Chapter 35 - Jealousy and confession.

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The food that Yoongi had ordered before Jin left didn't take long to come. Yoongi ordered spicy chicken stew, stir-fried vegetables, and chicken soup because Jimin couldn't eat anything spicy.

Three of them eating their meals together. Jimin is determined to try chicken stew, even though Yoongi told him it was spicy. He ends up putting the chicken meat into his chicken soup after the first taste.

His behavior makes Jaehun and Yoongi laugh. Today, Jimin ate so well. They finish up their meal. "Let me clean the table, Hyung. Minnie's face is almost touching the bowl." Jaehun laughed.

Yoongi looked at him and held his head quickly. He chuckled softly. Yoongi took the wet tissue, cleaned his face, and carried him to the back office. He laid Jimin down on the sofa and wrapped him in the blanket.

Yoongi assumes he is exhausted. Yoongi took his plushie and put it next to him. Then he slowly walked out of the office. He needs to check the grocery stock and send the order before they go home.

"Hyung, I'm done cleaning the dining area." Jaehun walked to Yoongi. Yoongi smiles at him. 

"Jiyeon is going to come in the morning. You can ask her to merely wipe the window." He said.

"Wow, Jiji, you are so thoughtful." Yoongi's praise makes him blush. 

"Hyung..." Yoongi giggled at him. 

"I guess you're free to go early today. We are almost done today. Hyung can close the cafe." Yoongi said.

Jaehun cheering at Yoongi. "Thank you so much hyung. I will see you tomorrow." Yoongi nods. Jaehun walks to the back office to get his jacket. He told Yoongi that Jimin was already awake before leaving the cafe.

Yoongi walks to the office's back room to see Jimin. 

"Dada.." Yoongi was stunned. 

"Dada, want to drink." Jimin said it again. Yoongi was surprised. He took a long, deep breath before walking out to get water for Jimin.

"Would you like something to eat before we go back?" Yoongi asked. 

"The crepe that Jin hyung made this afternoon is still in the fridge." Yoongi looked at Jimin who rubbed his eyes.

Yoongi stops him quickly. He wants Jimin to stop rubbing his eyes. Jimin nods. He took Jimin's hand and walked to the table. Once Jimin is seated, he puts the crepe in front of Jimin.

"Did Minnie like Jin hyung?" Yoongi asked. He is curious about how Jimin feels about Jin. Seeing how close Jin and Jimin were this afternoon made him a little envious, something he did not lie about.

Jimin nodded. "But Minnie likes dada more." Jimin blushing. 

"But Minnie thought dada like Jinnie hyungie. Dada look at Jinnie not bling bling eyes." When Yoongi heard what Jimin said, he laughed.

"Dada loves Minnie more. Dada eyes bling bling course dada feel like dada have met with Jin hyung before." Yoongi answered. Yoongi can tell Jimin is shy. His skin turned red.

Jimin felt nervous all of a sudden. "Dada not mad?" Jimin asked. He looked down, fidgeting his hand. 

"Minnie?" Yoongi knows that Jimin has figured out the name that he calls him.

"Can baby look at dada?" Jimin violently shakes his head. Yoongi can tell that Jimin is going to cry soon. 

"Why dada want to be mad? Did dada tell you that dada loves you so much." Yoongi wanted Jimin to raise his face.

"If Minnie makes a mistake, Dada will be mad, of course. But Minnie did not do anything wrong today." Yoongi shifted his seat. He sat next to Jimin and hugged him. He gently caresses his back to reassure him that Yoongi is concerned about him.

"I call you dada, hyung." Jimin said. His eyes were watering. Yoongi wipes his tears before they fall. 

"Call me whatever you want, baby. Hyung is not mad. Hyung loves you too much to get mad at you." Yoongi said it softly.

"Yes, I mean it Jimin. Hyung loves you." Jimin slowly lifted his face. Jimin looked fondly at Yoongi. 

"Are you sure hyung?" Jimin asked. He didn't expect Yoongi to tell him the truth.

"Very much. I promise that I love you and will look after you until the end." Yoongi said. He cups both of Jimin's cheeks and kisses his lips softly. It's just a soft peak, but He knows that it will be enough for now.

Jimin hugs him and hides his face on Yoongi's chest. His heart is still pounding. "I also love you, hyung. So much." Jimin muttered. It was slow, but Yoongi heard it loud and clear. He gives Jimin a peck on the head.

Jimin smiles. So is Yoongi. More than he can tell. For him, the word and care is more important than the act. This is the best thing that happened to him after he met Jimin and Isha.

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