Chapter 43 - pouring his heart out

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In Hoseok's bedroom.

"Where're you going?" Isha asked.

"I will be sleeping on the couch. I want you to feel comfortable here."

"I think you have a king-size bed, and I can only use a quarter of it. Furthermore, I want you to rest comfortably because you have had a lot going on these past few days. I have no problem sharing."

Hoseok smiled because all he wanted to do was sleep with Isha. Just sleep, nothing else, only sleep. He knows that Isha can give him the comfort that he really needs right now. He is still hesitant to make a move, however.

Isha can tell that Hoseok is afraid of pushing the limits too far. She got out of bed, walked toward him, took the comforter from his hand, and put it on his computer table.

He pushed Hoseok gently toward the bed and tucked him in to make sure he was comfortable. Once she's done, she walks to the other bedside and curls up under the blanket.

"You can shift a tiny baby." I don't want you to roll off the bed. I'm not that big, am I?"Isha giggled. She shifts a bit more.

"There's still a big space between us, baby. I swear we had a peaceful night's sleep today."

"If you said so." Isha giggled. She moves closer to Hoseok, grabs his hand, puts it on her stomach, and caresses it gently.

"Please don't think so much about things that happen, dear. The situation will get better." Isha plays with Hoseok's finger in the hopes that it will make him feel better.

"This happened for the first time in the last five years. I thought he had completely stopped doing those things to hurt himself. I should be more aware."

"You know there's no exact cure for mental illness. We can try to stop it from happening, but we can't really cure them. Dear, we can help him."

"I was so scared last night. I thought that I'm losing him. I feel useless. I can't protect him from any harm. I had promised to Omma but... ."

Isha turns to look at Hoseok. He was a sobbing mess. Isha, on the other hand, knows how it feels to lose someone she cares about and loves. She has been taking care of Jimin since she was young, so she can relate to how it feels to lose someone she cares about and loves.

Isha pulls Hoseok in for a hug. She caresses his back gently, letting him pour out his feelings. On the other hand, Hoseok tightened the hug as if his life depended on it. All this time, he acted like he was fine.

Using his sunny and bubbly personality to make sure everyone was happy and comfortable. Never once did he care about himself. All he cares about is making sure others are okay and protecting them at all costs.

Isha just let him be. She sometimes tightens the hug, caresses his back, and kisses his cheek. To reassure him that she was there. After all, she feels so at ease, and it gives her energy to recharge.

They have been in the same spot for quite some time. Hoseok seems to be much better. No longer cry. But she can still feel the hiccups from all the crying. She slowly pulled out of the hug.

His eyes were swollen from crying so much. Isha gently wipes away his tears, giving him comfort by smiling and gently kissing his lip. Hoseok was stunned by the kiss. He tries to utter a word but nothing comes out.

Knowing that the kiss had made him blush, he snatches Isha back into a hug. He puts his face on Isha's neck to hide from the embarrassment. Isha can't help but laugh at his antics.

"I'm sorry baby." He mumbled a word.

"You don't have anything to feel sorry about." You can't pretend to be a strong person all of the time. You have learned to let go of your emotions sometimes. I'm right now with you here. You know you can put your faith in me on that."

"I know. I can't help it. You have a lot on your plates too."

"What's the point of having a relationship if we can't communicate our sentiments to one other?" What I want is for us to go through everything together. We can always talk about how to fix it."

"I'm sorry baby. I promise I'll do better next time."

"Again. It is none of your fault, Hobi. I only accept your promises."

Isha cups his face in her hands and gently caresses it. Hoseok bet on it before she did. He gently kissed her on the lips. It's more of a peak because he's still shy about it. Finally, they were facing each other as they laid on the bed.

Hoseok looks at Isha lovingly, gently ruffling his hair. "Let's get some sleep baby." Isha nods. 

"Would I get a snuggle?" Hoseok laughed at the request. 

"As you wish, my princess."

Hoseok pulls Isha close to him and snuggle her dearly. While Isha wrapped his hand on Hoseok's waist. It did not take them for a while to fall asleep.

In Jungkook's room.

Jimin woke up from the little noise Jungkook made. He turns to Jungkook and sees that Jungkook tries to remove the blanket with his left hand.

"What happened, Kookie?"

"I feel my throat dry. Want some water but I don't want to called Hyungie."

"Let me help you."

Jimin abruptly gets out of bed after waking up gradually. He helped take Jungkook's blanket off and got him out of bed. Both of them cautiously open the door and head toward the kitchen. Jimin opened the fridge and took a bottle of water.

He opens the bottle of water and gives Jungkook a drink. After he was done, he drank from the same bottle. Jimin took another bottle and signaled for him to return to the room. Jungkook stopped right in front of Hoseok's room.

"Why Kookie?"

"Shhhhh... ."

He opened the door gently and found his hyungie and Noona snuggling up together. Jimin had a radiant smile on his face. He giggled and smiled. Jungkook smiles and claps his hand, making a hissing sound as he mistakenly claps so hard.

Jimin swiftly closes the door, grabs Jungkook's left hand, and heads to his room. Once the door had been shut, They shouted and cheered with joy.

"Kookie, I hope mummy and hyungie can be together."

" Me too Minnie, me too."

"Let's go to sleep." Jungkook nodded. Jimin helps him to the bed, covers him with the blanket, and then jumps onto the bed next to him. They gave one other a kind smile before drifting off to sleep.

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