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3rd pov:

It was a regular day for everyone. Everyone would do their usual things.

"Hilary wake up you already missed breakfast and you're definitely not gonna miss lunch!" Her aunt shouted causing her to wake up. Hilary groaned at this and decided to lay down for a few minutes before actually getting up and went downstairs to eat lunch with her aunt.

"You sure woke up late" her aunt stated. "Yeah well it's a saturday." She replied. "You have a lot of things to do be sure you get the house tidy up before i come home" her aunt stated. "You're leaving again?" She asked. "Yes. You're just another one of my responsibility im trying to avoid." Her aunt replied.

It's true though, ever since her adootive parents got into a car crash, she was left with her aunt. She obviously didn't want to end up in the foster system again so she really had no choice but to move to with her adoptiive mom's sister which was the only person who could legally take care of her.

After lunch, her aunt left straight away leaving Hilary in their house. Before she did all the chores her aunt left her, she decided to call her internet friend, Faith.

Faith lives in Australia while Hilary lives in New Zealand. Faith is also an orphan and was fostered. They only really wanted to foster kids for the money they're getting. They didn't really care about their foster kids well-being. At least they were kind enough to let them keep all their personal belongings.

Hilary and Faith met through their stan accounts on twitter. They have a lot in common, not just family wise but in music wise too. They also have the same beliefs.

"Hey how's it going?"
"The usual"
"Have you seen the new episode of iCarly yet?"
"Omg i forgot about that"
"Well good because I haven't either, wanna watch together?"
"Sure sure in 30 mins"
"Why 30 mins?"
"I have chores to do faith"
"Good point, oh well I'll wait for you then"

After their mini conversation, Hilary started working on with her chores. Man, her aunt really did left her with tons of chores. She was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen when suddenly a bright blue light appeared and dragged her in.


Hilary's POV
What the frick was that? I thought to myself. I started opening my eyes and rubbing my head as it was kind of painful, i might have hit my head when that thing dragged me in. It was dark and I was surrounded by people who looked to be around my age. It was dark and the only thing that lit up the place is this light hanging from the ceiling.

"She's awake" an unfamiliar voice said while poking my arm. "Hey" another voice said waving her hand infront of me. "Where? Where am I?" I asked. "We don't really know. From the last 10 minutes we've been here, a few more teenagers from different countries started to get teleported here" said the boy in the back of the girl who just waved her hand at me. "I'm Erwin by the way". Did he just say "from different countries"??? I was wondering why no one tried to at least get out of here when i noticed we're in like a prison or something.

"So we're trapped in here?" I asked. They all nodded in agreement. This is way insane for my liking. I really don't know where I am. I'm either dreaming or I really got dragged by that blue light. So I did what I thought the only thing was logical. I hit my head on the wall just for reality check which I regret instantly. Now I have a bruise on my forehead. Great. "Checking reality huh?" Someone said. Everyone started laughing but not too loud since we still didn't know where we are or who's outside the cell we're in. Since we didn't really know what else to do, we started introducing ourselves. Before we could do that, I instantly saw a familiar face.

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