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3rd pov

"Give up deathstroke!" Shazam flying towards deathstroke, pinning him on the wall. Deathstroke smirked kicked his chest with all his might and started running on the wall making his jump over Shazam facing Stargirl. Stargirl swung her staff, or her staff started attacking deathstroke more like. She was really just holding on to it. Blasting beams everywhere but deathstroke was good, he dodged every attack.

Deathstroke now atop of a roof looked down at the two young heroes. They were good, but deathstroke better. Not even the flash could beat him.

Deathstroke looked at the device attached to his suit on his forearm and furrowed his brows. "Hmm seems like my work here is done." He stated and with that he gave them a salute before smashing a smoke bomb and disappeared.

Before the mishaps happened to Orphan and Faith. Red Hood was with Arrowette and Supergirl. Fighting the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Cheetah at the very same place where Jason died.

They managed to escape and Red Hood, Arrowette, and Supergirl splits up to find them. Supergirl went after Cheetah, Arrowette went after Harley and Red Hood after Joker. At some point of their search Red Hood and Arrowette crossed paths, no luck whatsoever, Red Hood offered her to ride at the back of the motorcycle and rendezvous with Supergirl as they're no where to be seen. Leading them to the unfortunate events near one of the safehouses in Bosnia.

After Cissie snapping out telling them to rush back to the javelin meeting up with Kara.

"What took you so long?" Kara stated facing Cissie before leaning over to see Red Hood carrying Faith in bridal style with a cloth that's now stained with blood wrapped around her abdomen. Red Hood moved Kara out of the way and went in the javelin, placing Faith carefully on her seat and covered her mouth and nose with a ventilation mask connected to a machine. Trying to keep her alive.

"What happened? And who's that?" Supergirl now in the javelin with Cissie and Cass, completely puzzled with what's happening

"We'll explain on the way." Jason seated next to Faith often checking her vitals. Cassandra sat on the driver's seat and Cissie sitting beside Kara while the teen sat next to Cass. Cass then started pressing buttons and they took off, heading to the watchtower. "Hang on Faith" she said under her breath as she pulled a lever making the javelin accelerate. They began explaining what happened to Kara.

Bruce's pov

"It's over now." I growled at Luthor as I knocked out the last goon. We all faught the injustice league. "Where are the teens?" Superman demanded. The other villains were tied up, if not, unconscious. Luthor chuckled sinisterly and puts his hands up in defeat.

"It's not. We're just getting started." He then pulls out a tablet and stared at it, checking for something. He then tapped it, making a hologram of deathstroke appear.

"There may have been some casualties." Said deathstroke. "We lost one of our greatest warrior. The Greek girl. They got her."

"Damn it!" Luthor slammed his hand on the table behind him. "She was one of the best" he pinched the bridge of his nose. We were just standing right in front of him, observing. We could gather some information from their conversation. He then hung up and faced us once more. "Why bring them in to this mess? If you wanted to take something you could've done it without them" Hawk Girl spoke, referring to the teens who got kidnapped from their dimension.

"Oh bird girl, you see, the world functions on a higher level when it is controlled. We already had the weaponry and technology. We found the key to unlocking free will. We could've took over their world if I'm being honest, but where's the fun? What's the use? But here, ohoho, here we can see the downfall of your so called Justice League" he sneered.

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