Chapter 1 - Moving to the new house

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The drive from Myongwolgwan to Seoul takes less than two hours. The entire time they were traveling, Jimin was sound asleep. Their new home is in the Dasan-ro neighborhood.

Her employer made it a company initiative to assist her in locating a suitable apartment for her to call home. Her surroundings appear to be secure and uncrowded. She initially turned down the offer.

However, Mr. Choi, the company's Director, insists that she live here so that she may easily attend a meeting. Traveling every two weeks is a big challenge for her and her younger brother.

Furthermore, her brother's health was not in the best of shape at the time. He also made certain that their flat was close to the hospital so that Jimin could receive the finest treatment for his illnesses.

They were almost there, just a few steps away from their apartment. Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a cafe. Cafe Cherry. The cafe's name reminds her of her older brother, a volunteer who came every weekend during her stay at the orphanage.

"The cafe is quite popular in this area. You should try once whenever you free Miss. But please ignore the cafe owner. He looks so cold but he has a good heart." Said the driver while laughing.

She laughed as she listened to the driver. She gently patted his little brother. Finally, they arrived at their destination. She lets out a deep sigh. She truly hopes that this will be a better environment for them in the future.

Both of them were standing in front of the house while they waited for a worker from the moving company to bring all of their belongings inside. The apartment security guard approaches them unexpectedly. He introduces himself to both of them.

"Hello both of you. My name is Dongmin. I'm a security guard in charge here. Welcome to the Skypark Apartment."

"Hello Mr. Dongmin. My name is Park I-sha. This is my little brother, Park Jimin."

Both of them bow to Dongmin. Isha smiled towards him while Jimin was so shy and hiding behind her back. Dongmin laughed while looking at Jimin's behavior. "I hope you can look after us, Mr. Dongmin." Isha continued.

"Aisy... Please call me Dongmin Uncle. Both of you are just like my son and daughter. If you need any assistance don't hesitate to look after me." He said.

"Ms. Isha. Thank you for using our services. All your belongings are already in the house. Should you need further assistance, please call this number."

"Thank you so much."

They are both entering their new home. Her gaze darts around the place. It was a fully furnished apartment. No wonder his bosses warn him not to bring too much stuff when everything has already been provided.

A flat-screen TV with a sound system and a DVD player is mounted on the wall. The living area has a sofa and a small coffee table. The house appears to be quite clean. She feels relieved since she can now focus on unpacking the belongings they brought from the former house.

The house has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. There is one master bedroom with a bathroom attached. In addition, there are two further bedrooms that will share a bathroom, and there is a third bathroom close to the kitchen. It was pretty spacious for the two of them.

Isha made the decision to order dinner for tonight because they had not purchased any groceries. Moreover, they are both still worn out from their travels. She pulled her phone out and started looking for a restaurant delivery service.

She resumed ordering food and drinks for the two of them and paid right away. While she awaited the delivery of the dinner, she considered taking a shower. However, she believes it is preferable to have Jimin shower first because he always takes longer to finish his bath.

"Which room do you want, Minnie?" Isha asked. Jimin pointed at the middle room which was close to the master bedroom. "Minnie wants that bedroom." Isha nods.

She walks towards the room with Jimin's large suitcase. Compared to Jimin's previous quarters, this one was enormous. The room contains a built-in wardrobe, a king-size bed, and a study table.

Isha approached the bed and began to unload Jimin's suitcase. She asked Jimin to take off his clothing while she took her towel and his bathing kit. She then led Jimin to the bathroom, assisted him in washing his face, and requested him to take a bath. Isha pours enough body soap into the bathtub.

Jimin once poured so much body shower that the bathroom was swamped with bubbles. Since then, she has made it a point to prepare the bath for Jimin, as it was exhausting to clean it up after he finished his shower.

"Noona will put your pajamas on the bed. After you've finished your bath, make sure to thoroughly dry off before putting on your clothes ya."

"Okie, Noona."

Isha left her room after arranging Jimin's clothes and walked to the living room to retrieve her suitcase. Isha hurried to her room and immediately showered because the dinner she had ordered would be delivered soon.

Isha stepped into Jimin's room after showering and dressing. As she thought, Jimin still wasn't done showering. Isha went into the living room to wait for the supper she had ordered. Within ten minutes, the house bell started to ring. Isha rushed to answer the door and thank him for the food.

"Jimin, the food is here. Please finish your shower quickly." Isha shouted from the dining table. She shakes her head.

Isha yelled from the dining table. Isha sighed as she shook her head. She returned to Jimin's room. It appears like Jimin made an attempt to button his pajamas, but failed. Isha simply chuckled. Isha assists with the button and drags Jimin to the dining table so they can have dinner together.

They were simply silent as they finished their dinner. Isha occasionally glanced over at Jimin to make sure he finished his meal. When it comes to food, Jimin is very choosy. As a result, Isha will always wait until he finishes his food.

The first day in their new home went without any problems. Isha hopes that Jimin will be able to adapt quickly. After they finished cleaning their dinner, Isha helped Jimin brush his teeth and get ready for bed.

She has a lot to do tomorrow, so it will be a long day for her. They had to go grocery shopping and unpack everything. Isha hopes Jimin doesn't have any tantrums tomorrow. After a long day, they both fall asleep peacefully. 

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