Chapter 38 - A little jealous and anxious

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Taehyung and Jungkook finished dancing practice a long time ago, and they are now playing in the office of Hoseok. They were so focused on their toys that they didn't realize that Hoseok was coming into the office to watch them.

Hoseok grinned at them. He put the food on the table and sat between them. "Hyung has one more class to teach today. Can you wait for one more hour before we go back?" Hoseok asked.

"Okay hyung." They all spoke in unison. Hoseok gently touches their backs. 

"Hyung has placed your snek on the table. Please eat while you're playing." They nodded and waved to Hoseok.

"You know, Kookie, last week I spent my day at Minnie's house." Taehyung sharing his story. 

"We had so much fun. Noona gave us a lot of sweets. She also let me call her mummy. I think that Minnie is my soulmate." Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook's facial expression has changed. He feels that his anxiety is starting to rise. On the other hand, Taehyung talked happily about his playdate last week and did not notice Jungkook's change in behavior.

Taehyung rises from his seat to take the snack that Hoseok has prepared for them. He handed the milk and bread to Jungkook, but Jungkook didn't take it. He gently strokes Jungkook's cheek.

"Kookie, are you okay?" He asked with a worried look. 

"I'm not feeling well Taetae." Jungkook said. 

He was out of his headspace, but Taehyung didn't seem to notice. 

"How about we eat some of this bread to make you feel better?" With pleading eyes, Taehyung asked.

"Taetae, did you like Jimin hyung?" He asked. 

"Of course I do. I like Isha noona too."

"You don't like them?" He asked. Jungkook just gave him a small nodd. 

"But I like you more, of course." With a shy smile, Taehyung added.

Jungkook smiled softly at him. Though Taehyung did say that he likes him more. That doesn't ease his worry. He worries that Taehyung will leave him or stop liking him. He loves Taehyung more than just a friend.

"Kookie, your bread." Jungkook nodded and took the bread from Taehyung's hands. He fluffed his hair and slowly ate his bread. Hoseok comes in an hour later and tells them to pack their stuff because it's time to go home.

"Kookie, why didn't you finish your bread?" Hoseok asked. Jungkook's behavior has changed, and he notices it.

 "I'm not that hungry hyung." He answered. Hoseok frowned. He never refused, especially considering it was his favorite bread.

Hoseok attempted to brush it off. He will talk to him once they get home. 

"We'll have our dinner outside because Hyung is too tired to cook today." Hoseok said. 

"Taetae, Namjoon-hyung will join you later, okay?" Taehyung cheering.

Hoseok started to clean up their mess and keep all of their stuff in one place. Once he was satisfied, he told them both that they were going to leave. Taehyung didn't stop talking about his playdate with Jimin during the walk to the parking lot.

Jungkook is not feeling well, and Hoseok can tell. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. He buckled them both in the back seat and drove them to their favorite restaurant. About 5 minutes later, he got a call from Namjoon.

"Hobi, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. I've just finished my report. Would you help me order my food?" Namjoon asked in the other line. Hoseok laughed as Taehyung started cheering when he heard his hyung's voice.

"Sure. What do you like to eat?" Hoseok asked. 

"As usual." Hoseok is familiar with the menu because they often eat lunch or dinner together. 

"Hyung, be careful on the way." Taehyung yelled from the backseat. 

"I'll see you later."

He ended the call. He looked at Jungkook. He seems a little off today. He made a mental note to ask Jungkook later. They didn't take long to get to the restaurant. Taehyung led the way, since it was their favorite restaurant.

Namjoon came right after they finished ordering the food. Namjoon and Hoseok were chatting about their day. Taehyung looked at Jungkook. He was a little worried because Jungkook had been too quiet since their ride to the restaurant.

He held Jungkook's hand underneath the table. "Kookie, are you okay? " He asked. Jungkook held his hand tightly while nodding. He smiled at Taehyung.

"Hoseok, tomorrow I will take Taetae to the hospital because he has a doctor's appointment in the evening. So he will not go to the dance class tomorrow." Hoseok nodded. 

"Is he getting better?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes. His psychiatrist said he had improved a lot. Although there is no cure for PTSD, I am hopeful that he will be able to overcome it." Namjoon said. Both of them looked at the two boys in front of them.

The food arrived at last. Namjoon smiled when he saw Taehyung quickly dig into his food. He must be starving. He will occasionally assist in wiping the food smears from his face. Looking at Taehyung gaining weight, he feels blessed.

Namjoon changed his glaze at Jungkook. He noticed that Jungkook was too quiet today. He hopes nothing bad will happen to Jungkook. He might look shy and quiet, but he was hurting inside. What made it worse was that Jungkook did not really want to tell other people how he felt.

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