Chapter 41 - Little sharing secret

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Hoseok carried a tray of drinks into the living room. He felt happy looking at Jungkook smiling again. "Here is banana milk for Kookie and Minnie." Hoseok gave each of them a mug of milk.

Isha is sitting next to Jimin while holding a plate of biscuits. "Minnie will help Kookie today?" He took a piece of biscuit and fed Jungkook. 

"Minnie, I can do that." Jungkook is a little shy.

"It's okay. I want to help you and don't want you to hurt yourself more. Want to dip it in the milk?" Jimin asked. Jungkook gave a shy nod. Isha feels proud when she looks at Jimin. This is the first time she has seen Jimin be so good with other people.

"Hyungie, can we play with my plushie later? I'd like to show it to Minnie?" Minnie nodded. Hoseok laughed as he looked at them, especially at Jungkook's doe eyes, to which he couldn't say no.

"Yes, sure. But please be careful, alright? I'll cook lunch with Noona." The meal is long gone, and both of them were playing with the stuffie in Jungkook's room. Both of them are currently lying down on the floor, with all of the stuffies and colored pencils scattered around them.

Isha and Hoseok started preparing the meal in the kitchen. "Did you get mad at me?" Hoseok wanted to break the silence. 

"Why would I?" Isha seems confused. She's looking at Hoseok. Hoseok looked down because he felt guilty.

"Dear, I know that Jungkook went through something yesterday. But I don't want to force you to tell me because I know how stressful this situation is for you."

"But I make you worry." Hoseok said. His eyes started to fill with tears.

"I'm worried. But it wasn't enough for me to be mad at you. I had the same thing happen to me, and if something happened to Jimin, I might do the same as you." Isha wraps her arms around Hoseok.

"I'm sorry to make you worry, baby. I was shocked yesterday, and all I could think about was Jungkook at that time." Hoseok squeezed the hug tighter.

"Don't be sorry, please. I care about you and Jungkook. I don't want anything bad to happen to you both. And I'm glad that you both are okay." Isha extends a hug. She cups Hoseok's face and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Hoseok's face was red from the kiss. He pulled Isha in for a hug and hid his face on Isha's neck. Isha just laughed. She felt her love growing.

"Can you spend a night here today?" Hoseok mumbled.

" Of course. If you let me cook, I'm starving." Hoseok quickly pulled back. He seemed worried. "What, you haven't eaten yet?"

"Of course, dear, we had breakfast. Just look at the time. Almost evening. I'll bet that neither of you have eaten yet." Hoseok looked at the wall and saw that it was almost 4 p.m.

"We both slept quite late yesterday."

"That means I need to cook something quick." Isha quickly washed her hands and started slicing all the ingredients. Sometimes, Hoseok helps her. But most of the time he was back and hugging her like a koala.

Isha just lets him be. She knew that yesterday's events had made Hoseok very worried. The last dish is done, and Hoseok is currently setting the table. He walked toward the Jungkook room to call them for lunch.



"What do you know about soulmates?" Jungkook felt anxious waiting for Jimin's answer.

"Someone that has similarities with each other. Sometimes it didn't have to be our loved one. We can have a friend's soulmate too. That's what Mummy told me."

"What do you think about Taetae?"

"Taetae was so funny and a great friend. He always said that I was his soulmate. Silly Taetae." Jimin laughed.

"Do you like him?" Jungkook tries to calm his anxiety.

"Of course I like him. Do you like Taetae?"

"I do. But do you like... like love him?"

" Jimin raised his eyebrows. He looked at Jungkook and then suddenly laughed. 

"So what do you think?" Jimin asked. He wanted to play with Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes were filled with a brick of tears."I do not know. If you do, I'll be so happy for you."

"I do like him... But..." Jimin stopped at that. He knows he shouldn't play with Jungkook because he can tell Jungkook is a little sad right now because Jungkook is trying to avoid looking at him.

"I fell in love with someone." Jungkook was surprised. He gets up quickly from lying down, which hurts his hand. He hissed from the pain.

"Oh my god, Kookie, are you alright?" Jimin panicked. He helps Jungkook sit properly and gently caresses his hand. Jimin is about to call Isha, but Jungkook stops him.

"I'm okay, Minnie. So you don't love Taetae?"

"Of course I'm not you silly." Jimin laughed hard.

Jungkook hugging Jimin. He felt so relieved. He suddenly felt his cheek turn red. You love Taetae, I know that. I just want to see how you react."

"I... I'm sorry Minnie." Jimin looked at Jungkook. He held Jungkook's face with both of his hands. 

"Kookie, I know from the first time that you like Taetae. Please don't doubt yourself kookie. He loves you very much."

"How do you know he loves me?" Jungkook felt his cheeks redden.

"Because he told me so." Jimin ruffles Jungkook's hair. Jungkook looked at Jimin. 

"But who is the person you fell in love with?"

"Yoongi hyungie.." Jimin mumbled shyly.

"Who?" Jungkook asked again. He can't hear what Jimin is saying. He looks at Jimin, who has his face covered right now. He could tell Jimin was too shy, but he was so curious to know who it was.

"Yoonie bear."

Jungkook squeals happily. "He said that he loves me too. He is my boyfriend now and my dada." Jimin is too shy to look at Jungkook's face right now. 

"Congratulatulations. I am happy for you, Minnie." Jungkook embraced him tightly.

"Kookie, be careful with your hand."

"I don't know if I can tell Taetae that." Jungkook frowning.

"Kookie, you don't have to stress yourself. Take your time. And you know that Taetae loves you now. So please don't worry, okay? 

"Maybe Taetae would confess to you first."

"You think so, Minnie?"

"I know so."


"Yes, Kookie..."

"Taetae said you let him call Noona mummy." Jungkook is playing with his finger. He wants to have a mummy, too. He loves to watch how she cares for Jimin. He wishes that he could have a mom like Isha.

"Kookie. You can call Noona mummy too. We can share a mummy. Please don't be sad. You have a mummy too. I'm sure Mummy won't mind if you call her Mummy. Mummy will be very happy."

"Thank you, Minnie. You are so great."

"Welcome Kookie. I love you and Taetae too. You are my brother. I'm happy that I have you and Taetae."

Both of them were giggling. They both lay down on the floor and kept coloring. Hoseok froze in front of the door as he heard the conversation.

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