Chapter 28 - Lovey Dovey

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Isha walks to the living room with a mug of tea in her hand. She sits at the sofa and picks up her phone to check if any urgent message comes in. She smiled. A message from Hoseok appeared on her phone screen.

Hoseok: Hi baby. We arrived at the house already. Safely arrived. What are you doing?

Isha:Good to hear that, Hobi. Just finish cleaning and cooking. Now, I'm sipping my tea. Both pumpkins are still sleeping. So I have time to regain my energy. Hehe.

Hoseok: Taetae with you. Namjoon didn't say anything about his work. Do you need me to come back baby?

Isha: I want you to stay there and finish things that you want to take care of. Namjoon had a sudden conference and Taetae got a fever yesterday. I'm just fine here, dear. Besides, Yoongi is just close by. I don't want you to worry, okay. I call you if I need anything. Have you taken your lunch?

Hoseok feels like a butterfly in her stomach. As he recalls, this is the first time Isha calls him dear. He felt that his check was blushing.

Hoseok: We had our breakfast this morning before I drove here. Jungkook is also still asleep. I will go out later once Jungkook awakens from his nap.

Isha: I think I need to go now. I can hear Jimin's voice. He may have woken up.

Hoseok: Sure baby. Call or text me if you have anything and text me or call me if you don't have anything.

Isha: (Isha chuckle listen to hoseok request.) Why do I need to call you if I don't have anything to do?

Hoseok: because I want you to and I will miss you? Pleeeesee?

Isha: You are so cheesy. Fine we talk later tonight okay. Take care dear.

Isha ends the phone call. She put her phone on the coffee table and swayed her leg to Jimin's room. When she opened the door, Jimin was there, smiling and sucking his thumb.

Isha walks toward the bed as Jimin reaches out to grab her. Isha let out a chuckle. 

"Morning my pumpkin. How's your sleep?" Isha asked. Jimin simply nodded and kept hugging Isha.

Taehyung wakes up from his sleep soon after. He gave his eyes a rub. 

"Hyung." He phoned. Isha moves quickly toward him while still holding Jimin on her lap. 

"Namjoon hyung is working. Taetae at noona house. How do you feel?" Taehyung just give her a smile. 

Isha touched his head. No symptoms of a fever were found on him. 

"How about both of you take a shower. Noona will make you breakfast." Isha said. 

"Okay noona." Both of them talk in unison.

Isha smiles at them. Both of them walked toward the table wearing oversized shirts and shorts. Isha could see that baby powder was smeared on their face. 

"Baby, come on, let's eat breakfast." Isha told them.

"Noona, the food was delicious. Thanks for the food." Taehyung said. Isha laughed. They finish eating and go to the living room. 

"You can play there. Make sure you don't make any messes." Isha said. 

"Okay noona. We will not make a mess." They answer.

Isha walks to the table with her laptop. She wants to continue her report. It's also easy to keep an eye on them from there in case they want a snack or drink. Isha started typing her work.

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