Chapter 32 - Little confession.

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They keep eating their snacks while talking to each other. Isha laughing looking at Jimin and Taehyung. Smoothies and cookies covered their faces. Isha took a wet tissue from her pocket to wipe their faces.

"Can we go to the swing, Mummy?" Jimin asked. 

"Sure. But, please, sweetie, be cautious. I don't want you both to get injured." Isha gives her permission to go. Both of them nodded and walked towards the swing, which was not far away.

"How's your day today?" Isha asked. Yoongi sighs. 

"Not busy at all. Even though the business is doing well, I think I want to make some changes, but I'm still not sure what to do. What do you think, noona?" Yoongi asked.

The answers were interrupted by the phone ringing. "Sungmin hyung." Yoongi took the call. 

"I'm sorry to bother you. Are you able to talk?" He asked.

"Sure Hyung. What is it about?"

"Remember when I told you to look for a pastry chef. My friend asked if you were still looking."

"There are still no candidates, hyung. I'm still looking for one, to be honest."

"Well, I'm calling you at the right time, I guess. My friend's brother recently finished art and culinary school and is searching for work. Is it possible for you to hire him?? I mean, if he's qualified, maybe you can do something about it."

"Sure hyung. I like to. Can you ask him to come in on Monday for the interview? In fact, there was nothing for me to ask. But maybe I asked him to make a simple dessert for me during the interview."

"I think that will not be a problem for him. I will tell him. His name is Kim Seokjin."

"Sure hyung. Thank you so much for your help."

Yoongi put an end to the call with a smile. "Noona, I think I'll hire him as our pastry chef if he's good. Yoongi said. 

"That's a good idea. I mean your business is going well. It is time for you to have your pastry chef." Isha said.

"How are you? How are you spending your day?" Yoongi asked. 

"It's nothing big. Aside from Taehyung's sadness, I listen to their confession." Isha laughed.

"What kind of a confession?" Yoongi asked, and Isha could feel how nervous he was.

"Well, it all started when Taetae asked Minnie if he likes him, and Minnie said yes." Isha stares at Yoongi to see how he reacts. She can see that his face is changing.

"Oh. So..." Yoongi sighs. Another call is approaching. 

"Yoongi hyung. Is noona alright? I'll call her, but she didn't answer the phone." That was Namjoon calling him.

Yoongi looking at Isha. "Noona is with me." Yoongi mouths it to Isha telling her that Namjoon is calling. He turned the loudspeaker on. 

"Sorry Jonnie, I forgot my phone at home." Isha said.

"Oh. Is ok noona. I'm done with my work, so I'll come pick up Taehyung. Maybe about half an hour." He said. 

"We were at the park next to my cafe. You could possibly come here. The littles are still engrossed in their play. I don't think they will quit soon."

Isha chucked. "Sure I will be there. Bye hyung." Yoongi ended the call. He looks at Isha smiling looking at them. 

"Err... noona about them. Do you really think that both of them like each other?" Yoongi asked.

"What do you think?" Isha asked back. She just wants to tease him.

"I have no idea." Yoongi turned his head down. He looked at Isha when he heard Isha laugh so hard. 

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Nothing. Apparently Taetae said that he likes Kookie so much. However, he is not sure if Kookie feels the same way about him. Taetae asked if Minnie liked someone too and Minnie said yes."

"Do you feel okay if Minnie has someone that he really loves noona?" Yoongi sounds frustrated.

"Who he loves doesn't matter to me." As long as that person loves him so much and can take care of him. I am not talking about his illness, but I am talking about his mental health. His regress. Not everyone could accept it."

"I can take care of him." Yoongi said. Isha looks at him smiling.

"I am sure you can. But what if you have a relationship with someone? What if that person is unwilling to let Jimin into your life?" Isha looked at him.

"I love him noona." Yoongi muttered. He glanced down, unable to look at Isha. He didn't realize that Isha was relieved and smiling happily at his confession.

"You what?" Isha asked. She awaited Yoongi's gaze. 

"I fell in love with him." Yoongi slowly lifted his face to look at Isha. He was afraid that Isha wouldn't accept his confession.

"I'm glad you did." Yoongi didn't understand. 

"You do?" Isha nodded. 

"I can tell, Yoongi, you have a feeling for him. But I don't want to draw any conclusions too quickly. Jimin is my brother, and I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of him."

"I never feel burden noona. I'm honest about how I feel. I appreciate you telling me this." Yoongi said. Isha could see that her cheek was reddening.

"So it's up to you to confess to him. It was not my job to tell him. You'll have to do it by yourself."

"What do you mean?" Yoongi looked puzzled.

"I pretend not to listen to what they're saying. I don't want Jimin to feel bad about himself. He always looks down at himself. He lacks self-confidence. I don't want to give him hope because I don't know how you feel about him."

"Don't worry noona. I never look him down. I just can't believe taetae like kookie." Yoongi chuckled. He understands what Isha is trying to say. He might do the same If he was Isha.

"Taehyung like who?" Both of them were startled by the voice. 

"Oh my god. Namjoon, won't you give me a hint? I was really surprised." Yoongi grumbled.

"Taehyung is like Jungkook." Isha said. Namjoon smiled. 

"You know about it?" Yoongi asked. Isha looked confused. Namjoon just laughed.

"Yes, I do know. He's my brother. I'm aware of it. He is always being possessive of Jungkook. Whether he's in his little space or not. He talks about Jungkook to me every single day. I know that time will come."

"But don't ask him about it, please. I pretended to be busy when I overheard their talk during their playing. I just don't want them to feel bad about themselves." Isha said. 

"Sure. you shouldn't worry about that. We just pretend we didn't know anything." Namjoon said.

"It's becoming dark. I think we should go home." Yoongi said. Namjoon agreed. 

"Yes. Let me drop you home." Isha walked toward them and told them they were about to go home. They jump off of the swing and reach Isha's hands.

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