Chapter 44 - First time meeting Jinnie

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 Hoseok wakes up in the morning due to the alarm sound. He turned off the alarm and put back the phone on his bedside table. He just realized that someone was sleeping with him. He looks at the person that snuggles beside him under the blanket.

Hoseok smiled looking at the person. He gently ruffled her hair, giving a soft kiss on her forehead. He can't tell how lucky he was to be able to be with her. Hoseok slowly removes himself from Isha, and walks to the bathroom to take a shower.

He finished his bath quickly. He plans to make breakfast before Isha and the littles wake up. He starts with boiling water, and takes out some of the ingredients in the fridge. He plans to make a pancake, scramble eggs with bacon and toast some bread with it.

He was so busy with his cooking that he did not realize that Jungkook entered the kitchen. "What are you making Hyungie?" Hoseok turned to look at the voice owner. Hoseok smiled and hugged him.

"I made a pancake for you and Jimin. There is an egg with bacon as well. Go wash yourself, we can eat breakfast in a few minutes." Hoseok continued to stir his pancake mix.

"I've done mine. Mummy helped me. Now mummy helps minnie." Hoseok nods. Isha has already woken up. He sighs. He really hopes that Isha could stay for another day but He know that Isha might have to work and He also needs to go to his dance academy.

"Why Hyungie? Are you tired?" Jungkook looked worried. Hoseok smiled at him

"I'm ok bub. How about you go and call mummy and minnie so that we can have breakfast?" Three of them come within a minute to the dining table.

" Hyungie, Thank you for the food." Jimin and Jungkook said in unison. Hoseok and Isha smile at them.

"Do you have anything to do today?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes. I need to go to the office for a while as there is some issue with our magazine. Why dear? How about you?"

"I have a meeting with the headmaster of a different dance school. They asked if we would like to have a friendly dance competition. After that I'm free."

"Hyungie, can I not go with you today?" Jungkook asked with his pleading eyes.

"How about this, can you drop both of them at Yoongi's cafe today. Once my meeting finishes. I will take both of them home. I don't want Jungkook to get hurt again."

"Yes. I'm okay with that. Thank you dear." Little they didn't realize that both the little ones were about to jump up to the moon seeing Hyung and Noona being so affectionate with each other.

The breakfast was done a long time ago and three of them accompanied Isha to wait for her cab. Isha refuses for Hoseok to send him as they go the different way and she doesn't want Hoseok to be late for his appointment.

However, Hoseok insists on tagging along until the cab arrives. Isha gives three of them a hug and reminds Jimin and Jungkook not to disturb Yoongi so much while in the cafe and both of them reply with salute and say 'yes mem'. Isha laughs at them.

On the way to the office, Isha texts Yoongi to inform him that Hoseok will send Jimin and Jungkook to the Cafe and tell him a little bit of the story and to catch them later. They arrived at Yoongi cafe after a 25 minute drive.

Yoongi at the counter when three of them arrive. Jimin quickly jumps and hugs him. Hoseok just laughed at his demeanor. Hoseok places their bag on the table and walks to Yoongi with Jungkook clutching his shirt.

"Yoongi hyung, sorry for bothering you."

"Hobi-ah, you're never bothering me okay. I'm enjoying their company. Do you need anything to bring to the office?"

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