Chapter 13 - The butterfly feelings.

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Isha open the door and saw everyone was laying down on the floor. "I think you guys just sleep here. Both Taehyung and Jungkook look so exhausted." Isha quickly when to the spare room and take out the blanket and comforter for them.

She saw hoseok at the door. "Let me help you noona." He takes the comforter and blanket from Isha hand and bring to the living room.

He quickly lay the comforter down as he saw Jungkook and Taehyung fall asleep on the couch at Namjoon Lap. Isha passed him some pillow and towel. He picked up Jungkook and lay him down while Namjoon took Taehyung down beside Jungkook.

"I think you guys need to refresh." Isha show them the bathroom. 

"Noona go and take some rest. You work to much today." Isha just smile. 

"Let me see Jimin for a while. He must be sleeping now.

He was locked in his embrace . Yoongi about to wake when Isha gesture him to stay and sleep with Jimin. 

"Just accompany him tonight please. You look so tired as well." Isha whisper. Yoongi just nodded. His eyes slowly fallen shut. Isha help to fix the blanket. She gives Jimin small peek at his cheek and turn of the light.

She walked out of the room and stop at the living room. She looked at all of them. Isha cant believe that they will meet again. she really hope that this time they will not get separate and everybody can have a happy life.

She entered the room, grab her phone and started to check for any dateline that she should rush. she continues working on her laptop until she feel thirsty.

She almost screamed when saw someone in the kitchen. Hoseok quickly catch her and close her mouth to prevent her shouted loudly. 

"Noona it's me." Isha sigh. 

"You almost makes my heart stop hobi." Isha tried to calm herself while Hoseok slowly running his hand at Isha back to help her calm down.

"What are you doing here?" Isha ask. 

"I'm thirsty. Thought want to have some water. Why do you still not sleep Noona?" Hoseok ask. 

"I'm finishing some article. I just don't like to wait until the deadline because I'm afraid by the time I should submit the work, something came up and so. Would you like to have tea?" Hoseok just nodded with a smile. Isha quickly boiled some water for the tea.

 Isha open the fridge and take some cake. She take two forks and sat on the floor. Hoseok quickly sit beside her when Isha handed over a fork to him. Isha about to stand when Hoseok stop her. 

"Let me do it for you."

Isha just watch Hoseok make the tea. There is something about him make Isha feel calm. Maybe because his cheerful and passionate side. Isha suddenly feel butterflies in her stomach.

"Stop it Isha. He just like your brother, He is too young for you." Isha take a deep breath. She just would like to clear the thought in her mind.

"Noona." Hoseok slowly patted her shoulder. 

"Are you ok. I think you too tired. Should you go back to sleep." Isha startled. 

"Nah. just lost in thought. Hehe." Hoseok gaze at Isha.

She still has the same look just like before. He has that feeling during the first time he meets her. However, there is something that Isha hide. Not only from him, but from everybody.

"What are you doing here Hobi?" Isha ask. 

"Did you know that I always love when you call me that Noona. I thought you forget the nickname already." Isha just laugh at Hoseok.

"I'm open a small dance school here. You know I love that since kids. After finishing college, I joined some competition, before coming back here." He sips his drink slowly.

"Yup I heard that. But why you decide to move back here. I'm sure you have a better offer?" Isha slowly leaned her head on Hoseok shoulder. 

"I came back to find something that I had lost. I know it might not be possible for me to find it."

He continue to talk and only stop when he feel something on his shoulder. Hoseok burst small laugh. 

"She must be so tired." Hoseok talk to himself. He quickly pick her up and carry her to the room. Hoseok slowly put Isha on her bed and pull up the blanket and make sure she will not catch a cold. He ruffled her hair. 

"Good night Noona. I miss you so much." Hoseok close the light and slowly walk out from the door. 

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