Chapter 25 - The Angel's Farewell

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Isha had just finished cleaning up when her phone rang, the screen lighting up with Hoseok's name. A smile spread across her face as she answered. "Hi, baby."

"Did you arrive safely?" Isha asked, feeling warmth blossom in her chest at the sound of his voice.

"Yes, I just put Jungkook to bed and tidied up. What about you?" Hoseok's voice was soft, a comforting presence through the phone.

"I just finished cleaning too. I'm about to go to sleep now," Isha replied as she walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before heading back to her room.

"Have you taken your medicine, baby?" Hoseok's concern was evident in his voice.

"I'm about to," Isha said, appreciating his care.

"Good, take them and go to sleep right away, okay? I'll call you in the morning to check on you."

"Yes, I will. You too, Hobi. Sleep tight. And of course, you can call me anytime. Goodnight."

"Go to sleep, baby. I'll miss you," Hoseok said, his voice filled with affection.

Isha chuckled softly, feeling a warm flutter in her heart as she ended the call. She took her pills, which she kept in the mini-fridge by her bed, and then got up one last time to check on Jimin. She smiled as she watched him sleep peacefully, brushing a gentle kiss on his forehead before tucking the blanket around him. She turned on the night light, ensuring he was comfortable, before heading back to her room. The day's events and the drowsiness from the medicine quickly pulled her into a deep sleep.

3rd Person POV

The angel watched over Jimin as he slept soundly, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he could no longer protect or play with him. He had always done everything in his power to keep Jimin safe, but now, it was time to say goodbye.

"Jinnie hyungie, why can't Noona know you're playing with me?" Jimin had asked one day, his innocent eyes wide with curiosity.

"It's because I don't want Noona to be afraid of me," the angel had replied, his voice filled with sorrow.

Only Jimin could see him, and the angel never understood why. There were moments when he thought Isha might have sensed his presence, but he dismissed them as wishful thinking. Now, standing by Jimin's bedside, he realized this was the last time he would see the boy he had grown to love so much.

"Jimin, please take care of yourself. Listen to your Noona. I won't be able to watch over you anymore," the angel whispered, tears slipping from his eyes, unnoticed until the pink dust from his wings gently landed on Jimin's bed.

With one last flick of his wand, the angel moved to another place, finding comfort in watching two brothers embrace each other in sleep. He smiled at them, his heart aching with unspoken love. His gaze lingered on the man he had once loved, a man who had forgotten him entirely. Those dimples still made his heart race, even though he knew their paths would never cross again. Despite not being human, the angel often wondered why these emotions lingered, why his heart still yearned for something that could never be.

At Isha's Place

Six months had passed since Isha and Jimin relocated, seeking to be closer to the friends and family they cherished. The move had been unexpected, bringing back people Isha never thought she'd see again.

She couldn't stop thinking about what Hoseok had confessed to her three days ago. How quickly had her feelings for him grown, despite the promises they made to take things slow? Even though they had known each other for years, the shift in their relationship had caught her off guard. The age difference between them had always held her back, but Hoseok's ever-present smile and caring nature were impossible to resist.

Isha hoped she had made the right decision. Deep down, she knew she needed someone by her side, just as she knew Jimin would always have Yoongi to rely on.

That morning, Jimin woke up feeling restless. The comforting presence of his Jinnie hyungie was gone, leaving a void in his heart. He noticed a small pile of pink dust beside his pillow and realized with a pang of sorrow that his angel had departed for good.

Carefully, Jimin scooped the dust into a little bottle, adding it to the collection of other specks he had saved from his time with his hyungie. "I'm gonna miss you, Jinnie hyungie," he whispered, closing the bottle and placing it gently in his drawer.

For the first time, Jimin felt truly alone—his angel had gone, leaving only memories and a lingering sense of loss.

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