Chapter 2 - meeting new neighbor

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Jimin was happily walking down the staircase with Isha. They would like to share the food with Dongmin Uncle, that work as a security at this apartment.

"Noona, faster later Uncle will sleep." Jimin almost trip suddenly. He was a bit shock and seems like want to cry.

Isha rushing to him to make sure nothing happen to him.

"Noona told you to careful right. Luckly nothing happen to you." Isha hold Jimin hand tightly to avoid he running at the stairs again.

"Dongmin uncle, Jimin is here." Jimin was running and hug the security uncle. That is Jimin, He so bright and cheerful.

No one can resist his charm. He might not same as other kids. But still that was not a reason for people to abandon him just like that.

"Jimin, what Noona said?" 

"Sorry Noona. Chim want to see Dongmin uncle so fast. b-but Chim chim is careful." He was open his hand and wrap around Isha wrist.

"Isha, don't be like that. Jimin is a nice boy right. He will not make his Noona worried." Dongmin uncle was smile while pinch his cheek whereby Jimin giggle at Dongmin uncle and hold his hand.

"There is some food we would like to share with you Dongmin uncle." Isha said. 

"Is there any person that you share with. I should give some to Yoongi than. Not sure what that poor boy eat today."

Although, as soon as he said this, a frown crossed her face. Its been a while Isha didn't heard that name.

"Yoongi! Who is that uncle?" Jimin ask. 

"A guy live opposite your house. You should meet him. although she a bit cold and rarely smile but he is a good person. I hope you can be friend."

"Enjoy you food uncle. I think we still have few food in hand. Let me send the food to his house." 

"Thank you Isha. Thank you Jiminie. I'll sure to finish everything."

Jimin hug Dongmin uncle and walk back to their house. He was hold Isha hand and walk carefully thru the staircase as told.

Isha smile while looking at him. He was so cute sometimes it hard to resist his request. Isha phone was ringing. "Jimin just a moment. Lets Noona take this called." Jimin noded.

He keep on playing with Isha fingers. After a while she was standing in front of the house, knocking and shouted. Yoongi hyung open the door. Jimin is here.

Isha was startled. "Jimin. Yah you can do that." She was running and hold Jimin hand from knocking the door. and suddenly the door was open.

"Who the hell are you?" Yoongi frowning in front of the door and lock bit shock. Isha was hold Jimin tight since she saw Jimin is about to cry.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive him. He did not know about this." Isha keep on bowing. Feeling guilty due to Jimin behavior. 

"Isha Noona?"

"Yoongi?"Isha shocked. She never thought that she will meet him again. She kind of tired looking for him after the incident. Yoongi jump out and hugging her so thigh made Jimin was stuck in the middle.

"How are you been Noona. Why you didn't look for me I miss you so much. Why you left me like Hyung did?"Yoongi was crying so hurt.

Isha hurt. Is not that she would like to left him but she did not know where to search him.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. Please forgive me." isha said. 

"Is ok Noona. Now you was here I'm so happy."

Yoongi just realize that Jimin still in the middle of them and hugging Isha tight still. 

"Who is he Noona?"

"You did not remember him?" Isha shocked.

What happen to Yoongi.? How He know Isha?

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