Chapter 15 - Accidently left Jimin alone

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Isha point of view.

"Noona, sorry for the late response but we have some meetings at Busan and I need you to come with me." Siwon called me his morning.

"Don't worry siwon. Let me get ready ya."

"Ok Noona. I will wait at the entrance."

I quickly took shower and got ready for the meeting. I get my bag and laptop and run to the guard house. 

"Morning Noona, thank you for coming with me. I'm really sorry to inform you at the last minute." Siwon said. I can see that he is feeling a bit guilty.

"Morning, Siwon shi. Don't worry about that. I do understand." I said with a smile. I don't want him to feel guilty.  I feel something that I've been missing. After 30 minutes drive from home I suddenly remember something. 

"Oh my god." I'm screaming hard. Siwon was shocked and immediately pulled the car to the side. 

"How i can be so dumb." I was crying. My hand was shaking. I forgot about Jimin.

"Siwon, I forget about Jimin." I said and cried hard. What happened to me.

"Noona, please breath. Don't panic. Let me borrow your phone. Anyone near that I can call out?" Siwon look worried

"Yoongi. Please call him. He knows my house password too." I said. Siwon quickly calls Yoongi and talks to him. He asks Yoongi Immediately look for Jimin and calls as soon as he sees him. My phone was ringing. I saw Yoongi's ID on the phone.

"Hello, Yoongi is Jimin awake. Did he cry? did he being little?" I ask.

"Noona. please calm down. He hasn't woken up yet. I will be here and call you ok. Siwon hyung has explained to me. Don't go hard for yourself."

"It's never happened. I swear." It seems my tear doesn't want to stop.

"Noona, please. You're gonna make yourself exhausted. please believe in me. I do promise to take care of you and Jimin right." I could feel Yoongi worried about me as well.

"I'm sorry. Yoongi, please make sure he eats and his medicine as well. everything on the fridge as sometimes his tutor will help it. You can give him deserts if he behaves but not so much."

"Noona, please. don't worry. I will look at him. I'll call you or text you as soon as he wakes up."

"Yes. Thank you Yoongi." I sigh. I look at Siwon,feeling guilty as I make him worry too. we could get in an accident if he was panicking.

"Noona. Please stop blaming yourself. it's my fault as well. I should remind you and inform you about the meeting early." Siwon held my hand to soothe me up.

He begins to drive once he ensures that I'm ok.

Yoongi POV

I walked to Jimin's room and found that he was fast asleep. I leave him, for a while, going to the kitchen to make some breakfast for him. I'll make some rice steam egg and soup. I warm the milk and add chocolate syrup.

"Noonaaaa!" I hear Jimin's voice and quickly run to his room. I saw him rubbing his eyes and clutch to his plushie. 

"Where noona?" He asked again.

"Noona has urgent work. He will be back soonest. Hyung will take care of you." I sit near him and caress his hair. Jimin just nodded. 

"Would you wash up? Hyung has made breakfast." I said. He just nodded and walked to the bathroom. I'm kind of nervous. I call Isha Noona quickly to ask something.

"Hello, Yoongi-aah. anything alright?" She asked.

"Jimin, just wake up and I ask him to wash up. He just nodded and went to the bathroom. It's that normal noona?"

"It's fine. Just keep asking him questions if he is too quiet. Let me know if he starts to throw a tantrum. Don't forget to give him the medicine ya." Noona said.

"Sure Noona, I will. Don't worry." I'll hang up the phone and walk to the bathroom room. I know the door to check if Jimin was ok.

"Jimin, did you need any help. are done?" I ask. He opened the door and I saw that his shirt was wet. He got the toothbrush paste still on his cheek and his bangs fell on the foreheads. He looked so cute. I take deep breaths and get a towel to clean his face.

"Let us change some clothes. I don't want you to get cold. Then we can take breakfast ok." Jimin just nodded. I'll get a T-shirt with a blue stripe and a brown khakis for him. 

"Can you do yourself or you need to do it for you?" I ask again.

"Jimin can do hyung. Can you help me with the buttons? Jimin is not good with this." He looked at me and smiled finally. I can see his face was blushing. I help him with the button and wake up from the bed. 

"Hyung gets your breakfast. call me if you need anything ok." I said with a smile.

I quickly set his breakfast. I took his medicine and warm water. I saw Jimin walk to the kitchen awkwardly. 

"What happened bub?" He just looked down. I finally realized that he wrongly wore his clothes. Jimin just looked down. 

"I can't button this shirt hyung." he fidgeting his hand and did not even raise up his head.

"Put your hands up bub. You are wearing your shirt wrongly. lets hyung fix it for you." I said. He quickly hands up and I help him to wear the clothes correctly. His skin was so smooth and milky. I snap and slap my face. to move the dirty thought. Noona gonna kill me.

"Why do you slap your face?" Jimin asked. 

"Nothing. I just feel flies on my cheek." I feel like to kill myself now with the stupid answered.

"Hyung, you are so silly. There is nothing here haha." Jimin laughed. I laughed with him and brought him to the table for breakfast. 

"Look yummy hyung. Thank you for the food." Jimin said. I feel relieved.

"Eat well Jimin." I sat with him and watched him eating. I suddenly thought of Noona. How he can work and take care of Jimin at the same time. 

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