Chapter 40 - Worrying

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Yoongi walks into the house and goes straight to the kitchen. "Morning Noona." Isha smiled.

"Morning Yoonie. How was your sleep?" Isha asked.

"Beautiful. What are your plans for the day?" Isha keeps slicing the meat.

"I am not really sure. I may bring Jimin to Hoseok's studio today. He informed me that Jungkook appears to not be feeling well, and Taehyung will accompany Namjoon to the hospital because he has a medical check-up that evening." Yoongi seemed worried.

"I think you should. And perhaps Jimin can pass the time with other activities. He appears to enjoy dancing. Good thing Jaehun was always there when he was bored." Yoongi laughed.

"I'll agree with that. Um, why don't you go and wake up your boyfriend? The breakfast is almost ready." Isha winked at him. Yoongi's face started to turn red. Isha laughs at him. Isha continues cooking.

Shortly after that, they start eating breakfast. Jimin seems to be very sleepy. He is between Isha and Yoongi. Both of them sometimes take turns feeding him. When they were done eating breakfast, Isha took Jimin to his room so he could wash his face.

Yoongi comes after, bringing his milk in the sippy cup. "I think I'd better let him sleep for a while." Yoongi nods.

"Do you think you will be back for dinner?"

"I'm not sure about it, Yoonie. Did you have any plans?"

"I'm just asking. I might have dinner with my team. Since Jin Hyung joined us, I still have not thrown any dinner for them."

"I'll guess you should too. At least they will enjoy and work hard after this."

"If you are not busy, maybe you could drop by, Noona." Isha nodded to him with a smile.

Yoongi was ready to leave when Isha told him to wait. She quickly ran to the kitchen and packed some cookies and bread that she had made in the morning. "Please share this with your team members," Isha advised. Yoongi just shook his head.

Isha and Jimin were on their way to Hoseok's dance place in the late afternoon. She brought some clothes and Jimin's necessities in case they spent the night at Hoseok's house. Jimin was happy playing with his stuffie.

They stopped at the toy shop because Isha wanted to get Jungkook something. But she ends up buying two stuffed animals for Jungkook and Jimin. It took them twenty minutes to get to Hoseok's office.

Isha rings the bell and waits for the door to be opened. She thought about giving Hoseok a little surprise. Not long after, someone came to open the door for her. Isha looked at the office's surroundings.

The interior was simple but relaxing. It has two rooms with glass doors for dance practice, one office, and a pantry. They also have a changing room with a shower so that their students can shower before returning.

"I apologize for making you wait. My name is Lisa. I'm a co-dance teacher and Hoseok's assistant. So you must be Isha, right?" Isha is taken aback. 

"How do you recognize me?" Lisa giggled .

"Your picture is on the Hoseok desk. And this little cute boy is Jimin." Jimin nodded shyly.

"Of course, not just your photo, Ms. Isha. Taehyung always talks to us about you and his soulmate friend. He was so excited and bubbly." Isha laughed as she heard that.

"Please call me Isha. This is my first time coming here since he moved in. I thought I could meet him and look at the place, too. My brother also likes to dance. Since Jungkook and Taehyung will be here, maybe I can send him here."

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