Chapter 4 - Memory

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Yoongi POV

5 Years Ago.

"Hyung, you will not leave me right, I don't have anyone to rely on if you leave me." I crying so hard looking at my hyung. Heechul Hyung. Only he that I have after my mum dad passed away. 

I save my from my scary stepmother. I not because of him I'll be death by now. I know he was sick. and he did not show and share much about his illnesses.

"Yoongi -aah, You know hyung love you so much right. It's just happen like this. I don't want you to lose your hope. It's not that hyung will leave you forever. Hyung will always with you. In here." He pointed at my chest.

I immediately hold his hand. Keep it close to my chest to my heart. I can't take it. How I'm gonna to live if he left me. I can't do anything alone. I'm crying. My tears streaming hard. I hug him tight and buried my face on his chest.

"Everything that own by me was own by you. Please take care our cafe, our house. Someone will looked for you. but you have to take care of yourself. You still have Isha with you." Heechul ruffle my hair slowly. He then hold my face and kiss my forehead.

The heart machine beeping so slow. I'm so panic and screaming. looking for the doctor or nurse to help. He just smile but I know he in a great pain. The cancer sell has destroy all part of his internal system. 

"Hyung love you Yoonie." His eyes was close. tightly. He still smiling. I'm crying and screaming so hard until passed out.


"Morning, Yoongi oppa," I'm startled from the high pitch voice. I saw Yeerin putting all the grocery item that I order for cafe on the table. "When do you arrived, I did not hear you coming," I ask.

"I'll be here about 10 minute ago oppa. I don't know where your mind is flying too," Yeerin was laughing. I pouted. 

"I need to go first Oppa, Omma was alone at the shop. Sungmin oppa was out of town." She continue. 

"No wonder you the one that send this. thank you so much." I grab a cookies and give to her.

She was happily take it and wave a good bye to me. She so bright and cheerful person. She remind me to someone that I just meet yesterday. Jimin. He look so bright, but deep inside, I feel something which I can't describe it. I should talk more to Isha Noona.


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