Chapter 7 - Enjoying the picnic

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Jimin suddenly running towards the lake. Isha was freaking out. He thought Jimin would jump up. He was jumping excitedly while looking at the swan. 

"Noona they so cute. can we have them. I want to keep as my pet." Isha about to scold him when he running out but she keep it. She knows that it's been a while the not going out. She takes a deep breath. She worried. 

She just glared at Jimin without talking any. Jimin suddenly realize that he do something wrong. "Sorry Noona. Chim just want to see the swan. He immediately hug Isha. "It's ok Chim. Don't do that again will you. I was so afraid. What if you fall into the lake?"

Jimin eyes start watery. He started to cry. "Sorry Noona. Jimin is bad right. Alway made noona angry. Jimin is burden right." Jimin was crying hard.

Isha speechless. She looked at Jimin and hugging him tight. She starts sobbing as he holds her. "You never been a burden to me. I told you so many times right. Never said that words again. You are so precious that people are blind not to see you kindness and sweetness inside of you." Isha caress his back and pat him softly. Jimin still hiccup from crying so hard. 

 "Please and never leave me, never bring up this issue again will you?" Isha continue. Jimin nodded and still hugging Isha tight.

They didn't realize that Yoongi watched them for so long. He so amaze with their relationship. Isha really care for Jimin and she feels that she should protect Jimin no matter what. 

"Noona, what happen? Hi minnie?" Yoongi ask. Isha wipe her tears and Jimin. Jimin pouted. 

"Jimin bad cause made Noona cry." 

"No you dont baby." Isha quickly stop him. 

"Hey, please we are on picnic. I bought a lot of food." Yoongi show his basket and hand it to Isha. He pulls out the blanket and stretch it on the grass. Pull Jimin to seat and helping Isha to serve all the food that he bought.

Isha make a plate for Jimin contain of sandwich, fruit and chicken nuggets and place it in front of Jimin. she saw that Jimin pouted while taking the plate. 

"Sweet is for desert baby. Noona promise you will have it if you able to finish this plate." Jimin chuckle and quickly eat his meal. Yoongi frown. 

"He will not eat any food once he take any sugar. that's why I ask him to eat this meal first. Yoongi nodded. He continued eating his food.

Yoongi looked how Isha treat Jimin. She so soft and he can feel he motherly touch and act. He looked at Jimin. suddenly he felt something. His heart beating. What with this feeling and he did not understand. "Hyung, let's go home. I'm sleepy." Jimin softly tap Yoongi shoulder while rubbing his eyes.

"Lets go Jimin." Yoongi smile.

They arrived home while Yoongi caring Jimin in his arm. He was sleeping soundly. Yoongi slowly put him on his bed, tug him in his blanket and put his plushie beside him. He slowly walking out of the room and sit on the dining table with Isha. Isha hand him a glass of water.

"No wonder I saw you can easily caring him Noona. He was so light. What kind of illnesses that he had actually?" Yoongi ask. He really hope that Isha will share something with him because he really care for both of them. They were his family.

"He having a stomach issue and due to eating issue. He was suffering and malnourished when first I found him. His adopted family abandon him and he did not eat for several days. He was so skinny back then like literally bone." Isha stop. She remembers how skinny Jimin was that time and She was taking care of Jimin mom. To ensure that she out from her depression due to losing her husband. Her eyes were watery.

" I'm sorry Noona. You know that you have me to lean on. I will not leave you. I will help you and taking care of Jimin. I only have you. We are family right?" Yoongi know how pain is that. He know Isha life is not easy and painful. He hugged Isha tight. Isha smile. 

"Don't be sorry Yoonie. Thank you for that too. I feel relieved right now. You can take care of Jimin too right is something happen to me?" Isha ask. 

"I'll take care both of you I swear. No one is allowed to leave me again. Not this time." Yoongi said. 

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