shy but raise his hand forwarded to Taehyung. 

"He a bit shy." Taehyung only laugh at Jimin shyness.

" I think your number Noona. Can we meet after this?" Taehyung ask. I smile and nodded while pinch his cheek.


"Hi Ms. Isha, please have a seat. I'm still waiting for Jimin Medical test to come out." The Doctor said. Isha feel that the voice is familiar to her. He ask Jimin to seat at the patient chair and she standing right besides Jimin while holding his hand.

He looked at Isha and hold the hand stronger. Isha swipe his sweat and ruffled his hair. Trying to calm him down. Isha know that he was so nervous with the result and so do her.

"Good day to you. My name is Kim Namjoon and I'm new Jimin Doctor." The file was drop. Both Isha and Jimin was shock. Jimin rubbing his eyes and suddenly yelling. 

"Joonie Hyungg...." They can't believe that they will meet with Namjoon here. It's been a while since she left Busan and visit the orphan house that she used to live.

Namjoon immediately hug Isha and Jimin after that. The eyes were watery. He misses both of them so much. It's kind of a miracle that he can meet Isha and Jimin here.

"I really need to catch up with you and Jimin Noona. Can we go for lunch after this. Please." namjoon ask. "Sure we can." Isha said.

Namjoon continue with his job. He read all the report and the start to explain the test result and medicine. He felt so relieved that Jimin getting better from the report that he had. 

"Jimin recovery good so far. I can see a lot of improvement from the last report that you provide. Please continue the same medicine and I add a new medicine for him which lower the dosage and hopefully he can recover faster." Isha give a relieved sigh. She hugging Jimin and ruffle his hair softly.

Knock knock. 

"Yes coming." Namjoon said. 

" Hyung are you finish. I'm hungry." Isha look towards the door and found that Taehyung on the door. 

"Omo, Taehyung. So Namjoon is your brother then?" Isha was surprised. Seems she forget a lot of things.

"Have you meet him noona. Did he disturb you while waiting." Namjoon ask and glared at Taehyung. 

"Oh Namjoon stop it. He did not do anything wrong. Plus he help to pick up my document." Isha pat his shoulder lightly. 

"Lets go. We going to have lunch. My jimin is hungry and he will eat me later on?" Isha chuckle while Jimin just hid his face on Isha back shyly.

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