Chapter 50 - Taehyung Outburst pt.2

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While in Jimin's room.

"Minnie... Kookie...!!"

"Taetae..." Jimin quickly wakes from his chair and hugs Taehyung first. While Jungkook was swallowing hard.

"How are you Taetae?" Jimin asked. While hugging Taehyung he makes eye contact with Jungkook to assure him everything will be ok.

"I'm good. See I had this coloring book for us. And this is a story book that you like and this is for Jungkook."

"Waaa this is so beautiful." Thank you Taetae." Jungkook said nervously.

"Taetae, yesterday we had a new sippy cup. Noona bought it for us." Jimin said try to distract him more.

"Really. You guys are so lucky."

"Hey, Noona didn't forget you too okay. She bought it for the three of us. So later we can have milk in our sippy cup." Jimin added.


Taehyung once lost his hand grip from Jimin and walked towards Jungkook. He threw himself in a bone crush hug. That is when Jungkook hiss as it happens to knock his wounded hand.

"What happened, Kookie. Are you alright."

"Yes." Kookie was smiling trying to hide the pain and move his hand to his back. However, he is so unlucky as Taehyung knew how to read his body language and quickly hold his hand and slowly move the hand sleeve and see a big dressing pad on his hand.

"Kookie...................." He shouted loudly before bursting into tears. Crying hard while hugging Jungkook.

Both Jimin and Kookie cry together but not as hard as Taehyung. Jimin motions to Jungkook that he will be outside and to call him if he wants anything. Jungkook just nods. He tries his best not to cry and caress Tae's back slowly.

"Do you hate me Kookie? Why do you do this again?"

"I'm sorry Taetae, I promise this will not happen again."

"Do you want to leave me like others? You don't love me anymore."

"No Taetae, I'm not leaving you I promise. I love you I swear. I just wasn't thinking right that time."

"You do not love me... You hate me... You promise not to do this.." Taehyung kept on repeating the same words. While Jungkook kept apologizing. He kept on caressing Taehyung back. Ruffle his hair with his other hand.

Taehyung eventually stopped crying. He still has some hiccups and tries his best not to cry again. He was finally able to pull himself from Jungkook's embrace. He dried his tears and did the same at Jungkook.

"Promise me this will be your last time." He told Jungkook while cupping his face.

"I promise."

"You seem tired. Let's lay down for a while ya." Jungkook said.

Back to the living room.

Namjoon is still cupping his face. He slowly looked at Hoseok's sad face. He then pulled him to a hug. It was so quiet until Hoseok felt that his shoulder was wet. Namjoon was crying and that was Hoseok most afraid off.

He was afraid that Namjoon was blaming himself for not being there and all. "Joon-ah. Trust me, this was no one's fault. We know Jungkook had the condition. We had done our best to take care of him."

"But I suppose to be with you. I'm not supposed to be so busy and to keep Taetae apart from Jungkook for a long time."

"Joonie, trust me, we did our best. It was not your fault and you had a lot on your plates. Too. Please don't blame yourself, okay. How about you taking a shower? We will discuss it more when we have time, okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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