Chapter 10 - Preparing for a picnic

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"Mummy, I wanna go pee." Jimin said while patting Isha shoulder. Isha wake up and rubbing his eyes. "Sorry mummy. I'm afraid to go alone." Jimin said. Jimin feel guilty while looking at Isha. 

"It's ok baby. Let's go." Isha said while reach Jimin hand.

She accompany Jimin to the toilet. "Done mummy." Jimin said. 

"Erm no baby. Have you wash your hands?" Isha ask. 

"Ops sorry mummy." Jimin turn back to the sink and wash his hands properly. 

"Its clean mummy wook." Jimin said while showing his hand to Isha. 

"Good boy baby. Let's get to sleep then.

Jimin quickly tug himself under the blanket and make some space for Isha to lay down beside him. He quickly pull Isha close to him and wrapped his hand on Isha waist. Isha just smile and give a kiss to his forehead and slowly ruffle Jimin hair.

She humming a song so that Jimin can easily falls asleep. Not to long Isha drive to sleep while hugging Jimin close to her. They gonna have another great day or just wish it not gonna be a disaster day.

Isha currently in the kitchen preparing the dishes for them to make a barbeque later in the evening. She busy mixing the sauce for the chicken and beef. She can even have Jimin to help her today due to he still in his little space. Isha get a long deep breath. So many things were still not done yet and she lucky Jimin did not throw any tantrum or trouble her in the kitchen.

She suddenly heard knocking sound. Isha immediately washing her hands and walk to the door. "Isha noona. I bought some dessert for us tonight." said Yoongi. Isha smiling. 

"Just put there on the table." Isha said while smiling. Yoongi place the basket on the table and follow Isha to the kitchen.

He saw the vegetables in the sink and some of the side dishes on the tabletop. "Where is Jimin?" Yoongi ask. No wonder it's seem so quiet. 

"He was in the room. No feeling well I guess. He is in his little headspace. Oh. Did you know about that Yoongi ah." Isha look a bit nervous on that. 

"Don't worry noona. I know about that. I had read some and experience taking care of my friend sister." Yoongi said.

"Let me help you with the vegetable. I think you should check on Jimin." Yoongi said. Isha let small sigh. 

"Could you cut this into cube. Not that big. I know kids will not eat if it to big. Just eatable size as we will mix this for the skewer later." Isha said.

Yoongi just nodded with ok hand gesture. Isha then walk to Jimin room and saw that Jimin just finish taking his bath. 

"Baby, are you ok." Isha look at him and ruffle his hair. She then help Jimin to fix the shirt and comb his hair.

Jimin just nod and crawl his hand on Isha waist. "Yoongi hyung was here. Should we going out and having breakfast together?" 

"Ok noona. Noona minnie love you so much." Jimin kiss on Isha before pulling her hand to the kitchen.

Isha frowning while following Jimin to the kitchen. She just put mental notes to have a talk with Jimin after they having their picnic later. 

"Morning Jiminie, how are you? Yoongi ask while hugging Jimin. He just giggle and nod with bright smile. 

"Hyung have a special chocolate cake for you but promise me you only can take that after dinner later. Finger promise?" ask Yoongi again while showing his pinky finger to Jimin.

"Hyung, not a little bit?" Jimin ask back while giving a puppy look. Yoongi look at Isha. 

"small pieces will do if you finish your breakfast. What's says you?" 

"Pinky promise." Jimin said while link their pinky finger together. Isha just smile brightly. She hopping of something will be going soon and she really hoped that her instinct will be right.

Isha put a plate of egg and tuna sandwich with salad on the side and warm milk in Jimin favorite cup. a small bowl of fruits to go with and a basket that is full with pastries and bread.

She know Jimin a bit picky on the food so that she gives a variety of food for him to choose. She get another plate for Yoongi as well so that he can accompany Jimin for his breakfast. She heard her phone rings and found that Siwon was calling her.

"Good morning Isha, how are you? are you free today?" Siwon great with a bright voice. 

"Morning, I'm doing good. is there any work that I forgot to submit?" Isha ask. 

"oh come on, Isha. did I look that cruel to you?" Siwon ask. Isha just chuckle.

Isha then turn out the loud speaker so she can continue marinated her meat. "I'm thinking wanna ask you if you and Jimin wanna go out? Siwon ask. 

"Siwon Hyung. Jimin here too" Jimin shouted happily. Isha just let Jimin talk to Siwon. 

"How are you my buddy. wanna go out with me?" Siwon ask.

He hope that jimin will agree so that he can meet both of them. 

"Hyung we will go picnic later. would you like to join in. Noona cook so much delicious food. come here hyung please?" Jimin begged for siwon to join the picnic. 

" I don't know buddy, its you gathering actually. Hyung don't want to ruin it. 

"what do you mean? Look siwon i will not talk to you if you did not come?" Isha said suddenly.

"Jimin also don't want to talk to hyung coz you made noona sad." 

"Haish you two. Alright count me in. I will be there. text me your address." Siwon finally give up. 

"Yeay. you the best hyung. Jimin will text the address."

Isha just smile at Jimin. hopefully he will be happy today. She look at Yoongi eating quietly. "Siwon is my bos at the company that I'm working now. Previously, i'm working wit his father Mr. choi. doing part time and became an intern after finishing my studies." Isha said while smiling at Yoongi.

"hyungie can i have my cake now cause I finish all my meal. See i finish all of them. I'm good rite." Jimin said while looking at Yoongi with hope. He really wants to have the chocolate cake that Yoongi bought.

Yoongi smile while patting his head softly. It's hard to deny his request but at the same time he afraid Isha will scold him. He know that Isha very strict with food that Jimin consume due to Jimin health conditions. He look at Isha for approval. Isha just laugh and give a small nod. 

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