Chapter 48 - Spill the bean Pt 2.

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The food disappeared quickly; it seemed everyone was really hungry. Jin and Yoongi cleared the table, and as they did, Hoseok guided the kids to the back office. He could tell that in no time, their faces would be slamming onto the table if he didn't bring them away now.

Isha busied herself cutting fruits and packing some for Jin and Yoona to take back. She also left some in the fridge, planning to use them for dessert with Jin later on Monday. It was almost 4:00 p.m. by the time they finished cleaning the dishes.

Yoona bid her goodbye as she said she wanted to stop at the new book store that just opened at the end of the building. While waiting, both littles wake up from their nap. Four of them having small chats together.

"Jinnie, we're having our family day tomorrow. Actually, we do it every weekend since it's the only time all of us are free. The littles can have a playdate as well. If you're free, I'd like you to join us too," Isha explained warmly to Jin.

Jin looks at Isha with his sparkly eyes but frowns after that. "I love that too, Noona but I've promised my hyung to accompany him tomorrow."

"Aww... Don't be sad. My house is open freely for you. You can come anytime you want. If not tomorrow you can come next week too."

"Sure Noona I will." Jin nods excitedly.

"I think my hyung is here. I will meet you on monday."

"Thank you hyung. Have a great day to you."

Jin smiled and waved at them before leaving. Isha then took the notebook from the counter and started writing the grocery items they needed to buy later. With so many things happening this week, she realized she wouldn't have time to go grocery shopping herself.

"Hobi, can you help me get Jungkook and wash his face? I just finished with Minnie. Let's go home."

"Okay hyung." Yoongi puts Jimin beside Isha and he immediately leans towards Isha. His eyes started to shut back.

"No baby, you can't go to sleep now. It will be hard for you to sleep later."

"But I'm still sheepy..." Jimin said.

Yoongi slowly put the ice cream on his cheek, and his eyes immediately widened in surprise. Isha couldn't help but giggle at him. "Would this make you less sleepy?" Yoongi asked, waving the ice cream in front of him.

Jimin nodded frantically, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Yoongi helped him open the ice cream and assisted him in eating it. He then pulled Jimin onto his lap, patting his back and head lovingly. Isha shook her head, watching the two of them with amusement.

Jungkook was jumping out of Hoseok's embrace when he saw Jimin eating the ice cream. "Hyungie, Kookie wants some too. Please," he pleaded, showing his puppy eyes and giving Yoongi an innocent look that was hard to resist. Yoongi ended up giving one to Jungkook, despite Hoseok glaring at him for giving them ice cream as soon as they woke up.

"Alrights. Boys. I have a grocery list here and we really need to do grocery shopping as there is not much food in the fridge."

"Just give that to me, Noona. I'll go with Hobi after dropping you and the kids off," Yoongi said. The kids didn't know that he planned to have a little interrogation session with Hoseok on the way to the supermarket later.

Hoseok pushed the trolley behind Yoongi, watching as he grabbed items one by one, showing no sign of stopping.

"Are we really buying this all, hyung?"

"Yes," Yoongi agreed, continuing to pick up items on the list. "While I'm looking for the meat and seafood, why don't you go weigh all the vegetables first? Meet me later at the seafood counter," he suggested, then walked off to the seafood station.

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