Chapter 47 - Spill the bean Pt 1

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Yoongi was in the kitchen, diligently washing the plates and utensils from dinner. Hoseok kept insisting on helping, but Yoongi gently pushed him towards the living room, instructing him to assist Isha in preparing the sleeping arrangements.

As soon as Hoseok spread out the mattress and comforter, both kids jumped onto it, insisting that Isha join them. They lay on either side of her, eagerly asking her to read them stories.

Yoongi walked over with two sippy cups of milk that Hoseok had prepared earlier. He laughed softly at the scene before him. The kids beamed with happiness at the sight of the sippy cups.

"Is this new one?" Jimin asked.

"Yup baby it's a new one." Yoongi said.

"Yes, we bought three. Taetae will have one too," Isha said, ruffling Jungkook's hair with a smile. She seemed to understand exactly what Jungkook wanted to say. Jungkook hugged Isha lovingly, then took his sippy cup and drank his milk.

"Dada, this is so good." Jimin said.

"Hobi hyungie dith this. Kookie knows. It decicsios Minnie."

"Yup. very decicsios..."

"It's a delicious baby." Isha laughing at them.

While the kids contentedly sucked on their sippy cups, Isha continued reading the story to them. Yoongi and Hoseok lay down beside Jimin and Jungkook, reminiscing about the good old days at the adoption house. The scene filled them with a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

The same scene unfolded, especially with Hoseok gazing at Isha without blinking. Yoongi noticed and couldn't help but smirk to himself. "If he tries to provoke me tomorrow, he'll see what he gets," he thought with a hint of amusement.

Isha paused when she heard soft snoring from the littles. She gently took the sippy cups from their hands, placed them on the coffee table, and then tucked the kids securely into their blankets.

"Do you okay Noona. Do you want me to remove Jimin a little from you?" Yoongi asked.

"It's ok Yoonie. I'm used to it." Isha said.

"How about Jungkook?"

"Don't worry Hobi-ah. Just let them be." Isha giggles softly.

"Noona, Namjoon will be here tomorrow with Taetae right?" Isha nods at the question.

"Oh my goddess. Please bless us God." Both Isha and Yoongi look at Hoseok with questioning eyes.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked.

"We need to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for tomorrow when they both arrive. Taetae will make a big fuss once he realizes Jungkook is hurting," Hoseok said, sighing.

"We're here. Don't worry. We can handle it," Isha reassured Hoseok, patting his hand gently as it rested securely on Jungkook.

"Noona, while we're on the subject, I was wondering if you could have a little chat with Namjoon," Hoseok suggested.

Hoseok slowly sat up and glanced at Yoongi, who had also stirred. He carefully removed himself from beside Jimin, giving him a gentle pat before turning to look at both Yoongi and Isha.

"I'm sorry if my prediction is wrong, but I think Namjoon wasn't in a good condition either. Do you remember the day he sent Taetae to us because Taetae had a fever? He looked so miserable," Hoseok recalled, concern evident in his voice.

"Oh, Hyung, I just remembered when you told us about that. I can feel it too. Lately, he's been so busy with work. There were a few times he came late to pick up Tae from dance class. Once, I overheard Tae telling Jungkook that his hyung was hurt because he heard Namjoon crying. Damn, why didn't I realize this?" Hoseok sighed, a mix of regret and concern in his voice.

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