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Faith's pov

Training with Bruce is not fun. At all. For the past two days he's been training us real hard. Taught us how to defuse a bomb if needed, how to escape handcuffs, how to pick a lock, basically all the things you need to know to be a vigilante or whatever. Now that we're not doing school for a little while, we now have time to do those things the whole day, also been training with Shazam, black Canary, Supergirl and Stargirl. So all day training.

Right now all of us are in the cave. Preparing for patrol. Yes it's Thursday already. We also customized our suits. I customized mine to look a little like Jason's, black leather jacket on with the suit that's the same as robin's except it's all black, it has a gray bat emblem in the middle. Black boots and of course, a domino mask. With my hair tied up in a ponytail. Oh and a gray utility belt with all the gadgets we need. Nanu's suit is the same as Nightwing, except instead of black and blue hers is black and gray, and instead of a bird, it's a bat emblem. She has her hair in a simple braid. Hil has the same suit as spoiler, except it's black. She wanted purple but Steph already has that so instead she went with the suit that was already given. And instead of a face mask she has a domino mask. She also had her techy arrows in her quiver that she carried with her bow. At least her bow and arrows are purple.

"Everyone ready?" Batman gathered us all and quickly briefed us before we go. "Nervous." I simply replied. Dick rested a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with reassurance.
"Nightwing will be in blüdhaven, take Faith with you. Spoiler and Orphan will patrol on the North part of Gotham. Red Robin and Hilary will patrol on South. Red Hood, take Nanu with you at the east end. And robin and I will patrol west. Rendezvous and exchange partners in between." Ordered Bruce. "Codenames?" He asked.

Hil and I both nudged Nanu to speak up for the three of us. She rolled her eyes with a grin on her face before stepping forward. "We decided that since we won't be doing this permanently, Just our initials will be good. So N, F, and H." She explained. "That's boring" Spoiler frowned. "It's good enough." Said Batman. And with that we all left the cave. Batman and robin on the batmobile. Spoiler and Orphan grappled away and the rest rode their motorcycles.

Dick swung his leg over the seat of the motorcycle and waited for me to sit at the back. I quickly held on to his shoulder and climbed up. When I got seated Dick started revving up the engine. "You might want to hold on" he suggested. I then wrapped my arms around his waist and soon enough we were going through the streets of Gotham. We were going really fast so I held tighter. The feeling of wind rushing through my face was relaxing. This is my first time I've actually ridden a motorcycle.

We then stopped and got off the motorcycle. Dick parked it somewhere near an alleyway. "Won't that get snatched or something?" I asked. "Don't worry about it, it has high tech security" he grinned. We then grappled to the roof of every building we can hop on. The sensation of jumping off then grappling to save your butt from falling is absolutely astonishing. We gave a few directions to people here and there and a kind lady even gave us a cookie. It wasn't poisoned don't worry. "F look!" Dick pointed out to an alleyway where a child is almost molested by drunk residents.

"Let's go!" I hurried. We grappled down and before they could even touch her I quickly kicked one of the dudes in the nuts. Sure I was trained to do better than just that but that seemed to be more effective to me. I then took out a taser and tased him unconscious.

"Fa- F behind you!" Yelled Dick as he kneed another guy in the guts like he was a breaking a wood or something. I looked behind me to see him sneaking up. I quickly grabbed his wrist and twisted making him flip to the ground. Once I got him lying on the pavement, I quickly took out my stun gun and stunned him. I put my weapon back in it's holster and brushed my hands. I then looked at the kid who seemed to be a bit shock still, standing on the corner of the wall.

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