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Faith's pov

I woke up to what seems like a hospital? I fluttered my eyes open to see Nanu resting her head on the bed. I sat up and looked around more. Seems like I'm in the med bay. The last thing I remembered was Tim and Damian fighting while Nanu and I trying to stop them. Why does my arm sting? I looked at my right arm to see it stitched up. Oh yeah, that. "Good you're awake." Nanu said while stretching her arms. "I don't get how you fainted, it wasn't like you were stabbed in the heart or something." She said in a joking tone. "Very funny Nanu." I said rolling my eyes. "How long was I out?" I asked. "Thirty minutes." She replied. Well at least we have more time to get ready for training. "I tend to faint when I see blood." I told Nanu. "So when on your peri-" "don't. Just. Don't" I cut her off.

"Where's Tim and Damian? And did Hil came back yet?" I asked. "If she was she would've been here with me. Tim was here a while ago but is now working on his homework while Damian is probably in the training room." She replied. She then filled me in with what she said to Damian after panicking about the whole me fainting thing.

"I didn't really mean to raise my voice at him, I just panicked." Said Nanu. "I don't think he understands the whole family concept. He sees Tim as his number one rival." She added. "I would like to talk to him." I said. "I'll come with, I need to apologize. Is your arm good?" She asked. "Yeah it's just a scratch." I replied like I wasn't just sliced and needed to be stitched. We chuckled and left the med bay and looked for Damian.

"I'll talk to him first." I said as we arrived outside the training room and saw Damian swinging his katana. Nanu nodded and I went in first. As I went in a sword flew past my head hitting the wall. "Oh Williams. You're awake." Said Damian getting out of his fighting stance. "Yeah" I awkwardly laughed. "Why are you here? You're not planning to assassinate me are you?" He asked raising a brow. "Oh gosh no, I'm not even as good as you...yet? Look I'm here to say that I fainted because of the blood that I saw coming out of my arm and I know you didn't mean to." I stated. "That's it?" Was all he said. "Yes and I forgive you." I said.

"Why? I didn't apologize" he asked. "Well were you going to?" I asked but he said nothing. "You don't have to tho." I smiled. "Stop being nice to me. I don't deserve it." He protested. How do I hug this kid without him trying to kill me? "Hey, listen to me" I said walking closer to him. "Even the most wicked person deserves kindness. I don't know what made you think that but you very much deserve it." I said calmly. Nanu then entered and stood beside me. "I'm sorry for raising my voice at you dami. I was just worried about faith. I shouldn't have yelled at you." She stated. "I would like to apologize too." Was all Damian said and left the room leaving me and Nanu.

"Should we-" "no just let him, he might not understand why we're being kind to him, maybe he's overwhelmed since it's different with the league of assassins and in this house." Nanu said cutting me off. I nodded and we left the room and went to the study hall where Tim is and decided to do our homeworks before training with the teams since we have a few more time to spare.

Hilary's pov

I saw the limo leave and Jason offered me to ride on his motorcycle. I was trying so hard not to show my overexcitedness. "No helmet?" I asked. "You'll be fine I'll keep you safe" Jason replied. "You better." I demanded. Jason helped me get on his motorcycle and he sat down in front of me. "You might want to hold on." He said as he started the engine. "I am holding on" I said holding on the back seat. "You'll fall" he said. "Fine." I replied wrapping my arms around his waist. "Hold tight" he said and with that we zoomed through Gotham.

"You're going too fast!" I yelled as my hair flying through my face feeling the wind. "This is just the average speed." He yelled back. "We're gonna die slow down!" I said clinging on to him. "Been there already." He yelled back. "I haven't!" I protested. I can feel him chuckling since my head is rested on his back clinging to my poor life as my gripped tightened holding on to his shirt. He smells good tho. "I thought this was supposed to calm me down!? This is just stressing me out!" I yelled as we zoomed pass every car. "Just enjoy the wind"

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