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3rd Pov

Joker was pretty mad at Harley when he found out the first batch of teenagers escaped. The plan was to control their minds and make an army. They couldn't kidnap the teens in this dimension since the Justice League will find out about it.

After he had gather the 2nd batch of teens in one cell. He slapped Harley and let her out of the cell that the 1st batch was in. "YOU LET THEM GET AWAY!! THEY'RE JUST TEENS FOR PETE'S SAKE" He yelled. "I'm sorry puddin but this girl pulled me in and her friend did something to my shoulders to make me unconcious" Harley protested. "Well they are from a world where we are just comics, I shouldn't have underestimated them. Oh well better luck next time" He added and laughed maniacally. After the first batch of teens escaped, He made sure that the second batch won't.

He already destroyed the only dimensional teleporter that he has so no one could get in or out of their dimension. He started executing their scheme and held the teens hostage until they get all the info they needed and starts mind controlling them, making them the team's army.

Why teens you may ask? Well they kinda did a few testings on a few civilians in different ages. The mind controll chip never worked on any of them, if it did, it only failed, making them brain dead. But the teen, the teen survived every testing of the mind control chip. They were fully conscious but didn't know which part are them.

If you're wondering how he got a hold of that technology, well he didn't he's actually working with Lex Luthor along with other villains, seems like they're setting up an injustice league.
Basically while joker was busy dragging 20 percent of the other dimension's teen population, Luthor was gathering the other villains such as Dr. Light, Solomon Grundy, Ultra Humanite, Black Manta, Sinestro and other villains you can name. They were teaming up. Planning on taking over the world. Giving everyone tasks and Promising to give them what they want.

They could just take over the other dimension to be honest but they wanted to see the league fall. Destruction. And the only thing they'll cause in the other dimension is well chaos. No fighting etc. It would be too easy for their liking. I mean, where's the fun in that?

While the teens were still travelling to the cities they were assigned to as planned, hilary faith and nanu was still resting in Bruce's office. They were really tired with all the walking. They also created this friendship trio while they were wandering the streets of Gotham. Nanu got along with the two girls really quickly and found out that the three of them really had a lot in common, it's like they were destined to be friends in the first place.

The other teens however were still trying to get to the assigned cities. Fortunately for them, They were finally outside of Gotham and it was much nicer and less, crime like. It was less gloomy.

Bruce's Pov

I just finished patrol and it is 2am. Tim caught Catwoman stealing a very expensive gem as usual, while me and Damian fought the riddler. They were just robbing banks. I sent Tim and Damian to their rooms to go and rest. They did very well on patrol today. It's a little too peaceful in Gotham tonight and it's very suspicious. Although I would like to think all the villains are where they should be but I just can't help thinking that something isn't right. As I was to brush that thought off, my phone started ringing and I saw Dick calling me.

"Hey Brucey"
"What is it"
"Rude. But I'm used to it, anyways, might want to explain why there are 3 girls in your office?"
"Yeah I kind of wanted to see what I can borrow here and saw three girls sleeping. They seem pretty tired."
"I'll check it out."
"Cool I'll be going now byeeee"

I hung up and immediately went to the batmobile. "Going somewhere Master Bruce?" Alfred asked. "Yes. Can you please keep an-" "yes Master Bruce. I will gladly keep an eye out for the two young masters and get everything done before you come home" Alfred cuts me off. I smiled a bit at Alfred, it's the least I can do for everything he has done for this family. I arrived at the wayne enterprises and grappled my way up to my office. I entered my office and saw three girls around Tim's age resting their heads on my desk. One has a big purple bruise on her forehead.

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