Chapter 49 - Taehyung outburst

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Isha and the two kids spent their time resting on the sofa while *Finding Nemo* played on the television. She felt a little dizzy today. Isha decided to take a bath before helping both of them later.

"Babies, Noona wants to take a bath first. I'll help you once I'm finished. Do you want anything before I go in?" Isha asked.

"No Noona. I'm still full. Maybe water but I can take it by myself.?" Jimin smiled.

"Ooo... My baby is so good today. How about you bun? You need something."

"Nope. Jimin hyung will help me later if I want water. Noona goes to rest and takes a bath first. We would like to watch this."

"Okay then," Isha said, making a frown face in front of them.

"Why, Noona?" Jimin asked, looking worried.

"I forgot that I'm with two handsome men today!" Isha laughed, winking at them.


"Haha, okay. I'll go first. Behave, okay?" Isha said, putting her hand up and walking to her room, giggling. Both of their faces turned red from that compliment.

As Isha prepared to take her bath, she realized she had forgotten to take her meds today. No wonder she was feeling so dizzy. She quickly took the meds and started the bath. She opted for a cold one, as it was better to help the dizziness go away.

After forty minutes in the bath, Isha finally relaxed, and the dizziness had gone away. Maybe the medicine she took earlier had kicked in. She drained the water and got ready, then slowly went out to check on both littles.

The two of them were so immersed in the movie that they didn't see Isha standing beside them. Isha noticed the fruit container, bread, and bottle of water on the coffee table. She suddenly felt proud of Jimin.

Isha thought that Jimin must have been too afraid to take the cookies from the container. She chuckled slightly and decided to leave a note to treat them with those chocolate chip cookies that they both loved the most tomorrow.

"Cupcakes, how about both of you go for a shower? Both of you stink," Isha wrinkled her nose. Both of them giggled.

"Of course we smell because we are working today, Noona." Jimin said laughing.

"So it means both of you need to get your shower now. Let's pause this movie first so you can continue to watch it later," Isha said, smiling at them.

"Okay Noona." Both of them said.

"Minnie, do you want to go first while Noona cleans up Kookie's wound."

"Okay Noona. Let's go Kookie. Minnie help you later."

The three of them walked together to Jimin's room. While waiting for Jimin to finish his shower, Isha helped clean his wound and change the dressing pad. Thankfully, the dressing pad was waterproof, so there was no issue with cleaning his wound before he took his shower.

Jimin finishes his shower and just wears his boxer as he wants to help Jungkook with his shower. Isha had told them that she keeps both of their clothes on the bed and said they can continue to watch their movies later.

"I need to get ready for dinner. Let's cook the rice and make the soup first," Isha said, starting to clean the rice with water, measure the water, and then put it in the rice cooker. After that, she prepared the ingredients for the soup.

While waiting for the water to boil, she cleaned up the mess on the coffee table, putting the fruit and bread in the fridge. She walked back and forth, sweeping the floor and cleaning other parts of the house.

Only God knows where she got the energy from to clean the house and cook at the same time. Not long after, Jimin and Jungkook walked to the dining table, well-dressed in their pajamas.

Isha turned towards them. "Both of you smell nice, baby," she said, making both of them shyly laugh. "Well, there's nothing for you to help with since Hyung is still not here. If you want to continue with the movie or play with your plushies, go on," Isha said.

Both of them decided to work on the puzzle they received from Sungmin hyung the other day. Jimin still didn't want Jungkook to sit on the floor, as he was afraid he might accidentally hit him or Jungkook might accidentally knock himself.

The doorbell rang, indicating that Namjoon had arrived. Isha took a deep breath before walking to the door and opening it. She smiled as she opened the door and saw Taehyung standing there with a bundle of books in his hand.

"Noona, miss you." he said while hugging Isha tightly.

"Noona miss you too baby. How are you my cupcake?" Isha asked while motioning Namjoon to come in as well. His hand was full with their overnight bag and his laptop. Isha just shook her head.

They took a seat on the sofa while listening to Taehyung rambling about his day at the hospital today, how he helped one of the grandmothers that have trouble with the wheelchair and so on.

"I'm proud of you bub. You did a good job. How can you be this good hurmm." Isha asked. She tries her best to buy sometimes by talking to them with the hope that Yoongi and Hoseok will arrive soon.

Taehyung giggled shyly at the compliment and said that he will always be a good boy and want to make his hyung and Noona proud of him. While both of them talking with Namjoon only respond to a few questions that she asked.

God listened to her prayer when she heard the door open revealing both Yoongi and Hoseok with a lot of grocery bags in their hands.

"Namjoon, Taetae, if you still haven't taken your shower go on take your shower first. Joon you can just rest first. We call you once the food is ready ya." Isha said while tapping Namjoon's thigh.

"I got my shower in Hyung's office before I came here. But Hyungie still hasn't taken a shower yet. He was so busy today." Taehyung pouted.

"I'm sorry, Taetae baby. I have a lot of patients today."

"Is ok hyung, Taetae not mad." Taehyung looks at Isha. "Can I play with Jimin and Jungkook?"

"Yes. Sure bub, you can. They are doing the puzzle in the room. Go ahead."

"Let's count until 10 or maybe more." Hoseok whispered.

Yoongi elbowed him to make him quiet. He quickly walked to the table top to take the groceries out. Isha looked at Namjoon worriedly. He kind of spacing out. Isha just let him take a rest.

As expected by the three of them, Taehyung screamed Jungkook's name loudly with the result that Namjoon was awake from his nap. He immediately wakes up and is about to go to the room when Yoongi pulls him to the dining table.

Hoseok whispers at him telling that Jungkook has another episode and hurts his hand, making his eyes open wider. Not long after that, Jimin was out of the room to give them some space.

He ran to Isha and hugged her. Isha cares for his back with a soothing word telling him that he did a good job and let them talk by themself. Isha motions to Yoongi to come and take Jimin with him.

"Just take care of Jimin, while I'm cooking. Let Hoseok explain it to Namjoon alone." Yoongi nods. He pulled Jimin to his lap and patted his back. 

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