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Faith's Pov

Nightwing and I are riding his motorcycle on the way to BPD with me on the back and the little girl we just saved in between Nightwing and I. She hasn't woken up yet so I'm keeping her tight so she wouldn't fall. Right after this we're supposed to rendezvous with the others, guess we'll be running a little late.

We then arrived in the police department and Nightwing parked his motorcycle somewhere. Him still carrying the kid who's now awake. When we entered we saw tons of working police and detectives. We got to someone's office and there was a woman crying her heart out.

"Hey chief, we found this girl almost being molested by a bunch of guys and-" "Vanya!!" The woman cuts off Nightwing taking her child from him. The girl seemed shock since she just woken up so when she deciphered who the woman us her face lit up the brightest smile. "Mommy!" She returned the hug.

Dick puts an arm around my shoulder while watching the whole mother daughter reunion. "Guess our work here is done" he gleefully stated. The woman kept thanking us for bringing her child back. I want to know how she got there in the first place but I knew if I open my mouth, it'll come out rude than expected.

Nightwing and I got out of BPD and rode his motorcycle again driving back to Gotham to our rendezvous point. When we arrived, Spoiler and Red Robin were already there.

"Any action?" I chuckled. "Not much, H and I bumped in to Catwoman and we did got her and the goods she almost stole but escaped." Said Tim. "Orphan sliced up clay face disguised as a man. So that's pretty cool" Steph shrugged. "And right before this spoiler and I got a few fights with some thugs."

We then told them about ours and with that we switched partners. I went with spoiler. We grappled away, jumping from one roof to another, it's the most fun I've ever had to be honest. It's just starting to sink in that this isn't a game. And all of this is real life. I'm actually fighting the bad guys. I don't know wether to feel scared or not so I'll say I'm pretty neutral about it. Like, just keep on going.

Spoiler and I spotted an alien tech being shipped to a cargo truck. We both jumped down and quietly landed on our feet. "Penguin" I heard her mutter. "What?" I asked confused. "Penguin is the man behind this. He's the one we need to take down. Stop the shipment and I'll stop penguin." She demanded.

With that, we both got in to position, spoiler at the south waiting for this penguin guy and me on the east waiting for the right time to attack. After a few moments of waiting, I decided to swing my way to the shipment. I landed on one of the cargo and made my way to the front seat of the truck. I got in and waited for the driver to come in. When the driver got in, he didn't realized I was there so when he looked at me he quickly panicked. I grabbed one of my tiny switchblade that Nanu gave me and held it right on his throat.

I didn't want to hurt him or accidentally kill a man so I had to be careful not to show how nervous I am.

"You're the main man?" I asked still with blade to his throat.

"What are you a newbie?" He chuckled. I started pressing the blade closer but still cautious not to slice him.

"Alright alright I am, I am. Please, I have a family to provide." He pleaded, his sweat running through him.

"Your getting sweat all over my blade. Just stop and turn yourself in and make it easy for me will ya?"

"I c-cant"

I sighed deeply and quickly punched him on the nose and headbutted him making his nose bleed and unconscious while I felt a little dizzy. I brushed it off and went out of the truck.

There was standing a few thugs. I quickly doged every kick and hit they attack me with. I jumped on one of the thugs, arms wrapped around his throat and swung my body to the other two, hitting their faces with my heel and as I landed on the ground with my arms still wrapped in his throat, I dragged him down with me, flipping him to the ground and removing my grip from him.

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