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Hilary's pov

It's been two days, and within that two days was just sleepless nights. I haven't really been updated with what's happening since I havent really left the medbay, well at least that's what they thought. I'd sneak in the watchtower's cafeteria to get like a snack or just a sandwich then sneak back in the medbay. How do you think I have the energy to go on patrol with the batfam if I wasn't consuming anything?

The batfam and other league members, including their branches of teams, would check up on me every now and then, sometimes tried to initiate a conversation but I wasn't really in the mood for talking. Right now I'm laying in one of the beds in the medbay, eyes still shut. I just woke up anyways.

I heard chuckling near me and the usual sound of the heart monitor beeping. Curiousity got the best of me which made me open my eyes and get out of bed. Pushing away the curtain that was dividing the beds in the medbay, I couldn't believe my eyes. Jason and Faith both chuckling. Jason was sitting on a chair next to Faith's bed facing towards her.

Gaping at the joyous sight, I quickly jogged over to them and gave her a tight embrace. "I appreciate the exuberance, but can you please let go of me I can't.. breatheeee" she gasped. I quickly pulled away and she exhaled before giggling. "sorryijustmissedyousomuchandithoughtilostyouand-" "woah slow down" she chuckled once more, Jason joining in. "I missed you too Hil" she cheerfully stated opening her arms for a hug.

Jason then joined the hugging sensation, I raised a brow at him before bursting in to laughter with them, tears started to form but they weren't tears of sadness but rather tears of joy. "Haven't seen those smiles in a long time" said Jason.

"Sorry to interrupt your little reunion but Batman wants us to be in the cave. Said they've got an intel on Nanu." Pulling away from the hug we saw Cass leaning against the doorframe. Pushing herself up from the doorframe she was leaning on, she then walked over to us.

She gave us a sincere smile and stood beside us. "Glad to see you're awake." She told Faith. "And I'm glad to see you smile" she said facing me. I couldn't help but embrace her, she's been the one who's mostly checking up on me and Faith yet I've pushed her away.

"It's fine Hil" she pulled me close to her giving me a side hug. I was gonna ask why she said that but before I could even open my mouth she responded with "body language".

"Stay here ok? We'll tell them you're awake and you got your cheery self back" Jason stated facing Faith before looking at me. He then ruffled both of our hair before leaving the medbay with Cass while putting on his helmet.

Faith and I started chatting about how my days went by and how was hers. She told me how she saw her mother and almost took off with her towards a light. My heart skipped a beat as she told the story. I'm thankful she chose to stay, otherwise I wouldn't know what else I'd do or who else I'd blame. What we're excited about though, is getting Nanu back. I honestly don't know why it took them this long before they could even get a hold of her location, like aren't they supposed to be detectives? But then again, they're only humans.

After a bit of rambling, Red Hood entered the medbay once again. Walking closer to us before revealing Batman, Robin, Red Robin, Orphan, and Nightwing trailing behind him.
Soon everyone surrounded the two of us. Asking us how we are and all that kind of stuffs. After that, they started agreeing to leave the room and head to Nanu's location. Before they could leave I spoke up.

"I'm going." I told looking at them dead in the eye. "No." Said Batman with his usual batman voice that he uses to scare the criminals. "I want to help"

"You've helped enough."

Everyone is now looking back and forth as Bruce and I continued to argue. Gosh I haven't talked to him in two whole days and all we're doing is argue already.

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