Chapter 36 - flourishing of the heart

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When Isha arrived, Yoongi and Jimin were already at home. Her stomach rumbles at the mouth watering aroma.

Isha chuckled as she took in the view. Yoongi's patience with Jimin's whining is admirable. As Yoongi refuses his request, Jimin sits down on the floor, attempting to show his tantrum.

"You've consumed a lot of sugar today, Jimin." Yoongi commented. Yoongi refuses Jimin's request, causing Jimin to whine. Yoongi was able to catch his hand before it landed on Yoongi's thigh.

"You know that Noona won't be mad at me if I punish you, Jimin." Jimin burst into tears. 

"I only want juice." Jimin said, slamming the cup on the floor with a loud thud as he spoke.

Yoongi gave Jimin a stern look. Isha was well aware that she must do something to help. "Jimin, what's the deal with you sitting on the ground?" Isha asked while setting his bag on the table.

Isha's voice startled them both. 

"Dada isn't going to give me jucy. I want my juicy mummy." Isha raises her eyebrows as she looks at both of them.

She wanted to smile, but she knew she had to be firm with Jimin at the moment. 

"I heard that dada said you have a lot of sugar today?" Isha said.

"But, mummy." Jimin sobbed. 

"Stand up and go to the corner for 10 minutes." Isha said. Yoongi stood still. He knows that Isha knows what's best for Jimin.

Jimin turns his head to look at Isha, who is still standing with her hand pointing to the corner of the living room. He walked slowly to the corner, tears falling down his cheek.

Isha gestures for Yoongi to sit at the table. After about 10 minutes, Isha goes to Jimin, gives him a hug, and brings him to the table.

She helped Jimin sit in the chair so that he could see her. "Do you know what you did wrong today, Minnie?" Jimin nodded. He is still crying.

Isha took a deep breath before continuing. "All of what we do is for you, Jimin. We want you to stay healthy. We do it because we love you." Jimin is still quiet.

"Mummy and dada love you so much that you must keep in mind Jimin, mummy, and dada doing this for you. If you can listen to mummy, you must also listen to dada." Isha dries his tears.

Yoongi is amazed by how She handles the situation. He knows that Isha is trying to lose a little bit to Jimin. "In the event that mummy is no longer able to care for you, your dada will do so. However..."

Isha can't finish her sentence because Jimin starts crying out loud and hugs her. "No, mummy can't go.. I want mummy and dada. You can't leave me."

"Mummy sorry, mummy will not leave you. but you have to promise you will behave well. Listen to dada and mummy." Isha tightens her hug.

"Promise." Isha gently rubs his back to make him feel better. After a few minutes, Jimin finally lost his grip on Isha. "Now, go to dada and apologize." Isha motioned for him to go to Yoongi.

Jimin walks slowly toward Yoongi and hugs him. "I'm sorry dada. Minnie should listen to Dada. Sorry for being mean to you." Jimin said. He has stopped crying but still has a hiccup because he cried so hard.

Yoongi smiled. He looks at Isha, who nods in response. "I accept your apology, baby. You know that dada loves you, right?" Yoongi said while kissing his head. Isha glances at them with adoration in her eyes.

Yoongi felt Jimin nod as his face was close to his chest. "Let's fill up our stomach." Isha said. Yoongi helped Jimin to sit on the chair near him. He placed a full plate of food in front of Jimin.

They had finished dinner a long time ago, and Isha was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. Isha declines Yoongi's request to wash the plates, and instead asks him to check on Jimin in his room.

Jimin was sleeping peacefully without having showered. He must be exhausted today. Yoongi smiles looking at him. In the end, he helps Jimin get ready for bed by wiping him down with a wet towel and putting on his pajamas.

He finally turned off the light and let Jimin sleep after making sure he was covered with a blanket and that his stuffed animal was on his side. By the time Yoongi gets to the kitchen, Isha has finished cleaning up.

She is sitting at the table with two mugs of hot lemon water in front of her. "Noona.." Isha pushes one of the mugs toward Yoongi. 

"Today, I believe he regressed further?" Yoongi nods.

Yoongi, explain what happened at the cafe today. How he felt jealous of Jimin when he saw Jimin with Jin, about the interview and his new workers. Isha sometimes nods and laughs as she listens to him.

"You know I have nothing against your relationship. I just hope that you can really take care of Jimin." Isha gives her nod of approval.

"Noona, I'll take care of him and you in ways you can't even imagine." They decide to call it a night, and Yoongi goes home to sleep.

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