Chapter 18 - Little misunderstanding

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Everyone sits on the table while Yoongi serves the meal. Namjoon is seated between Taehyung and Jungkook whereas Yoongi is seated next to Jimin. 

 "Alright kids, food is served. Have a good meal. Yoongi told us. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook are fast digging the food. Namjoon raised his eyebrow. Looks like they're so starved. 

 "Why don't you slow down a little bit. I don't want you choking on the food. " Namjoon said. Namjoon and Yoongi changed their look. Yoongi just shook his shoulder and mouth a word play with him. He continues to eat his food.

"Hyung, we've finished," said Taehyung, who quickly left the table. 

"Kim Taehyung! Sit!  Namjoon stares at him and points him to sit down in his chair. Taehyung looked down. '

"Both  of you too." Says Namjoon. Everyone sits in their seats. 

 "Tell Hyung why you all rush into food. What are you tryin' to do? " Namjoon asked. 

 "Hyung, don't scold Taetae, we just want to keep on playing," Jimin said. He was staring at Namjoon with those puppy eyes. 

"Yes, I do know. But It will not run away, though, will it? Just in case something happens during your meal, do you think Noona will like it? " Namjoon asked. 

 "Sorry Hyung," 

"We'll never do it again," Jungkook said. Namjoon sighs. 

"All right, take your dish to the kitchen and wash your hand. Finish that drink and you can keep playing. But only for another hour. Get it?" Namjoon said. 

 Three of them nod their heads and go like Namjoon said. Yoongi kept smiling and shaking his head. 

"Namjoon, leave all there. Hyung will take care of it. You can have some rest. " 

"But Hyung, you did all the hard work today. I'll help you clean the plates. So you can have some rest. " Namjoon tries to argue. He knows how tired to look for both Taehyung and Jungkook. They might give Yoongi restless time.

"I don't really do anything today. I only watch 'em. I don't know how much you or Hoseok need to handle them, but thankfully, they all behaved today. " Yoongi chuckles. 

 Namjoon expressed disapproval of Yoongi's statement. 

"They did hyung? Are you sure? I mean, I can see that Jimin was a good kid, I mean, see how Noona cared about him. He behaves just as well. But Tae and Kookie?" Yoongi laughs at Namjoon's words. 

"Yes Joon. Three of them behaved surprisingly well this day. Tae and Kookie, too. Let me get this stuff done. You can go take a bath and help me get the bed ready for them to sleep later, all right? " Yoongi gives Namjoon a smile. Namjoon nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

            Jimin walks toward the kitchen and sees Yoongi finish washing every plate. 

"Hyung, can Minie have some milk before bed? Kookie and Taetae as well? "Jimin asked. 

"Sure bub. Hyung will fix you a glass. Ask Kookie and Taetae to change to your Pj's ok. As soon as you're done, come here. " Jimin smiles and quickly move to the room.

Yoongi places three cups in a tray and goes to Jimin's room. 

"Knock knock. Hi little Man, your warm milk is here? " 

"Yeay... Milky. " Three of them scream. 

"Don't run. Otherwise, you may spill the milk. Take a seat, Hyung will give you. "  The triplet soon sat down and waited until Yoongi put the milk in front of them. 

" Finish your milk. Once it's finished, put the cup in the kitchen. Can you do that? " Yoongi asked. They nodded and made a sign to Yoongi that it was okay. 

 Yoongi laughed and left the room. He then put the tray on the table and walked to Namjoon who currently spread the mattress for him and the little to sleep later.

 Yoongi sits on the couch. "Hyung, you should have some rest too," Namjoon said. 

"Don't worry, Joon, I'm fine. I'm not that busy today. But I was just thinking how Noona could look at Jimin and work at the same time. Knowing Jimin's condition isn't the best one. That could be a tough job for her. " Yoongi said. 

" Yes Hyung, I think the same thing. But Noona was such a secretive person. I hope that she will be more open to us now and that we will be able to help her. " Namjoon said.

 While they chatted, Jungkook ran to them with teary eyes. 

"Why Kookie what happened?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook cried instantly and muttered Jimin's name. 

 Yoongi immediately stands and runs toward the bedroom. Namjoon came after him with Jungkook. 

"Kim Taehyung, what did you do?" Namjoon raises his voice and makes both Jimin and Taehyung filch. 

"Namjoon, slow down."  Yoongi said and pulled Jimin onto his lap.

"Hyung, don't shout at Taetae, Kookie was wrong. Ask about Isha Noona," he said, and continued to cry. Namjoon sighs. He pulls Taehyung and gives him a hug. 

"Hyung sorry pumpkin. Forgive me please? " Namjoon said. Taehyung nodded and hugged his hyung. Yoongi hyung, 

"I will put Tae and Kook asleep. I guess it's better for you and Jimin to stay here. Maybe he really missed Noona. " Yoongi said thank you. Namjoon gets up and brings Tae and Kook outside.

"Can you tell me what happened?" asked Namjoon in a sweet voice. He doesn't want both of them to cry again and he feels guilty for raising his voice to Taehyung earlier. 

"We are playing and Kookie said that Kookie loves Noona food the best. Jimin was crying after telling everyone he missed Isha Noona. Kookie sorry Hyung. " Jungkook began to cry again. Namjoon stretched forth his arms and the two hugged him. 

"Taehyung apologizes too," Taehyung said with trembling voice. 

" No cupcakes. Hyung sorry, okay. Hyung should hear you two first. Forgive Hyung for speaking loudly. Let's get some sleep." said Namjoon.

He makes them lie down on both sides of him and pull up the blanket. He gives Tae and Kook the dummy to help them sleep and hold their arms together. He put in a reminder to ask Yoongi about what happened tomorrow. He quickly starts to sleep with his two little cuddles.

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