Chapter 37 - Sibling night

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The same day at Jin house.

I still can't believe that they hired me. More, I also found Jimin and Yoongi. I'm curious about what Isha looks like in real life. After the interview, I went to the supermarket to get some groceries.

Since Wookie hyung is helping me with the job, I plan to cook him something tasty. I guess I have to treat Sungmin hyung too, since he is the one who helped me get this job.

Today's meal will be beef black pepper, bean sprout soup, and some fresh vegetables. I remember that Wookie hyung really enjoyed this dish. After I got out of the shower, I went to the fridge and got everything ready for dinner.

Wookie hyung arrives home just as I finish cooking. I ran toward him to tell him that I had gotten the job. He gave me a hug and said that he would take me out to dinner.

Since I had already cooked, I asked him to take a shower and come to the dining room when he was done. I ran to the kitchen quickly to set the table. I hope he likes the food I cooked for him.

"Jinnie, the food smells delicious." I am so happy that he likes the dishes. 

" How was your job interview today?" Hyung asked me. 

"That was good. The owner did not ask as many questions though. Just a normal question about qualifications and everything." I said.

"I hope you'll like it there. But please remember that you can always quit the job if you don't feel comfortable there." Hyung gave me a reassuring look. I nod at him.

We keep eating our food and talking about random things. Wookie hyung insisted on helping me wash the dishes because he said I worked so hard to make the food. I'm feeling so happy today.

I told him I would make some tea for him so we could watch a movie together. He did agree. I cut up some apples and pears for us to eat during the movie. Hyung does not deny that he enjoys other treats, but he always eats healthily.

"Can I ask you something, Hyung?" I asked him. 

"What is it?" He stops the movie and pays full attention to me. 

"What was I like before the car accident?" He took a slow, deep breath.

"For an introvert, you're pretty talkative. But only to the people you feel comfortable with. You like to cook, and all the food you made was delicious." I laugh and listen to all the things he said about me.

"I just want you to know that what you did in the past doesn't matter. I want you to have a happy life. I have promised mom that you will be happy. Please take care of yourself." I nod in agreement with what he stated.

Night at Isha house.

Isha checks her phone after she finishes taking a shower. Hoseok sent her a message reminding her to take her medicine. He has a meeting and will go to dinner after the meeting is over.

Isha had a smile on her face. She sent him a message back telling him that she had taken the medicine and warning him to be careful on his way home. Isha opened her laptop and took out the article she had brought from the office.

Some of the articles were written by her colleague, and she had to proofread them before sending them to the printing department. She was tired today because she had three meetings in a row.

Isha kept working till she heard the door open sound. She noticed Jimin at the entrance with his plushie. 

"Coming baby." She spoke. Jimin moved toward her and sat on the bed. 

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" Isha asked him.

"I'm thirsty, and Noona's light is still on. Do you have a lot of work to do?" Jimin asked. 

"Not really. I just checked on those articles. The deadline is in a week, so I still have some time."

Jimin plays with his plush ear. "Noona, I'm sorry for what happened today." Jimin said. He was staring at the floor. He still felt bad about throwing a tantrum this evening. Isha went to the bed and told him to lay down.

She fixes the blanket for him and gets in the blanket next to him. "I'm not mad at you, Minnie. Noona is also sorry for making you upset." Isha said. 

"How about we talk about something else? How was your day today?" Isha asked.

She could tell that Jimin was blushing despite the dim lighting in the room. Isha ruffled Jimin's hair and waited for him to talk about his day. 

"I'm feeling so happy today. I'm tired but so happy." Jimin begins his story.

"I liked that. I love it when you are happy, baby." Jimin turned around and hugged Isha's waist. 

"I like yoongi hyung noona." Jimin said. 

"Well. I like him too. He is a kind, caring person who cares about you." Isha giggled.

Jimin lifts his face to look at Isha. "Noona, I think I love him." After saying that, Jimin quickly turned his face down. 

"Do you think or do?" Isha asked playfully. Jimin covers his face with Isha's hands. Isha giggled.

"I can feel you like Yoongi. It's just that noona wants to hear from you." Isha said while gently stroking his head. 

"Noona does not wish for you to feel pressured by myself or Yoongi. I'm glad you love him."

Jimin murmurs a thank you and hugs isha. He went on with his story about a guy named Jin who came to the interview and made a good dessert. Isha can't help but think of something when she hears the name.

Jimin always told her about his imaginary friend, whose name is the same as the guy who is coming for an interview today. Isha wants to meet the guy as soon as possible.

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